Chapter 151


Having received incoming raid warning from the Arkos AI via subspace link, automatic defense protocols programmed into the recently installed upgrades to equipment within Cheyenne Mountain, the protective shield of Earth was raised. Powered by more than a dozen ZPM's, the powerful Atlantis like shield emitters raised the protective barrier in less than three seconds which was in fact faster than those on the city ship were capable of. At the same time as the shield was brought online, the drone weapons platform powered up.

Along with the other upgrades Earth had received was a standalone AI tasked with the security of the Tauri home world. This AI, programmed in part with input by the Department of Defense, was extremely savvy, but contained flaws that many never thought to consider. Tapping into the Long Range sensors installed within the SGC complex, the AI noted the strength of the attacking vessels and compared them to the two Tauri vessels within the system. Noting that both of these vessels offensive capabilities far exceeded those of the vessels they faced, the AI locked out the ancient weapons platform from the list of available options to utilize. Later evaluation of the AI's performance would lead to several personnel changes, and a reformatting of the AI's operating directives.

Sun Li Ren

Undergoing acceptance trails, the newly commissioned Taiwanese crewed Improved Daedalus class vessel was currently in orbit on the dark side of the moon. A multinational team of engineers from the SGC was aboard reviewing systems data from the myriad of internal sensors. Having not yet passed her acceptance trails, the Sun Li Ren was without the ZPM that had become standard equipment for all other vessels of the Tauri fleet.

Sitting in the command chair of his nation's newest vessel was a commander who took special pride in the given name of his new command. Sun Tien-ping was the grandson of the late Sun Li Ren. His grandfather, known during his time as the Rommel of the East, had left behind him a legacy of military aptitude that his grandson could only hope to someday live up to. Despite making a reputation of his own during his time in command of different units of the nation of Taiwan's burgeoning submarine fleet, Sun Tien-ping lusted for more. Since childhood he had dreamed of earning a place in the halls of history that was equal to that of his revered grandfather.

"Raid warning! Four hostile craft inbound and will exit hyperspace in ten seconds" called out the sensor officer.

"Can you identify the craft" asked the Sun Tien-ping quickly.

"Ha'tak class vessels sir" responded the sensor officer.

Having been briefed on the capabilities of the Ha'tak during his in briefing at the SGC, the commander knew that he faced a great challenge. While his agile mind focused on the options available, the commander leaped into actions that would be of great importance now.

"Sound general quarters, raise shields, and power all weapons" he ordered.

Klaxons throughout the new ship began to cry out. In response, the newly trained crew ran to their assigned stations. Although unfamiliar with the daily use of such a vessel as this, enough had been learned in training to give them some level of comfort and competence. Before the crew reached their battle stations the Asgard designed protective shields were fully raised. Lacking the additional power source garnered from the ZPM, the shields were far less powerful than they should have been. By Asgard standards, these powerful shields were in fact underpowered for their purpose.

As the repeatedly rehearsed actions of the ships crew played out, the four Ha'tak class vessels exited hyperspace between the moon and Earth. Seeing that Earth had a shield never before seen, the attackers opened fire believing that the shields could be nothing powerful enough to withstand a sustained bombardment. With the moon standing between them and the Sun Li Ren, the Goa'uld designed sensors never took note of the Tauri vessels presence in such close proximity.

"Weapons and shields are online commander" stated the weapons officer somewhat excitedly.

"I need you calm and focused Lieutenant" said the Sun Tien-ping in a fatherly voice.

"Yes sir" replied the young but eager weapons officer.

"Navigation officer, I want one third sublight speed. Close on the attackers" ordered the commander.

"Yes sir" replied the navigation officer.

"Weapons officer, as we come around the moon fire all missiles at the attacker that is second closest to our position. Once launch is complete lock the forward plasma beam onto the attacker nearest our track and fire" ordered the commander.

"By your order commander! Be advised that we will be dangerously close to the attacking vessel when the plasma weapon fires" instructed the weapons officer.

"Duly noted" replied the commander.

Along the upper neck of the Sun Li Ren's hull, vertical launch cell doors snapped open. Erupting from the individual cells were sixteen missiles equipped with naquadah enhanced conventional explosives. Accelerating away from their launch platform, the missiles locked on their given target and began to home in.

"I detect a second vessel of our fleet in route from the center of the solar system. It is the Destiny" stated the sensor operator.

"Request they join the attack" ordered the commander.

As the commander gave that order the plasma beam weapon fired. Lancing out from the Tauri vessel, the plasma beam traveled the short distance to its target. Impacting the shields, the lower power plasma beam caused massive fluctuations in the defending Ha'tak's shield strength before punching neatly through them. Erupting through the shield and passing through the mothership's menacing form. Slicing through the naquadah fueled power generator, the damage caused the reactor to go critical in less than a second. Disintegrating into a blue explosive mass, the Ha'tak was destroyed as the Sun Li Ren entered the expanding blast field.


Upon reentry to their home solar system, the crew of Destiny had made their way to the systems star. Entering the star and refilling the ancient vessels power reserves to their fullest; Colonel Ian Davidson had ordered a course plotted that would carry them back to Arkos station. As this jaunt into space had been a simple systems validation flight, Destiny was currently operating with a skeleton crew.

"Colonel we're receiving a subspace communiqué. Earth is under attack and the Sun Li Ren is requesting our immediate assistance" stated Rush clearly.

"Go to maximum sublight and bring the weapons online" ordered Colonel Davidson.

"Colonel, at maximum sublight we will not reach the battle for seventeen minutes. I recommend a short FTL jump which will have us there in seconds. With our proximity to Arkos station burning out the FTL drive units with premature exit is of little concern as repair is easily within reach" suggested the avatar of Destiny.

"Do it" ordered Colonel Davidson.

Reacting to the given orders, Destiny's AI activated the FTL drive and the ship accelerated into the developing combat situation with all her might.