Chapter 11


The wolf pack tactics against the Wraith were a resounding success. Looking at the view screen Colonel Sheppard could not help but be pleased as he looked on the wreckage of several Wraith cruisers. The fight had been one of deception. The Hammond having been "found" by the cruisers and attempting to run with only sub light engines the Wraith had walked directly into a trap. The Daedalus and Ares decloaking while the Hammond turned around to face her pursuers, the three Tauri vessels had trapped the Wraith in a triangle of death. The rest as they say was history.

"Incoming message Sir." said the communications officer.

The holographic display appeared with the video feed. "Nice work Sheppard." said Larrin of the Travelers.

"It's still a weekend yet, you should see what I do during the work week." replied the Colonel.

"Some information has come into my possession that I think you need to hear." Larrin stated.

Colonel's Caldwell, Carter, and Larrin beamed aboard the Ares. Sitting down in the briefing room Larrin began to share the information she had. "Your attacks on the Wraith have affected a major change in their way of doing things. Eight hives and their assorted cruisers have run to a remote solar system on the fringes of the galaxy. We followed them and monitored their meeting with four hives already on station. Who commands those four hives you ask? Your pal Todd it looks like. It seems you killed their queens and they defected to him."

"If Todd is gathering this many ships it could be he is planning a run on Atlantis." responded Caldwell.

"Todd is smarter than that, and is scheming something. That's his style." retorted Carter.

"The Wraith are clustered around a single planet. We scanned the planet and found structures below oddly similar in energy readings to those Michael used." Larrin continued.

"Todd has designs of leading the Wraith, which he never made much of a secret. He has helped us in the past when it suited him to do so. I think we need a little meet and greet with our old friend and see what he has to say for himself." concluded Colonel Sheppard.

Vis Uban

In a brilliant flash of purple tinted energy the Ambassador found himself in the ruins of the never completed Alterran city of Vis Uban, in the Milky Way. The Ambassador remembered the city well from his previous visits during its construction. The galaxy had been so young and full of hope then. The Ambassador hoped those times would return Entering what was originally built as the capital building of the city white trails of light drifted around the high ceilings room, gradually taking human form.

"It has been many ages since we last met Ambassador. Thank you for granting this audience." said Melia.

"The last time we saw each other was shortly after you returned to Terra after abandoning Atlantis. It has indeed been too long. My people have honored our pledge to look after your progeny. They have overcome the challenges you placed in front of them and come out much stronger in the end." said the Ambassador.

"It was difficult to accept that such challenges as the Goa'uld must be left to temper our children into something harder. Freedom can never be savored though unless earned. I fear our children will never understand why it was done or forgive us." replied the ascended being.

"Now that they are ready for the next step my people feel the Ascended must freely interact with their children and earn their trust. Your policy of noninterference on the corporeal plain has not endeared you to them. Both halves parent and child must be reunited." said the Ambassador steadfastly.

"Not all agree with the route your people took in ascending and returning all together to the corporeal plain. Not all agree that our children are ready for our return. This process is a fragile one and must be handled with a light touch." answered Melia.

"The process will begin soon. Our time and place of contact with them has been chosen. The Asgard and Nox are aware of our intention if not the why. In seven days time we will meet at New Heliopolis." finished the Ambassador.


Orbiting the Genii home world a detailed scan was underway. It was noted that the estimated number of inhabitants was nearly half what should be expected. Detailed maps of the underground structures would soon be accomplished. Before beginning the scans Colonel Ellis had supervised the deployment of a stargate in the orbit of the planets furthest moon. As a career Air Force officer Ellis new his actions were just the first steps in a direct action plan. Leaving the bridge for his quarters Ellis wished they would just launch a Horizon and be done with it.

The White House

Lt. Colonel Paul Davis sat expectantly in the oval office for President Henry Hayes. It was rare when Davis visited the White House. In those rare occasions, it usually meant a crisis of some sort was unfolding. Today was not one of those events. A request had been relayed to the SGC via the November Site. General Jack O'Neill and Dr. Daniel Jackson's attendance had been requested by the Asgard for an off world summit of sorts. The Asgard had not been very forthcoming as to the topic of the summit, but then they rarely were. As the Presidential Liaison to the Stargate Program and the IOA, Davis was also expected to attend.

Entering the oval office with his usual charismatic smile President Hayes shook the hand of the Air Force officer he had come to depend on. "Good morning Paul." said the President cheerfully.

"Good morning Mr. President. The purpose of my visit is to inform you our off world allies have requested General O'Neill and Dr. Jackson to attend a diplomatic function off world. Nations attending are the Asgard and the Nox, although I suspect more will be present based on the tone of the communiqué. General consensus at the SGC is this is a meet and great to discuss enforcement of the Protected Planets Treaty." said Davies.

"I see no problems with them attending. The Asgard have given us so much I think it would be rather rude not to send whoever they request. How are things unfolding in Pegasus?" asked the President.

"Task Force 190 is on station and should begin their initial deployments in the next forty eight hours. Our Task Force Pegasus ships have done extremely well. We're seizing the initiative from the Wraith." answered the officer.

Overall thought the President, the universe was finally becoming more predictable. He had no clue how incorrect that statement could possibly be.