Chapter 33


Touring the massive ship Mallic smiled inwardly. With this ship he would lead his people into a new era of prosperity and conquest. The ships of the FJN were nothing in comparison. Bristling with weapons and advanced shields the mother ship was a flying fortress of power. This was the last needed piece of Mallic's plan.

"What of the Ha'Tak's I ordered constructed" asked Mallic.

"The first twenty-eight Ha'Tak's completed have been delivered already. A further ten will be complete ready for turnover with this ship. Construction will continue on the schedule you outlined" said the construction engineer.

"The design improvements I provided have been implemented as well" asked Mallic.

"Yes, all design alterations have been integrated from initial build moving forward. These new ships will have much greater shield strength, and increased destructive ability of the weapons. Retrofitting these design changes to our fleet of older vessels will take some time though" replied the engineer.

"The gliders I requested will be on board the mothership when it leaves" said Mallic in a way that wasn't worded like a question.

"They are already onboard" quickly said the engineer.

Quickly turning on his heels Mallic left the engineer to his duties to inspect his new flagship. Before his day was over the leader of the Lucian Alliance would visit two other planets with similar ship building operations. Very quickly the fighting ability of the Alliance was being increased. Lower level members of the alliance were not sure what the preparations were for, and that concerned them greatly.

Pegasus galaxy

Standing aboard the bridge of the O'Neill class ship was Tyr. Once known as the Norse god of war, Tyr was very much a soldier of the Asgard. On entering the solar system sensors detected unusual energy readings emanating from the seventh planet from the sun. Closing in for a more detail scan Tyr activated the O'Neill's detection evasion system. Tyr was more than confident the more advanced systems currently employed in Asgard vessels would easily overcome anything their Vanir brothers might employ.

Coming into orbit of the planet detailed scans began. The world was a frozen one, never having life sprout and thrive from its icy surface. The scanners detected faint traces of exotic radiation from deep within the surface. These traces were consistent with emissions from much earlier examples of Asgard technology. Quickly Tyr transmitted a message into sub space while moving to a greater distance away from the planet. It would not be wise to alert their prey that hunters were about.

Not even an hour passed before three hyperspace windows were detected opening within the solar system. Exiting these windows were the other O'Neill class ships within the Pegasus galaxy. Joining Tyr's ship, the four divided the planet into four quadrants with each covering one. Aboard the flagship, commanded by Aegir a message was transmitted towards the planets surface.

"Vanir forces, I am Aegir of the Asgard. Forces under my command are currently in orbit of your world. I request you respond to this message immediately" said Aegir.

"Aegir, this is Mimir leader of the Vanir. You are in orbit of a world outside of your sovereignty. Your presence here is not wanted nor warranted. I demand you leave orbit and depart this solar system at once" responded the leader of the Vanir in his video message reply.