Pegasus galaxy
"Our vessels are not responding. Their weapons and hyper drives are no longer functional" responded Syn.
"Initiate the vessels self destruct sequence. Perhaps that will reduce our attackers shield generation ability" said Mimir.
No longer able to maneuver the seven Vanir spacecraft were adrift in orbit. On computer command each of the seven initiated a critical overload state of their power cores. In scant seconds the ships detonated in a mass of heat, light, radiation, and raw energy. While reducing the shield strength of the Asgard vessels it did no damage to them at all.
Appearing in the command center in the field of view of Mimir and Syn was the hologram of Aegir. "Continued resistance is not recommended. Surrender now and your lives will be spared" ordered Aegir.
"We see no reason to willingly submit to the wishes of the High Council" replied Mimir.
"As you can see from my changed appearance from your own, the genetic degradation issue we faced has been solved. Surrender now and these advances will be shared with you. I will not ask again" stated Aegir.
"Syn, activate the fail safe measure" ordered Mimir.
Within the subterranean facility energy capacitors and power generation units began to go into critical overload. When detonated the overload would destroy the facility and a large portion of the planets surface. A deep hum resonated throughout the facility as energy conduits began rerouting all available power into the energy buffers. In moments the Vanir would be no more. Refusing to let fate play a role in their future they instead would take their own lives.
Aboard Aegir's ship sensors picked up the massive energy buildup. It was clear what the Vanir had planned. When the Asgard had faked their demise a similar method for destroying Orilla had been used. Knowing how quickly events would unfold Aegir moved the control stone on his console. In twenty seven separate points in the underground bunker Asgard beaming technology transported their quarry to safety. Each of the captives beamed directly into stasis chambers that activated milliseconds after their occupant materialized. From the bunker below the computer core of the facility was also beamed aboard and placed within a high powered containment field.
"Depart for Atlantis, our mission is complete" ordered Aegir.
The four large Asgard vessels quickly jumped into the opening hyperspace windows. On the planet they left behind shafts of intense light broke the surface. With the crust destabilizing a massive energy field engulfed one third of the planet, destroying it. Once the core of the dying planet destabilized in was only a matter of seconds before a thunderous explosion tore what was left of the planet apart. All traces of Vanir society in the Pegasus galaxy were gone.
Sending a subspace message to Atlantis Aegir transmitted all data on the events of a few moments ago. His words were short. "Atlantis, it is done."
November Site
Within the confines of the November Site control room stood Thor. After a subspace message was received from Aegir confirming the capture of the Vanir Thor was pleased. Preparing his update on events for submission to the High Council he was silently thankful that a small part of the debt of gratitude his people owed the Tauri had been repaid. Still undecided was how to proceed with the Vanir. Asgard society had no equivalent of a penal system. Even Loki for his unauthorized experimentation with then Colonel O'Neill had been demoted to the lowest standing technician. Would the Tauri see that as enough for thousands of years of experimentation upon their own kind? These were the thoughts that raced through the Supreme Commander of the Asgard Fleet's mind while his report was transmitted via subspace to the Andromeda galaxy.