Chapter 92


"Incoming wormhole" said Chuck.

"Do we have an IDC" asked Lorne.

"Yes Sir, it's the Athosian IDC" replied chuck.

"Lower the iris shield" replied Lorne.

Standing at the railing overlooking the gate room Lorne watched as Halling, his son Jinto, and a woman he had never seen before stepped through the gate. With a smile Lorne descended the stairs to greet their new guests. The woman he noticed looked around the city in awe. Maybe it's her first time here he thought.

"Colonel Lorne, I apologize for coming but I feel you must be made aware of recent developments" began Halling.

"You've known me long enough to never need to apologize for coming Halling. So what's the recent development" asked Lorne.

"Allow me to introduce you to Allina of Dagan. Her planet is under siege from the Genii" stated Halling.

With a look of surprise on his face Lorne instructed Halling to take their guest to the conference room and have a seat while he gathered the command staff of the city. Ten minutes later seated around there guests sat Colonel Frost, Richard Woolsey, and Doctor Zelenka.

"Ok Allina, let's begin from the top" said Lorne.

Fifteen minutes later the story was laid at their feet in its entirety. Once again the Genii were trampling over the rights of a sovereign planet and its people. Even after the exile of their leadership the Genii had still not learned.

"They cannot be allowed to get their hands on the zpm. You called it a Potentia I believe" stated Zelenka.

"Colonel Frost, what are our options from where you are sitting" asked Woolsey.

"It depends on the force matrix they have at play on Dagan. Hostage rescue is in the purview of 1st SFOD. I would like to get one of our ships to do a flyby and take a looks first" replied Frost.

"SFOD? I'm not catching your meaning Colonel" replied Woolsey.

"The public refers to them as Delta" answered Frost.

"What guarantees do I have that you will not attempt to find the Potentia for your own uses" demanded Allina.

"We have no need for it as we once did. Much has changed since you first met Sheppard and McKay" responded Zelenka.

"Allina let me assure you that our only concern is the security and welfare of your people. This act of aggression on their part will not go unanswered. We took mercy on the Genii after their last atrocity at the behest of the Coalition of planets. We will not make that mistake again" said Woolsey reassuringly.

"Mr. Woolsey, I know you need to report this to Washington right away. While you're doing that I am going to get my boys prepped, along with several UAV's. Lorne, I'm going to need you to contact Sheppard and have a ship diverted here right away" ordered Frost.

As the group broke up to carry out their tasks Amelia came to collect Allina at the direction of Lorne. The woman looked exhausted and had clearly been through hell, but looked around at the scenery of the city in absolute awe.

"Let's get you something to eat before I show you to your quarters. You'll be safe here and can stay until this situation is over" said Amelia with compassion in her voice.

"I never dreamed I would one day be in the city of the ancestors. This is amazing. Will I be allowed to see the city for myself" asked Allina.

"It's pizza night, so let's get you fed and in some new clothes first. Then I'll give you the tour" replied Amelia with a wink.