Chapter 133


General O'Neill, after a lengthy petition process to the President, stood within the ancient shipyard with someone he felt truly deserving of this visit. Beside the General stood Ann Druyan, the widow of the very famous Carl Sagan. An academic of some note herself, Ann had assisted in Sagan's widely acclaimed series Cosmos, a program seen in over sixty nations. Seeing the Arkos facility, Ann was in awe at all before her.

Heading for the second level, Jack and Ann walked past the nearly completed Daedalus class vessels, and the docked Copernicus class science vessels. While she knew that someday man would take to the stars in great numbers, never had she suspected that it would be underway during her lifetime. Coming to a stop in front of one of the science vessels, the two took in the view in front of them.

"I never imagined anything like this for mankind in my lifetime" said Ann, somewhat stunned.

"We've come far in a few short years" Jack conceded.

"How have you managed to keep this a secret" she asked.

"That hasn't always been easy. To be very honest, I sometimes wonder how we've managed it also" answered Jack with a wry grin.

"Does this vessel have a name? I won't be surprised if you say Enterprise" Ann said with a chuckle.

"I fought for that name for years, but no. Ann, May I present to you a ship with a proud name; the Carl Sagan" said Jack humbly.

"If only Carl had lived to see this. His dream right here in front of me" Ann whispered with a trace of sorrow for her late husband.

"What if you could see him again? Would that be something you would want" asked Jack.

"When my husband died, because he as so famous and known for not being a believer, many people would come up to me-it still sometimes happens-and ask me if Carl changed at the end and converted to a belief in an afterlife. They also frequently ask me if I think I will see him again. Carl faced his death with unflagging courage, and never sought refuge in illusions. The tragedy was that we knew we would never see each other again. I don't ever expect to be reunited with Carl" said Ann with pain in her voice.

"Let's go aboard. I have someone I would like you to speak with" said Jack.

The two made their way down a flight of stairs to the embarkation platform. Crossing over the threshold into the ship, Ann looked at her surroundings with excitement approaching rapture. Each passageway brought a new question and surprise. Entering the bridge, Jack offered his guest the captain's chair which was accepted. While see looked at the control panel on the chair, a lone figure walked up to her left.

"Ann, I have someone I would like you to meet" said Jack with care in his voice.

Looking up first at the General, Ann turned her head and with wide eyes looked upon the figure standing there. Seeing the tall and smiling man, tears began to roll down her cheeks. For a moment she was breathless before recovering somewhat.

"Hello Ann" said the avatar of Carl Sagan.

"Carl…" Ann whispered.

"It is a pleasure to see you" said Carl.

"Not a day goes by that I don't miss you" Ann said with tears flowing down her face.

"I must explain. My appearance is modeled after that of your late husband" explained Carl.

"I don't understand" replied Ann.

"I am the visual representation of the onboard artificial intelligence. In tribute to your husband, I was given his appearance. I am the embodiment of this vessel" explained Carl.

"I understand. Carl would have been honored" answered Ann.

"It is I who is honored. Your husband was a pioneer. As I venture among the stars, I strive to live up to my namesake through discovery on a frontier he dreamed of. The things I have witnessed I only wish I could share with you" said Carl.

"Carl, please show her around and let me know when I'm needed. I'll go and give you two some time to get acquainted" said Jack before making his exit.

Elsewhere within the shipyard, technicians of the Tauri and Asgard were aboard the recently captured Ori vessel. As systems were examined and explored, full design specifications were downloaded for further study. During this, systematic repairs were being performed. Damaged power conduits, shield emitters, and hull breaches were repaired by the arachnid repair bots. In the coming weeks as repairs were completed, the full capabilities of the captured vessel would be discovered. The opportunity was being considered an intelligence coup of epic proportions by multiple races.

On the lowest level of the shipyard, the beginnings of a new vessel were starting to take shape. The recently cleared city ship cradle would in time come to hold a vessel impressive to any who encountered her. Like her sisters Atlantis and Borealis, the city ship taking shape would be home to many as she journeyed throughout the stars. Her name was to be Videum.