Chapter 118


As medical teams cleared refugees safe for travel a steady stream of Tollan's was loaded aboard jumpers for transport to one of the vessels in orbit. The first group leaving the wrecked planet consisted of five hundred individuals. At her insistence Travell would be among this first group to depart, as would be Narim.

The last jumper to depart for orbit carried these two aboard. Seated in the two seats behind the jumper's pilots Travell and Narim watched through the forward viewing port as the jumper climbed skyward. Looking down upon the landscape below, they saw first hand the fate of Tollana. Wrecked mountain ranges, forests in the distance charred, and a capital city laid to waste. The sight brought about sickened feelings in the two Tollan's.

Exiting the atmosphere the jumper achieved orbit with little effort. In the distance could be seen the six vessels of Task Force Guardian. Passing closely abroad the Hawking Travell and Narim gazed in wonder at the Copernicus class vessel. Nothing the Tollan people had ever deployed came close to matching her size or power. Seeing the weapons turrets affixed to the upper hull of Hawking Travell began to frown.

"That's a warship" she said with some amount of displeasure in her voice.

"No ma'am that is a science vessel" replied the pilot.

"Young man I can see the weapons platforms on the ships hull. Do not pretend it is not a warship" Travell protested.

"I promise you ma'am the Hawking is a science ship. In the distance you'll see the Essex and she is a warship like no other" beamed the pilot with pride.

Looking off into the distance could be seen the fast approaching form of the Essex. Close abroad could be seen her sister ships the Hood and Yamato. The design was unlike anything the Tollan's had every come across, much like the recently passed science vessel. Being much larger than a Ha'Tak the Athena class vessels exuded technological superiority in their form and function. The amount of weaponry that could be seen mounted to her hull also spoke of her lethality if provoked.

Coming in towards the port side fighter bay the jumper crossed the energy field that was the bay's barrier from the lifeless void of space. Setting down gently the jumper's rear hatch opened allowing the Tollan's to exit the craft. Waiting at the foot of the ramp was a lone Lieutenant. Firing off a smart salute the young officer escorted the newly arrived refugee's to the ships mess hall where a late lunch was being served to those just arriving.

"Where do you intend on taking us young man" asked Travell.

"For the time being our orders are to relocate your people to the alpha site ma'am" replied the lieutenant.

"I wish to communicate with our allies the Nox. They may be able to better accommodate my people" replied Travell.

"That will be possible upon our arrival at the alpha site as they will have a delegation standing by" answered the young officer.

"How far away is our destination if I may ask" inquired Narim.

"Eight hundred light years Sir" answered the lieutenant.

"It will take weeks to cover that distance young man, and I wish to speak with the Nox now" objected Travell.

"Again ma'am, the Nox will be standing by when we arrive. Our estimated travel time is four hours. We could make it faster but we are allowing for preparation on the other end for our arrival" replied the lieutenant.

"Do not patronize me young man. Earth possesses no such technology to travel at such speed" counted Travell.

"Chancellor, look at the ships we saw in orbit. Much has changed it seems" added Narim.

With the last of the initial wave of refugees aboard the Essex beamed down another load of supplies to the planet below. Once this was achieved preparations for departure were completed by the highly competent crew. Breaking free of orbit and passing Tollana's two moons the Essex opened a hyperspace window and accelerated into it.


Exiting the active stargate, a lone jumper sped across the open plain. Their destination on the now abandoned world was the abandoned city of Emege. Once a hub of activity and learning for the ancients, Emege later fell into the care of the Athosian people before being abandoned once more. Hundreds of years earlier following an exceptionally brutal culling by the Wraith, the Athosian's had abandoned their great city and regressed into a tribe of hunter gatherers. That tribe passed down from generation to generation the superstition that return to the city would bring about a return of the Wraith to their world.

Upon their arrival in the Pegasus galaxy the first Atlantis expedition had ventured away from the city ship in search of a zpm or sanctuary. The destination of the first Pegasus off world team was also the home world of the Tauri's staunchest ally within the galaxy. Despite the perils they faced, the Tauri and Athosian's had tied their futures together.

Much had changed since those first initial steps through the gate to this world. The Athosian's with assistance from their ally had taken steps to advance as a people. Their understanding of the galaxy around them grew leaps and bounds. Were it not for the arrival of the Tauri the Athosian's may have never believed it possible to resist the Wraith, but upon learning this fight back they did. In reprisal for their resistance the Wraith had decimated the world of Athos. The once heavily forested world even now recovered from the onslaught the Wraith had unleashed. Slowly the forests would return, and the cycle of regeneration would continue until nature had reclaimed this world once more. Despite the ferocity of the bombardment subjected upon Athos the city of Emege had remained untouched in the hopes that life to be culled would return one day.

The greatness of Emege was clear to any who laid eyes upon the city. The curved towers and stained glass spoke of the ancient design ethos. As a culture that had built everything big Emege was a testament to the culture that constructed the city, even if it was far from the awe inspiring majesty of Atlantis. Landing on the rooftop of a low structure the jumper took station beside two other jumpers that had arrived hours before. Upon lowering the ramp the jumper's occupants' began unloading the multitude of crates they had brought with them that were destined for the containment chamber below.

Within the low sitting building, seven levels down from the rooftop where the jumpers lay was the containment chamber room. Inside this room were an ever growing number of crates, and a small staff of replicators created on Atlantis to assist with the task at hand. These replicators went about installing what would soon be the heart of the newest Arcturus system. Power conduits were also being installed that rivaled those found on Atlantis in their power delivery efficiency. Once installation of all systems was complete testing would begin. The two days until that time would be an agonizing wait for Eli.

With Janus assuring Eli that he would deal with the instillation effort the young man found himself free to catch up with friends he hadn't seen since their return to the Milky Way. With his ever present smile on his face the young man exited the building to join the team walking the streets of the city.

"Eli! Good to see you. By the way Chloe asks that you don't blow all of us up with this experiment of yours" joked Scott.

"Looking good Eli, been working out" asked Greer.

"No one is going to blow up, I hope. And yes I have been working out, got to get in shape for Ginn" replied Eli with a smile on his face.

"How's your buddy Rush doing" asked Greer.

"I actually haven't seen him since we got back. The last I heard he was still aboard Destiny. Kinda surprised he hasn't stolen it yet and left" said Eli.

"Yeah well Rush being Rush I'm sure he'll find something to keep himself busy. I for one am just glad he's not here with us" added Scott.

"You got that right brotha" Greer chimed in.

"So what are you guys working on here? Doctor McKay didn't have much to tell us about all this" said Scott.

"We're working on the ultimate power source. If this works it will make the power generators on the Death Star look like nothing. McKay tried to make it work once and blew up a solar system" laughed Eli.

"That reminds me, you're big into Star Wars. You and Teal'c should really get together. He's watched it atleast five times since we got here" said Scott.

"I for one don't mind his taste in movies. He makes great popcorn" stated Greer.

"When we get back to Borealis I'll watch it with him and see if the force is strong in that guy" jokingly said Eli.

"Well don't make him mad. He's mean with a staff. Just ask Greer" teased Scott.

"He kicked my butt something but good. How am I supposed to ever admit that I got the schooled by a one hundred and thirty year old man? That's just embarrassing" admitted Greer.

"It could be worse. You could have gotten the take down from Lieutenant James" smiled Eli.

"Now that I wouldn't mind. What do you think Lieutenant" asked Greer with a grin.

"I um, yeah I don't know what you're talking about Sergeant" blushed Scott.

"Really? You and James? That's impressive" further teased Eli.

"Eli, I swear if you ever tell a soul I'll toss you off a building myself" said Scott.

"Or you could just order me to shoot him. In the backside of course since I like you and all Eli" said Greer with a malicious grin.

"Sometimes I wonder why we're even friends" laughed Eli before returning to the containment room.