Chapter 3


"Colonel Young, this is Volker. Can you come to the bridge immediately please?"

Hearing the radio call Young began moving towards the bridge.

Striding quickly onto the bridge of the ancient ship Young asked "What have you got for me Mr. Volker?"

Volker, Eli, Brody, and Dr. Rush all hovered over their respective screens trying to make sense of what was happening.

"Destiny received a Subspace signal and began transmitting massive volumes of data in return. We do not know where it's going, but we are certain it's not directed to a seed ship. Based on the data being sent we're certain of that." stated Rush.

"We're certain its maintenance logs being transmitted." said Eli.

Colonel Young pondered this for a moment. Had the blueberry aliens cracked Destiny's master code and decided to ascertain the material condition of the ship? Was this a prelude to another attack? Had the ancients come back to this plane of existence and decided they wanted their ride back?

Using the communication stones Young came to the conclusion that the situation was the result of some new discovery in the Milky Way. All that worry for nothing. Although this far out into the universe he was finding that rarely was worry ever wasted. With luck the SGC had found a way to get them home, or at the least supplies. Only time would tell.

Home World Command - three days later

"With the assistance of the Ancient shipyard's AI we have made leaps and bounds above the current capabilities of the 304 class ship. Combining both Ancient and Asgard tech we've found the best of both worlds. Unmatched firepower, unequaled defensive capabilities, and unparalleled power generation capacity. This new class of vessel represents a paradigm shift in the balance of fleet power in our corner of the universe. The compliment of X-302's carried has also risen to 60, in addition to the 12 Jumpers that can be carried. Imagine if you will an aurora class ship intermixed with an O'Neill class, and a bit of X-304 thrown in for good measure." said Dr. McKay to the assembled members of the IOA, Home World Command, and the Joint Chiefs.

"Is he always such a smug bastard?" asked an IOA member in hushed tones.

"He sure is." replied General O'Neill.

Smug McKay might be, but he had delivered an amazing new design. With everything performing as promised the new vessel was easily more powerful than anything the Asgard or ancients had ever launched.

Her hull was composed of a carbon, naquadah, and trinium mix. This was the strongest blended alloy known to the Asgard. Her fire power was composed of ten Asgard beams, six galaxy class lasers, 18 photon cannons, 34 rail guns, and 2500 drone weapons she was heavily armed. The very latest in Asgard hyper drives was fitted along with Asgard shield technology. Powering all this were ten neutrino ion generators and three ZPM's. Design changes had also been given to the X-302's. A naquadah generator had been added to power both shields and a cloak. The cloaking ability had also been given to the larger ship much like her older sister the Odyssey.

"Asgard ships possessed the ability to travel between galaxies in under a day. Now we too will have that same ability. These capabilities are in direct proportion to the mass increase of the ship though. This class will be roughly seven times the size of a BC-304 and roughly ten times the size of the Prometheus. After intensive simulation we have found the design to be without fault. These simulations show a single vessel could face off with four hive ships and have a high expectation of success with minimal damage. I should point out with this capability we now have the ability to reach Destiny without a stargate. Adequate power exists to bring Destiny home under tow in Hyper Space." said McKay before taking his seat.

The IOA members began to question how long it would take to put the design into production. They were less than pleased when informed that General O'Neill had given the green light one month ago to begin building the first two. It had been decided to put the ancient warships to use patrolling the Milky Way, freeing up the BC-304's for the Pegasus galaxy to operate with Atlantis which was slated to return shortly. This new class of vessel was destined for use outside friendly territory, and as a large capital ship in time of conflict. Nothing the Lucian Alliance had could compare in any terms. The total number of slated vessels for this class was set at 18. The class was to be named Athena.