Chapter 144


In the Borealis database, the planet was known as M3S-419. Having a toxic atmosphere incapable of supporting even the most basic forms of life, the planet was uninhabited and singularly lacking in life. For this reason, the ancients chose this planet to build the underground facility that Janus had clued the Borealis expedition in on.

After verifying the facility was intact and free of danger by Lieutenant Scott's team, Daniel Jackson had ordered other teams through the stargate to scout the sprawling complex. Wishing to join in on the discovery, Daniel had selected a few expedition members to accompany him to the newly discovered prize that awaited. Recognizing her genius from the moment they met, Chloe was an obvious choice for Jackson. After receiving word from one of the scouting teams that the data found in the facility appeared to be medical in nature, TJ was soon invited along.

With TJ firmly ensconced at a data terminal, Daniel and Chloe began to wander the empty halls of the facility. For many hours the duo explored the in and outs of the rooms they encountered. Sadly, none of the rooms lent any evidence as to the purpose of the facility. The mystery began to deepen to untold and frustrating heights as the radio sounded.

"Doctor Jackson, this is TJ. Can you come to my location? I may have found something but it doesn't make any sense" TJ said over the radio.

"We're on the way. What did you find" asked Daniel.

"I've found an entire section within the database on chromatin proteins and histones reorganization" replied TJ.

"TJ, I'm a doctor, but not that kind of doctor. I'm going to need you to explain that a bit" replied Daniel.

"Basically, this deals with DNA structures" replied TJ.

"OK, we're coming to you. Be there in a few minutes" said Daniel quickly.

Daniel excitedly motioned for Chloe to follow him. As the two quickly retraced their path through the complex, Daniel began to mutter quietly to himself. Not knowing what was happening, Chloe began to worry slightly.

"Are you ok" she asked.

"Yeah, great in fact. Why do you ask" asked Daniel in return.

"Well, you are talking to yourself" Chloe explained.

"Sorry, I do that when I'm thinking sometimes. I think I might know what this place is" replied Daniel.

"Care to fill me in" asked Chloe.

"Did you watch the tapes I made for new SGC members" asked Daniel.

"Oh, those. Um, yeah" she responded somewhat uncomfortably.

"You thought they were bad too. And no, that isn't a question. Didn't anyone like those things" Daniel asked more to himself than anything.

"They were informative though" answered Chloe with an awkward smile.

"Yeah, right" replied Daniel skeptically.

"No really, they were. So what am I missing" asked Chloe.

"Ok, in the Milky Way the ancients after suffering a great plague used a device to reseed the galaxy with life. That device we found on Dakara, and it came in handy a number of times before it was destroyed. When the ancients arrived in Pegasus, they seeded the galaxy with life. So we always knew that a device like the one in the Milky Way was here somewhere, we just didn't know where to look. We didn't even find a reference to it in the Atlantis database, and trust me we looked. I think we're standing in the facility where that device is" excitedly explained Daniel.

"Um, neat I guess" replied Chloe.

"Try not to get too excited" replied Daniel while rolling his eyes.

Several moments later, the two arrived at TJ's location. Standing beside TJ was Master Sergeant Ronald Greer. The two were chatting and laughing about something when they noticed Jackson and Chloe's arrival.

"TJ, search the database for pulse wave transmission and tell me what you come up with" ordered Jackson.

With a few quick keystrokes TJ began her search. Within second's page after page of ancient text appeared on the screen. Along with the text came diagrams of a large wave emitter, and other technical specifications.

"I knew it! I was right, and that's so nice when it works out that way" exclaimed Daniel.

"Right about what Doctor Jackson" asked Greer.

"This facility is what the ancients used to seed life throughout the galaxy" explained Daniel.

"That's better than a boom box" commented Greer offhandedly.

"So let me get this right. This facility spread life throughout Pegasus" asked TJ.

"Yep, pretty much" replied Daniel while looked at the pages of data.

"How sure are you of that" asked TJ.

"Oh he's pretty sure" replied Chloe.

"Yep, what she said" said Daniel rapidly.

"It was in the tapes" added Chloe.

"Oh, the tapes" said TJ grimacing.

"The tapes, great" added Greer with a forced smile.

"Really guys? Were the tapes that bad" demanded Daniel.

"Um, well, uh" could be heard from the group.

"Oh come on! Were they that bad" again demanded Daniel.

"Yes" came the reply in unison.

"You know what; I don't even want to talk to any of you right now. Dial the gate, I'm going home" ordered Daniel with a somewhat dejected tone.

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