Chapter 120


The city of Shambhala continued to take shape. In its current state the city could easily rival the square footage found in New York, but building would continue for some time. Much thought had been put into who would have overall command of this new sprawling city. After careful consideration it was decided that one person shone brighter than the rest of the competition and Camille Wray was given the posting.

To say Camille was surprised at the offer of a command was surprising. To say she leaped at the opportunity would be an understatement. With her intrinsic understanding of people Camille knew she would thrive in this most important of off world postings. After her show down with the IOA she had doubted an opportunity to ever again venture off world would present itself. The day General O'Neill had inquired as to her interest in this posting Camille had found herself once again believing in bureaucracy once more.

When she had arrived at Shambhala few personnel were to be found. In the days after her arrival that changed greatly. Camille now found herself at the helm of a staff of five hundred personnel. The security detail did not fall under her command, and for that she was thankful. Within a week of her arrival supplies meant to bring the city to life began to arrive. In sporadic points across the city zpm's were installed, energizing the power conduits for the first time. When word reached the city that the people of Novus would be relocated here Camille gave thanks that the collection of buildings would finally become a living and breathing city.

The actual relocation of the Novan's was an ongoing but orderly affair. As they arrived Camille had visited a moment here a moment there with the descendents of Destiny's crew. The level of reverence each had for her was shocking. Moving forward she would look over these people as if they were her own children.

Notification that a further eight thousand people would be calling the city home came as a surprise to Wray. She had assumed the Tollan were killed to the last man. Her main worry now was how to handle the mishmash of cultures and the assorted disagreements that were sure to follow.

Standing in the Gate Room of the great city was a recent arrival from Earth. Upon seeing the man Camille was surprised but glad to see him. Walking towards him with an extended hand to shake she smiled as the two met.

"General! It's a pleasure to see you here. Welcome to Shambhala" said Wray in greeting.

"Hello Camille. Looks like you've got your hands full. Place looks great though, love what you've done with it" replied O'Neill lightheartedly.

"The Novan's are getting settled in nicely. I suppose it helps that I'm a historical figure in their culture" grinned Wray.

"That always helps I'm sure. The reason I'm here is the Tollan's should be arriving any minute" said Jack.

"I'm aware. You didn't have to come all this way for that when I could have easily handled them" replied Wray smoothly.

"Ever deal with a Tollan? Actually I doubt you have" stated Jack.

"Can't say that I have, but I did get the chance to review your mission reports regarding them" answered Wray.

"The mission reports don't sum it up as well as I would like. The reason for that is the Air Force frowns on the use of four letter words and other profanity in official reports. Let's just say you're in for a time with a few of these people" added Jack with a smirk.

"Oh wonderful" sighed Wray.

Seconds later the stargate activated. Exiting the wormhole with her ever present yet humble smile was Lya of the Nox. Seeing the two individuals standing near the gate she approached them.

"Lya how's things" asked Jack.

"Greeting's O'Neill, Nayfrayu sends his tidings also" replied Lya.

"Hello Lya, I am Camille Wray. Welcome to Shambhala" said Wray warmly.

"Greeting's Camille, it is my honor to make your acquaintance. I wish to thank your people for the rescue of the Tollan people. It is the hope of all the Nox they adjust to their new surroundings in this city you have constructed" said Lya.

"Let's just hope they got the ego thing under control during their time in the woods" replied Jack.

Tapping her earpiece Camille listened for a moment before muttering a reply. Turning back to the two individuals in front of her she began to speak.

"The Essex just dropped out of hyperspace and is establishing orbit. They will be beaming down the first wave of Tollan's in a minute, starting with their Chancellor" Wray stated.

"Ok, let the fun begin" muttered Jack.

In a silver flash of bright light Travell and Narim appeared before the three individuals waiting for them in the Gate Room. Looking around with some amount of shock the two Tollan's attempted to ascertain just how they had arrived within the city in fractions of a second.

"Chancellor Travell, Narim, always a pleasure" said Jack in greeting.

"It is good to see that you are now safe. Welcome" added Lya.

"Welcome to Shambhala. I know you have questions and concerns. Might I suggest we continue this conversation in a conference room" suggested Wray.

The five individuals stepping out of the Gate Room walked the eighty feet to a transport booth identical to those found on Atlantis. With a push of a finger against the display screen the five were transported to another building. Exiting the transporter the five quickly found themselves in a comfortable conference room. Taking seats the discussion quickly resumed.

"How were we whisked to this place from the vessel that brought us here" demanded Travell.

"Technology" replied O'Neill refusing to elaborate further.

"This place is not Earth. To where have you brought us" further demanded Travell.

"You are safe now" interjected Lya.

"You are in a city named Shambhala. We have brought you here to call this place home if that is your wish" replied Wray.

"Thank you would have been nice" added Jack.

"This is not architecture consistent with your level of technology" objected Travell.

"Much has changed" replied Jack.

"Clearly you salvaged this city then" said Travell.

"We did not salvage this city. We built Shambhala, and its construction is ongoing" protested Wray.

"I fail to see how that is possible" protested Travell.

"Chancellor, the Tauri are granting you and your people sanctuary. Is now not the time to give thanks" asked Lya.

"I am thankful, but demand that we be given honest answers when questions are presented" replied Travell.

"You want to go there fine, we'll go there. The hard and fast of it is the Goa'uld threat is no more. We took care of that" replied Jack somewhat crossly.

"There are many hundreds if not thousands of Goa'uld in this galaxy. You eliminate one, but what of the other System Lords" demanded Travell.

"Perhaps I wasn't clear enough for you. We destroyed the Goa'uld that attacked your world, and then took the bat to the System Lords. They are gone, this galaxy is free of them, they are no more" stated Jack very clearly.

"I fail to see how that is possible. Time and time again you requested technology to defend your own world from this threat. That such a primitive people could defeat the System Lords is highly dubious at best" retorted Travell.

"What the General says is true. This galaxy is free of Goa'uld oppression. The Tauri have liberated the peoples of this galaxy" replied Lya.

"Case in point we destroyed the Goa'uld, and the threat after that, and the threat after that, and yes the threat after that. We're on to liberating galaxy number two now, and a third is in the works. But what do I know, we're primitive after all" quipped Jack.

"Then should I not expect requests for Tollan technology that I will be forced to decline" asked Travell.

"I think you can count on us not asking for your technology. In fact we don't want it. A lot of good it did you anyway" countered Jack.

"So this technology you make use of is not originally of your own" asked Travell.

"We've had some help along the way I guess you could say" hinted Jack.

"As I thought, you advanced your races technology with that of other races. Might I inquire how it compares to Tollan technology" asked Travell.

"Our current level of technology is far out of the grasp of your people at the height of your civilization" replied Jack.

"Now that we are equals perhaps a trade can be arranged" suggested Travell.