Chapter 123


With the departure of Atlantis for the Milky Way the Borealis expedition found themselves as the central hub of military, scientific, and diplomatic efforts within the Pegasus galaxy. Even though this would only be a temporary position during the absence of Atlantis many duties existed to be filled.

Ten days earlier a subspace message had been sent to the Traveler's informing them of a new rendezvous location. Having never before seen or heard of Borealis they unwittingly thought Atlantis had once again been relocated. The revelation that a second powerful city ship existed would shake them to their core.

Having arrived ninety minutes earlier the Athena class vessels Essex, Yamato, and Hood were currently in geosynchronous orbit of Boreala, with the two Traveler Generational ships in tow. While waiting to transfer their charges to their new owners the Athena class vessels beamed down personnel and supplies to the city ship below. During this process a lone Goa'uld cargo ship exited the jumper bay of Essex and descended to the city that waited on the oceans surface. Its pilot was eager to see several familiar faces that she was sure were ecstatic over her arrival in this galaxy.

Moments after the Tel'tak landed on the south pier of Borealis a handful of vessels exited hyperspace high above. Having tracked the vessels approach through hyperspace the expedition was prepared for their arrival. Exchanging messages between the Essex and one of the newly arrived ships, transport for one of the captains to the city below was arranged.

Having been alerted an hour before Daniel Jackson stood in the conference room ready to receive his expected guest. Unsure of what to expect Daniel had taken the time to review the previous mission reports that detailed every encounter thus far with the Traveler's. After this period of study he felt ready for whatever might be thrown at him. In a dazzling flash of light a leather clad woman appeared in the conference room before him.

"Hello, I am Doctor Daniel Jackson" he began.

"Hello Doctor Jackson, you may call me Larrin. Will Mr. Woolsey be joining us" asked Larrin.

"I'm afraid he won't. He and Atlantis were called away temporarily" conceded Daniel.

"We're standing on Atlantis" countered Larrin.

"I'm afraid we're not. Let me welcome you to Borealis. I'm assuming Woolsey didn't tell you of the existence of more than one city ship" asked Daniel.

"No, he most certainly did not" grumbled Larrin.

"Well, now you know so the cat's out of the bag" replied Jackson with an awkward attempt at humor that came off charming nonetheless.

"Secret's seem to be something your people have no shortage of" replied Larrin somewhat put out.

"Yes, well. As I'm sure you noticed in orbit we have kept our side of the agreement you reached with Mr. Woolsey. The vessels are newly constructed to the specifications you gave. I'm assuming you brought sufficient crew to pilot them home" asked Daniel.

"We did. What of the other item's we requested" countered Larrin with a question of her own.

"Ah yes. In the cargo area's you will find pharmaceuticals and other medical supplies. The remaining balance of items to be delivered will be provided when you nominate a planet to establish an on world colony" said Daniel.

"On behalf of my people I will agree to that stipulation. A location will be provided within the week" replied Larrin.

"Then all that remains is to formalize the alliance. I have with me several documents that do that. All that is required is your signature. One set of documents we will keep for record, and the other will be for your people" said Daniel.

Looking over the document Larrin pondered for a moment if she should press for more than she had negotiated for the first time. After all, the man before her was not Woolsey.

"Now would be a good time to point out my people expect more than we originally agreed to" suggested Larrin.

"As the expedition commander here please be aware that I am fully briefed in on the original agreement. On my world we have a saying and that is you only get one bite at the apple" replied Daniel with a warm smile.

"Where do I sign" asked a clearly frustrated Larrin.

On the south pier of the city the Tel'tak had landed. As the pilot exited the small Goa'uld cargo vessel she stopped to breath in the salt air of the ocean around her while enjoying the warm sun on her face. Without looking around she failed to notice the man that waited to greet her.

"Vala Mal Doran, it is good to see you once again" said Teal'c with a slight nod of his head.

"Muscles, darling! I expected Daniel but you'll do nicely" smiled Vala.

"Daniel Jackson is currently attending to diplomatic matters. The shock on his face when he learned of your arrival made clear his enthusiasm to see you also" replied Teal'c.

"This place is marvelous. An entire galaxy at my feet, just imagine the possibilities for a girl in my position" hinted Vala.

"I believe your duties will preclude the opportunity to resume your favorite off world past times" replied Teal'c calmly.

"I'll find some fun for us yet Muscles just wait and see" replied Vala with a wink.