Chapter 85


After the defeat of the Lucian Alliance forces at the battle of the super gate it had been decided that the problems that resulted in the battle had stemmed from this world. The Aurora Class vessel Frazier had been dispatched with several SG teams and a highly trained intelligence retrieval team. Their mission was to scour the planet below along with the structures the Goa'uld had built there so long ago. It was believed that data, equipment, and stronghold locations would be found there.

The search took place over a period of five days. Once the sensor jammers for the sprawling facility had been located turning them off had been a few computer commands away. With that accomplished the Frazier's powerful sensors scanned the entire planet, but found no life signs other than the Tauri teams below.

Moving from room to room in the gigantic facility much was discovered. The entire recorded history of the Goa'uld was among the first items recovered. Below ground a storehouse of collected ancient devices was found. The Goa'uld collected these devices when found with a religious zeal, but lacking the ATA gene rarely made use of them. In other cavernous storerooms sat catalogued examples of technology from many of the races the Goa'uld had enslaved or exterminated. With systematic efficiency everything encountered believed to be of value was cataloged and transported aboard Frazier. The shear volume of items meant Frazier was forced to make several trips to a nearby planet with a stargate to offload its cargo for transport to the SGC.

It was discovered this effort would take more time than had originally been allowed. A call had gone out to the Asgard for assistance. Until further notice vessels of the Asgard fleet and the Tauri fleet would stand guard over Tuat to ensure no one trespassed upon the abandoned world.

In the coming weeks many more recovery teams would arrive onsite to study every small detail of the former Goa'uld seat of power. It would take time and patience to fully unlock its secrets, but time was on the Tauri's side. In a movement of solidarity the Furling dispatched a delegation to assist their allies. Their assistance was instrumental in coaxing the Nox into assisting in the protection of the sight as well. Up until now the Nox had taken a hands off approach to events in the galaxy. It was hoped that the new trend of their involvement would continue.

Suspendisse Cursus

Dropping out of hyperspace the new Athena class vessel Yamato glided into orbit of the planet below. Recently out of her shake down phase this was to be Yamato's first operational deployment within the Milky Way. Once the deployment was complete Yamato along with the other newly constructed Athena class ships would be joining the Pegasus Group for frontline duty in the war against the Wraith. Yamato's commanding officer Captain Katsu Watanabe was a former submarine commander of the Japanese Defense Force. Through dedication to duty, tenacity, and a brilliant tactical mindset had Watanabe earned command of his nation's first space faring vessel.

Coming into orbit of the planet below Yamato's ultra powerful sensors began a full sweep of all below. Initial scans showed no structures above ground. Electromagnetic scans also turned up no detectable power signatures emanating below. Life sign scans turned up nothing more than animal life roaming the sweeping plains of the planet. The briefing given before their departure from Arkos station told Watanabe to expect their target to be heavily cloaked as that seemed to be standard procedure for ancient outposts.

"Continue scanning while I see to the SG team we will disembark" ordered Watanabe.

Making his way to the jumper bay the Captain pondered what awaited them below. Being relatively new to the SGC the Captain could only draw from the background information provided during his lengthy induction to the program. Whatever was down there should be exciting, but not nearly as exciting as his new command. Entering the jumper bay he found the team standing by next to their jumper in preparation for launch.

"Anything on the sensors Captain" asked Colonel Reynolds, the commanding officer of SG-2.

"The sensors have detected nothing. You have the data burst you will transmit once on the planet correct" asked Watanabe.

"That we do. With your permission we'll get to it" said Reynolds.

"Hai" was Watanabe's reply.

Seating himself in the left seat of the jumper Reynolds closed the rear hatch before bringing flight systems online. The jumper gracefully rose from the deck as the command was given to take flight. Passing through the energy shields that protected the hanger bays interior the jumper left the confines of Yamato and entered the harsh environment of space. Drive pods extended from either side of the jumper as it gathered speed and began its transition from orbit into the atmosphere of the planet below.

"Yamato, we are clear at this time. We will maintain hourly radio contact per the mission profile" stated Reynolds into his earpiece.

"I'm giving fifty fifty odds we don't find anything down there" said Staff Sergeant Mead.

"So then you're really saying that you give us a fifty percent chance of finding something down there. You realize that right" asked Doctor Mackenzie.

"You really know how to bring the mood down doc" quipped Mead.

"I'll maintain station at forty thousand while you transmit the coded signal" stated Reynolds.

"I'm already on it boss" replied Major Marcus Grant.