Chapter 104


On the bridge of the Athena class vessel sat Colonel Young. Reviewing mission data the Colonel made notes for preparations needed for the next thirty six hours of combat. Massive air campaigns like the one his 302's were involved in took amazing coordination and logistical effort. Young knew that lives on the ground would depend on the effort he put forth now.

Out of the corner of his eye from his commanders chair Young noted a purple tinted light shine for a brief moment before being replaced by the form of a man. Looking in that direction Young saw standing before him the form of a man he had met before billions of light years away. The tall and well dressed man nodded his head and smiled when he and Young locked eyes. Rising from the command chair Young briskly strode towards his guest.

"Ambassador Dorin, always a pleasure. Welcome aboard the Ajax" said Young while shaking the Ambassador's hand.

"It is a pleasure to see you again Colonel. Please accept my compliments on your new command. Ajax is an impressive vessel and it's good to see her in such capable hands" smiled Dorin.

"Will you be staying long" asked Young.

"With your permission I would like to stay for the duration of the conflict you find yourself engaged in on the planet below. I promise not to make a nuisance of myself" confided the Furling dignitary.

"May I enquire as to the purpose behind your request" asked Young.

"As your ally the Furling feel strongly about supporting you in this endeavor. I am here on behalf of my people and the Four Races as liaison. I must also confess a keen personal interest in seeing a successful conclusion to this conflict. Your people are engaged in a humble and honorable mission" stated Dorin.

"Please settle in and enjoy your time onboard. With the operational tempo we'll be running for the next few days I can't say how much if any time I'll have to spare" replied Young.

"My intention is not to interfere in the conduct of your duties Colonel. Please carry on as if I was not here. Should you need my assistance in anything at all please feel free to ask. During my time here I will not be aboard your vessel at all times as I have a number of questions that must be answered and those answers can only be found on the planet below" said Dorin.

"Airman Thatcher will show you to your quarters then. I apologize Ambassador but I must get back to prepping the air tasking order" apologized Young.

"I thank you Colonel. Please go back to what it is you must do" replied Dorin.

Before Young could cast another glance in the ambassador's direction the Furling along with the Airman directing him disappeared into the corridor. Picking up his Ipad Young dived back into the mission planning application on his tablet.


Fifty thousand feet above the surface of the planet was a lone jumper. Flying in a wide race track patter the craft effortlessly glided through the sky. This jumper was far different than those found on Atlantis or Borealis. From outward appearances they could be mistaken for the same craft, but inside it was a different matter all together.

The rear bay of this jumper contained four individual work stations of flat panel displays, along with individual communications capabilities. Piped into these work stations were the findings of the jumpers sensors. This in effect turned the jumper into an airborne warning and control aircraft that could be used to orchestrate complex airborne battles with each Athena class vessels compliment of 302's. Sensor capabilities for ground detection also allowed for the jumper to provide the same function for ground troops and maneuver groups. Following lessons learned by the US Air Force with the AWACS and JSTARS in exercises and combat these capabilities now made their debut in Pegasus.

Currently three work stations were being used to quarterback the massive air campaign. The forth work station was also manned but being used to track ground targets and organize the 3rd ACR's drive towards contact while also providing crucial intelligence of enemy intentions. Glued to their display screens each of the combat controllers sat hard at work conducting the symphony of war unfolding beneath them.

"Pancake flight you are at the initial point. You are cleared to begin your attack runs. Be advised you have UAV traffic ten miles to your northwest" one controller called out over the encrypted communications link.

"Pancake? Colonel Sheppard has a sense of humor. First he had Waffle flight, now Pancake. Five dollars says before this is over we see a Twinkie flight" laughed another controller.

"Desperado lead, shift target package to alternate. Come about to heading zero four six and make your speed nine four five knots indicated. Contact once you reach the initial point" called out a third controller.

At the ground control work station the operator sat staring intently on the display before him. Genii mechanized units were on the move throughout the area of operations. Slowly the tactical picture was taking shape as to the intentions of the enemy commander. From the look of it the 3rd ACR's three maneuver groups were still undetected as no enemy units were moving to intercept or take up blocking positions.

"Brave Rifle Six this is Dark Star. Enemy detection of all Brave Rifle elements is no joy at this time. Nearest unfriendly armor is three zero miles to your north" called out the ground controller.

Watching his screen the ground controller took note of the refueling operation on the ground. A complex but highly coordinated dance of combat and logistics vehicles was taking place. This last minute pit stop would ensure the entire regiment had sufficient stores of fuel to push on towards the forward edge of battle area, and allow for breakthrough maneuvering once enemy lines were breached. Scrolling the pointer on his screen over an advancing line of vehicles the ground controller prayed a silent prayer for the vehicles advancing in front of the first maneuver group. These vehicles, under escort by regimental attack helo's raced ahead to emplace their M777 howitzers at pre-selected locations. East of the group on a parallel heading sped the regiment's detachment of M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System vehicles, also under escort by armed helo's.