Chapter 82

With a nod of the head from Destiny's avatar the process began. Clamps locked shut over Ginn's ankles and wrists. Seconds later the headpiece swiveled into place and the temple contact points twisted towards her head until making contact along three places of the left and right side of the head. Power in the room flickered for a moment. Consulting the display terminal Rush was satisfied to see that information was indeed flowing into the mind of the young woman seated before him.

"The transfer will take seven minutes based on current download speeds. With the increased file size I have degraded the download speed by several orders of magnitude" stated Destiny.

"Yes yes" answered Rush absently.

"You are just as General O'Neill described to Supreme Commander Thor Doctor. I quite enjoy witnessing this for myself" said Heimdall.

"You don't say? And what did the good general have to say about me" asked Rush.

"I was not present for the dialogue but it was relayed to me that you are brash, motivated, difficult to work with, and brilliant. As I said I am quite enjoying seeing this for myself" replied Heimdall.

The two chair technicians both cringed while looking away and trying not to nod their heads in agreement while Rush simply stared at the Asgard in an attempt to find a reply of his own. For the first time in many years Rush found himself without a snide comeback and it unnerved him. While this exchange took place Ginn's eyes could be seen fluttering under the closed lids. As the download neared completion the eyes began to move from side to side beneath the lids at a markedly more increased rate. With a final flicker of the room lights the head piece swiveled away, the wrist and ankle restraints snapped to their open position, and the process was concluded.

Very slowly Ginn opened her eyes and looked around. A look of profound confusion was on her face which turned to shock upon laying her eyes on Heimdall. Seeing Rush looking at her this shock quickly turned to one of unease.

"Doctor Rush….what happened" she asked.

"We downloaded you into your new body my dear. Nothing to be alarmed about I assure you. You're among friends" said Rush soothingly.

"Where are we? I don't understand how this is possible" continued Ginn.

"You're aboard Destiny. During your time in quarantine we returned to our galaxy. You're docked in a shipyard near Earth" Rush informed her.

"Eli? Where is he? Is he ok" she asked worriedly.

"Eli is fine. I'm sure you'll see him shortly after a brief visit to Earth. After our last battle with the Lucian Alliance I'm sure they will want to speak with you to find out if a threat could still exist, but after that you and Eli will be together if that is what you wish" said Rush.

"It is. I'm so tired and I feel dizzy. I think I need to lie down" said Ginn clearly growing more exhausted with each passing second.

"Gentlemen can one of you please escort Ginn somewhere she may lay down" asked Rush.

Rising from his seat the technician nearest Rush quickly escorted the young woman out of the room slowly. A smile appeared over the scientists face when he realized that the process would indeed bring Amanda Perry back to him after so long of a wait. Without waiting for the technicians return the process began on the body of Amanda Perry. Clearly Rush was in a hurry to get this done.