Chapter 127


Sitting in the command chair on the bridge of Destiny, Colonel Davidson reveled in his new command. Like a kid with a new toy the Colonel found he couldn't contain his enthusiasm for the mission to come. That would come all in good time. For now Destiny and her eager commanding officer glided through space, at incredible speeds courtesy of the recently upgraded FTL drives.

This jaunt out into the galaxy was the first of several planned evaluation exercises. In the hopes of getting a better feel for Destiny's newly increased capabilities the ancient vessel was being put through her paces. All systems aboard would be pushed to their full designed abilities and then some before the evaluation exercises came to a close.

With a majority of opposition fleet units eliminated at the battle of the super gate the Tauri high command felt confident in allowing Destiny to traverse the galaxy unrestricted. For this first series of tests Destiny found herself following a course that brought her within close proximity to the FJN planet of Chulak. After exiting FTL the vessel would recharge in Chulak's sun before continuing on towards the November Site.

"The increase in efficiency of the FTL drive is remarkable really. We're running a pace several times faster than Destiny was capable of when we first found her" remarked Rush from his seat at the front facing control console.

"FTL function is performing at optimum efficiency. We will reach our recharge point in five minutes at our current velocity" confirmed the avatar of Destiny.

"Thank you Destiny. Well Doctor Rush, the ancients knew how to build them" conceded Davidson.

"We'll exit FTL near the seventh planet from the sun. A final aerobraking maneuver to adjust our heading and speed will occur ten minutes after exit. Then we recharge" added Rush.

"Understood" replied Davidson.

"I am detecting a subspace beacon within the target system" stated Destiny.

"Is it encrypted" asked Rush.

"No Doctor, the beacon is broadcasting an unencrypted repeating subspace beacon" replied Destiny.

"Put the message on the overhead speakers Destiny" ordered Davidson.

After listening to the message twice Colonel Davidson and Rush exchanged a look. This message and it's conflicted with current Tauri intelligence estimates greatly. The Colonel, showing initiative decided on a course of action to follow in an instant.

"We can deviate to another system to recharge Colonel" suggested Rush.

"No, remain on course. We'll shake the tree here and see what comes of it" replied Davidson.

"Are you sure that's wise Colonel" asked Rush.

"If I didn't know this man's father I wouldn't take the chance. Captain Heinz, send out a reply to the beacon following the instructions it provided" ordered Davidson.

"What about weapons Colonel" asked Rush.

"Bring the weapons online but leave them in standby. Captain Heinz fire off a bust message to the SGC and tell them what is going on. They'll want to know about this also" replied Davidson.

Three minutes later a reply came in from the SGC. General Landry wanted them to proceed into the system, and investigate the authenticity of the beacons message. Seconds after the messages receipt Destiny greatly decelerated and exited FTL. Gliding through the system her sensors peered out into space, searching for any potential threat that might be waiting for them.

"I have a ship on sensors, it's moving to intercept. Looks to be an Al'kesh" called out Captain Heinz.

"An Al'kesh has nothing like the weaponry required to penetrate Destiny's shields" stated Rush.

"I agree. Continue on course" replied Davidson.

"New contact! I've got a smaller vessel, under cloak. Based on size and cloaking capabilities estimate contact is a Tel'tak. New contact is veering away towards a parallel course. Al'kesh is closing" called out Heinz.

"The incoming vessel is signaling Colonel. I will display the message on the overhead screens" stated Destiny.

Looking at the overhead screens the message began to play out. The man speaking was clearly Jaffa, from the System Lord marking he bore on his forehead, to his traditional Jaffa armor.

"Unknown vessel, you are entering sovereign territory of the Free Jaffa Nation. Leave this system immediately or you will be fired upon" warned the Jaffa twice.

Watching the message and looking around at the others on the bridge Davidson gauged the tension in the air. Deciding it was beneficial to complete his new mission from Landry the Colonel replied to the incoming message.

"Jaffa vessel, this is the Tauri vessel Destiny. We recognize your claims of sovereignty over the planet of Chulak, but do not honor your sovereignty over this entire system. With respect to freedom of navigation we will proceed on our current course. Any attempts to interfere with our passage will be viewed as a hostile act and be dealt with accordingly" replied Davidson to the Jaffa.

Knowing the Tauri were far superior technologically, and seeing the massive ship in front of him in comparison to the Al'kesh the Jaffa broke off his intercept course. Engaging his sublight drives the Al'kesh moved swiftly away towards Chulak. Still running parallel to their course was the cloaked Tel'tak.

"The cloaked cargo ship must be our friend that left the beacon. Send a subspace message that they are to form up near us under cloak" ordered Davidson.

Without response the Tel'tak complied with Davidson's wishes, as was confirmed by sensors. After five minutes the Colonel decided it was time to get to the bottom of the mysterious subspace beacon once and for all.

"Unknown vessel, this is Colonel Ian Davidson, commander of the Tauri vessel Destiny. Please identify yourself" he said in the subspace broadcast.

Two minutes went by without reply. Those on the bridge began to suspect it might be a trap, or some other form of Jaffa subterfuge. Still, a large part of the Colonel hoped it was not what the others suspected. The moment that thought lanced through his mind the overhead screens were illuminated with an incoming message.

"Colonel Davidson, I am Ry'ac of Chulak, son of Teal'c. I come as a messenger of peace" said the young man.

"Ry'ac, be aware that an informal state of war exists between our two nations due to the actions of your people. I advice you to not take any actions that may be deemed hostile in nature" replied Davidson.

"I bring word of what has transpired within my nation. As your long time ally the Free Jaffa Nation seeks no battle with the Tauri" replied Ry'ac.

"Son, your people beheaded our ambassador. That is not the act of an ally" countered Davidson.

"Elements within the now deposed regime of Yat'Yir undertook those actions on behalf of the Lucian Alliance. After your defeat of his forces and those of the Lucian Alliance a state of civil war has raged on among the worlds of the Free Jaffa Nation. Everyday we come much closer to restoration of our chosen form of government, free of the Lucian Alliance warlords" stated Ry'ac.

"Were you not your father's son my government would not deem you worth listening to. Teal'c has done much for my world, and out of respect for that we have given him safe harbor. What is it you want" asked the Colonel.

"We have done much to punish Yat'Yir and those that follow him. We cannot do it alone. On behalf of my people I request Tauri assistance in restoring our government so that a return to normal relations between our two peoples is possible" intoned Ry'ac.

"I cannot authorize that, but will pass this information to those that can. In light of the danger to your safety do you require we return you to Earth" asked Davidson.

"No Colonel, I must stand and fight alongside my people. Tell my father a great battle rages on in his name. The transgressors will not go unpunished. Please Colonel, take what I have said to your leaders. They alone can turn the tide towards democracy for the worlds of the Jaffa Nation" finished Ry'ac.

"You have my word this will be delivered into their hands. Someone will be in contact with you, using the system you requested on your beacon. Do you have anything you would like passed along to your father" asked Davidson.

"Just tell him I fight for him Colonel."