You carry the boy

After Martha leaves her in the river, Wakana tries to swim to the shore.

The forbidden creatures drag her back in the river. It seems impossible to get out of the river.

Why are these things back in the river?

She kicks a creature's face, and then she summons her gifts on them, only to realize that she doesn't have her gifts anymore. After what the Monarch did to her, her gifts are gone along with some of her soul magic. 

At the bottom of the river, Wakana struggles for a long time to survive. She has to return to Choi Minho and find a way to live in the world along with him and their son. She will do anything that it takes. 

All of a sudden, she senses a strange pull. 

This is…

She knows this feeling. 

That goddess is back!!!

Along with the forbidden creatures, Wakana also resists the gravitational pull toward the goddess. 

But it seems like an impossible task.