Chapter 147


Over the period of the previous four days a steady stream of ferry pilots from the combined air forces of the United States, Great Britain, Russia, Canada, Japan, France, and Taiwan had flowed in and out of Arkos station. Pilots of the seven nations served the task of ferrying the hangers full of already complete F-302's to Earth. As each of the nations air forces were reequipped with the new craft, other nations would be granted access to the design as well. Refitting the major air forces of the world would take time, but with the incredible industrial capacity found aboard Arkos station the needed time would be greatly diminished from what would otherwise be expected.

Also being transferred to Earth in great numbers were large numbers of jumpers. These jumpers would fill a variety of rolls once delivered. Initial deliveries of jumpers would be placed into a military and government service. Later deliveries of jumpers not equipped with weaponry would find their way into other quasigovernmental use, and be loaned to aerospace researchers for further study.

In the midlevel 304 construction sector of the shipyard a new and unforeseen crew was acquainting themselves with their nation's newest vessel. When construction was begun, this 304 was intended for service with the Chinese government under the name Zhang Sanfeng. The unexpected fall of the communist regime in mainland China had lent itself to a need to restructure off world activities, making possible the Zhang Sanfeng's transfer to another nation.

The nation in question was one that had ship ownership been proposed months earlier would have brought about massive protest from the Chinese government. With that obstacle now a thing of the past Taiwan was being admitted into the so far highly exclusive club of nations in possession of such an advanced vessel. Following in the footsteps of the United States Navy, the nation of Taiwan had opted to assign a crew in whole from one of their few fast attack submarines. The name of this vessel was one revered in the history of the small island democracy. Forevermore she would be known as the Sun Li-Ren, in honor of the famous military commander.

On the lowest level of the construction section of Arkos station, the newest city ship of the Tauri fleet was taking shape. The basic framework of the city ship was complete. Much work remained though before she would be ready to venture out into the stars. Overseeing every step of construction was the future leader of her science department; Doctor Bill Lee. Upon learning of his assignment to the prestigious posting the doctor had taken the time to translate the ships name from Ancient into English. Her name was to be Videum and that directly translated into the word legacy. Once complete and fully integrated with every system planned for her, a legacy she would indeed be.

Vis Uban

After returning from their successful validation in the Pegasus galaxy, Janus and Eli had fallen into the familiar rhythm of brainstorming that the two enjoyed when together. Thoughts of upcoming projects were discussed, and pie in the sky dreams were debated at length. While Janus had his own hopes for what their next project would be, he felt it only fair to see where his young protégé would like to take their combined genius.

Unknown to Eli, high level discussions regarding his future had been taking place for some time. Janus, investing all of his clout and sway with the ascended, had rallied many to his cause. Rarely if ever before had so many ascended beings taken such a keen interest in any mortal like they did young mister Wallace. A consensus had been reached among the ascended beings, and that consensus was one that would have lasting ramifications for the people of Earth.

Sitting down together in a lush garden setting within the city was Eli, Janus, Melia, and Dorin with several other ascended beings nearby. Due to his youth, Eli was under the impression that he might be in trouble but was unsure just what it was he might have done. Despite the assurances of his mentor, this was a feeling Eli had trouble shaking.

"Whatever you think I did, I really didn't do it" began Eli.

"Eli, you're not in any trouble. I keep telling you that" said Janus with a smile and wink.

"The whole secret of existence is to have no fear. Never fear what will become of you. Only the moment you reject the burden of fear are you truly free" stated Melia.

"Ok, I was a bit worried that I did something. That clears that up" replied Eli.

"We've asked you here today to discuss the future. More to the point, we wish to discuss your future in particular" stated Dorin.

"I was thinking get married, maybe have some kids someday, that pretty much covers it" replied Eli.

"A longer term view of the future is what we had in mind" said Melia.

"How long are we talking about" asked Eli.

"We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves" said Melia.

"I'm still not getting what you're throwing down, I'm sorry" stated Eli.

"Eli, you posses a level of innate brilliance that is rarely seen and that gift is something that should be preserved. You're still a young man with much ahead of you, but we see in you and several others of your world minds that should be allowed to transcend the boundaries of life" stated Dorin.

"What my colleague is referring to is ascension" added Janus.

"I don't even know what to say" replied Eli.

"When considering the great path one mustn't think in terms of right and wrong. It is something you must want if you are to follow it" stated Melia.

"Eli, I would like to offer you a deal. We will further our evolution so that you can make full use of the repository of knowledge. This will put you at a point where evolutionary ascension is possible. On that day when a choice is needed on if you wish to follow then we will reach it then. Do you agree" asked Janus.

"I'm just a bit shocked is all. I never really expected this. Turning into a being of pure energy, I mean that's kind of a big step" said Eli.

"Let's get you started on the repository first, and the rest we can talk about later" finished Janus.

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