Chapter 9

November Site

Construction had proceeded at a furious pace. The Asgard matter stream projection technology made it possible to create facilities on the habitable moon below with pure energy being converted into matter. The facilities in question began in a cliff face much like the destroyed Icarus Base, and proceeded deeper underground. When operational the November Site would house SGC rapid response teams, research personnel, and act as the staging area for joint Tauri/Asgard fleet operations in support of the Protected Planets treaty. An additional section of the facility would be added to train Tauri scientists in understanding Asgard technology. It was further hoped that the two races would work closely together to unlock the secrets held within the Ancient database.

Standing guard over the Asgard teams performing construction, and the science vessel that transported them was the Aurora Class ship Roma. Her long range scanners searched for any sign of the November Site's discovery. The Roma's sensors were powerful enough to detect a Lucian Alliance vessel even if cloaked. Fortunately no unwanted visitors were anywhere within this solar system. The Roma's sensors bloomed as the exogenesis device was launched towards the planet the November Site orbited. The Asgard had been very insistent the exogenesis device be used here.

Developed by the ancients during their time in Pegasus, the exogenesis device terraformed a planet using nanites. Power for the process was derived from the act of terraforming itself. Once deployed a world could be transformed in a matter of days instead of centuries. Use of the device was limited to worlds with no life since the device would destroy any life already present. The act of creating a habitat for new life must never be allowed to serve as a weapon.

Andromeda Galaxy

The Asgard High Council was in session at the request of friends long not seen. Holographic displays showed video playback of SG-1 battling the Replicators and Goa'uld. Further footage was shown of Tauri vessels engaging Lucian Alliance vessels in support of the Protected Planets Treaty. Following the viewing Supreme Commander Thor extolled the accomplishments of the Tauri. Taking his seat Thor was silent awaiting the visitors to speak.

"The Tauri have accomplished much in such a short amount of time. They are a very warlike people and this is a cause for concern." stated the visiting dignitary.

"When we informed you the fifth race had been found we did not speak in jest." replied Thor.

"Their newfound power will not corrupt them as it has corrupted so many other sentient races before them?" asked the visitor.

"Ambassador, we have found the Tauri to be an honorable people, humble in their new found preeminence in several galaxies. While they will make mistakes as all races do it is our duty to guide them to a deeper understanding in all things." said Thor.

"You are correct Supreme Commander Thor, as always. The Tauri may not be ready for their new role but it is indeed their role now. We will initiate contact in a place of our choosing and have made the Ascended Ancients aware of our intentions." finished the Ambassador

Disappearing in a purple flash of light the Ambassador was gone. With the meeting adjourned, Thor beamed to Freyr's location to ensure all was prepared for his fellow Asgard's trip to New Heliopolis.


Task Force 190 had arrived. The scientific staff of Atlantis were not overjoyed at the prospect of a much-expanded military presence but understood the need. Men, gear, supplies, and Jumpers were offloaded from the Hermes. The new Jumpers allowed Atlantis to have a full compliment of jumpers for the first time since the expedition had arrived. In addition to Jumpers was a new addition to expand the expedition's airborne presence. The MQ-9 Reaper drone was an armed unmanned aerial vehicle, capable of wide area surveillance and of employing the Hellfire anti-tank missile. This was just one of the many new systems the Task Force was adding to Atlantis. Also being added was the Fire scout armed helicopter UAV, capable of employing the Hellfire.

On the south pier were the Hammond and Daedalus resupplying. Colonel's Caldwell and Carter were busily comparing notes on recent engagements and finalizing plans for their planned wolf pack tactics this time out. Both ships would be linking up with the Ares for a sweep deep into Wraith controlled space. Currently the Ares was deploying monitoring sensors in different solar systems. This wouldn't be a problem as Colonel Sheppard had put the wolf pack plan together. The Sun Tzu and the Odyssey were sweeping systems in opposite corners of the galaxy at the moment. The Apollo was busy scanning every planet the Genii were known or suspected to frequent.

In the expedition commanders office above the gate room sat Richard Woolsey and the TF 190 commander Colonel Dean Frost. This new addition to the Atlantis family carried a reputation larger than life in the special operations world, having most recently commanded the famed but highly secretive Delta.

"Colonel Frost, I trust you and your men are settling in?" began Woolsey.

"That we are. We'll need seventy two hours to unpack everything and get squared away. We'll be operational in one week. My operations officer will be getting his brief from Lorne in the morning." answered the Colonel.

"My concern Colonel is how your troops are to be used. This expedition views force as a last resort. I'm sure you understand." Woolsey stated coolly.

"Mr. Woolsey, let me point out a few realities if I may. You are in a galaxy outwardly hostile to your presence. You have been attacked by multiple races. This facility and all within it are in a state of war. Twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, three hundred and sixty five days per year you are at war. I have been ordered to chase the enemy into the valley of death and if need be through it." replied Frost.