Chapter 64


"What in the bloody hell is this" yelled Rush.

"It looks like our friends decided to try again. Eli target the group to starboard with the main weapon and fire" ordered Young.

"I'm on it" answered Eli.

Over the radio net Young ordered all security teams to expect imminent enemy contact. The already lowered main weapon beneath Destiny belched out eight rapid fire shots on the Ha'tak Eli targeted. The Ha'tak weapons were silenced for a brief moment while Eli re-targeted and fired three more bursts from the main weapon. While contemplating a third volley the Ha'tak shields buckled and the vessel broke apart into jagged pieces after a series of internal explosions ripped apart internal bulkheads.

"Keep firing on that group Eli" ordered Young.

"Colonel Young, I have an incoming wormhole" said the avatar of Destiny.

"Greer the gate is activating. Standby to be boarded" Young stated into the radio.

"Copy that" came Greer's reply.

In the hallway outside of the gate room Greer and the security teams crouched in defensive positions with weapons trained. Next to Greer appeared Destiny's avatar. The unspoken mental link between the soldier and the ship's neural interface quickly communicated Greer's commands. The chair download Greer had received now came into play as he used his newly acquired knowledge of security systems and protocols. Destiny carried out the given instructions quickly and precisely.

Seconds later two loud explosions rang out from the gate room. The Lucian Alliance learning from their past failure to capture the ancient vessel pushed through two concussion grenades the moment a wormhole was established. Seconds later the Lucian Alliance foot soldiers began to pour through the star gate. Standing before them was a lone figure; Destiny. With weapons trained on the sole figure before them the foot soldiers slowly advanced; with adrenaline coursing through their veins they barely noticed as their movements grow sluggish and more labored.

"Lay down your weapons now. You have no hope of advancing further" calmly stated Destiny.

As the star gate shut down eighty armed intruders stood with weapons leveled in the gate room. The front row of the gathering opened fire on Destiny's avatar. Bullets passed through the avatar with no effect. With a sense of shock the men emptied their assault rifles on the still standing man before them.

"As I said before you have no hope of advancing further. I will cease being subtle" said Destiny.

Seconds later screams erupted from the eighty men. Weapons fell to the floor as each of the men fell on their backs with vicious speed. Unable to lift even their arms the men laid on the deck as if welded to it.

"Colonel, the intruders are secured and the threat is neutralized" calmly sad Greer over the radio.

"How in the hell did you do that so quickly" asked Young.

"Easy, I just dialed up the inertial dampeners to seven time's normal gravity. They won't be getting off the deck anytime soon" answered Greer.

On the bridge Young didn't have time to smile about the victory. As Eli continued to fire the main weapon power was transferred from noncritical systems to shields and weapons.


"Shields are at eighty six percent and holding" said the sensor operator.

"Give me five shot volleys with the beam weapon on all targeted vessels" ordered Mitchell.

On the view screen Cam watched as the O'Neill class vessels maneuvered like fighters in a dog fight amongst the enemy fleet. As they attacked individual vessels neighboring Ha'tak's moved to engage the large Asgard ships. It was these covering vessels that Hermes engaged.

"Eckhart, the mother ship and the larger group are still hanging back. We need to push all three groups together to make better use of the drone weapons" said Cam into the radio.

"I agree. We can't risk splitting our ships up and I think they are counting on us doing just that" responded Eckhart.

"We've got the hyperspace window simulators out there. If we're going to use them now would be the time" retorted Cam.

"Do it" was Eckhart's reply

Aboard Hermes in the communications station a junior officer input the command to send a very discreet subspace message that would be picked up by the simulators. With the message received their internal ion generators powered up for two seconds before discharging an energy pulse that mimicked a hyperspace window opening. In the distance thirty two of these simulators fired off in unison.

Lucian Alliance Mother ship

From their standoff position Mallic watched as the battle unfolded. The inner two groups of vessels were taking heavy losses but he had expected as much. It was his hope that the inner two attacking groups would lower the defenders shield strength enough to allow the group standing at a distance the ability to move in and destroy the defenders with ease.

"Signal all vessels to launch gliders" ordered Mallic.

"Yes my lord. Sensors are detecting thirty two hyperspace windows opening" nervously said the sensor station operator.

"They are reinforcing. It must be Asgard vessels as the Tau'ri do not have a fleet with such numbers. Signal all standoff vessels to collapse on the super gate and attack. We can wait no longer" ordered Mallic.

"It will be done my lord" came the reply.

With a few quick commands Mallic opened a communications channel with the Tau'ri vessels he faced. In seconds the one known to him as Eckhart came on the screen.

"Tau'ri vessels, you are greatly outnumbered. Surrender now or be destroyed" commanded Mallic.

"From the looks of this battle so far I was just about to offer you the same deal" snidely replied Eckhart.

Mallic's temper flared at the insolence of the other mans tone. How dare he speak with the arrogance of an equal? With his temper boiling over Mallic's ability to maintain his long standing ruse failed as his eyes flashed in golden hued light. Knowing that he was discovered by this slip he dropped all pretenses and continued on in his booming Goa'uld voice.

"On your world rivers ran red with the blood of those who dared anger me. You too shall meet the same fate. I am Shiva, bow to your god" he boomed.

"That show's been in reruns for years. You'll have to come up with something better than that" chuckled Eckhart.

With a contemptuous sneer Mallic/Shiva closed the communication channel.