Chapter 166

Wraith Hive ship

Racing through hyperspace in concert with two cruisers, the Hive ship charged on towards its destination. At the Hive commanders order, the small fleet had leapt into hyperspace to escape what was being thought to be a Tauri culling of Wraith on the planet of M6H-491. If the recent disappearance of a number of Wraith was indeed a culling, this represented a major and unpleasant new development in the war. Fulfilling his duty to his people, the Hive commander immediately set course for the distant system where the leading Wraith queen resided.

Over the course of the as yet completed journey, the commander had probed the mind of the single Wraith soldier who had escaped. Telepathically, he delved into the depths of the soldiers memories of the event. Seeing it happen as though he were there, the Wraith commander witnessed the collection of soldiers who had been abducted vanish in a flash of light. Only the Tauri were known to posses such technology, and made no attempts to hide that fact from all. Seeking further clarity and hoping to note something not before notices, the Wraith commander laid his hand on the soldier to deepen his gaze into the subjects mind.

One thing rarely thought of was the danger physical contact posed. On Earth as in certain other cultures, it was widely known that the simple act of touch opened the door to the transmission of communicable disease. Enjoying a seemingly endless lifespan, this was not something of importance to the Wraith. It was this fact that opened the commander to a fate he would never have imagined.

It started with epithelial cells from the soldier brushing off on the commander's hand. Had these been normal cells, no danger would exist. The fact that these cells belonged to the organic Wraith form replicator changed the dynamic greatly. Moments after making contact with the surface of the commander's feeding hand, these cells began to burrow deeper into the creases and crevices of that hand. Wasting not a single second, these organic nanite invaders began to aggressively invade the surrounding cells and tissues of the commanders feeding hand. This process would repeat itself many billions of times until such time as the commander would cease to be, and in his place would reside another stealthy tool of the Tauri.

Taking his seat in the throne room meant for a queen, the commander closed his eyes. Laying his hands on the comfortable thrones arm rest, the commander contemplated how he would explain the culling to the leading queen of his race. Little did he know, at that moment the very same organic nanites that were attacking his body also began invading the Hive. Being organic in nature, every surface of a Hive was composed of cells very similar to that of a Wraith. Systematically, the nanites set about their task of first invading these cells, then replicating further infectious attackers. Having never anticipated such an attack, the Hive was defenseless against this smallest of Ancient inventions.

Any student of epidemiology could explain how a simple virus could quickly turn into a pandemic, if of a highly virulent nature. The organic nanites were of such a nature, having been designed as such long ago on Atlantis. Even the stoutest of immune systems were defenseless in the face of an onslaught by such efficient killing machines. Running their course as they were, in several weeks this Hive and all who came into contact with it and those aboard would be infected.

Travelling through the intensely harsh and radioactive environment of hyperspace, the resilient exterior biopolymer armor that composed the exterior slowly withered away. Unlike the vessels of the Tauri and their allies, Wraith vessels were forced to travel throughout the galaxy in short hyperspace leaps. These periods of rest between leaps served no other purpose, but to allow the organic hull's of Wraith vessels to regenerate to full strength. Diverting incredible amounts of power to hull regeneration, the organic hull's sustained a continuous cascade of cellular division. It was this very same process that allowed the Wraith fleet to endure incredible amounts of damage, and shortly return to service as if no damage had ever occurred.

Sensing that a period of regeneration and renewal was required, the sentient Hive signaled its accompanying cruisers, and exited hyperspace. Gliding to a position seven hundred thousand kilometers from the center of the newly entered solar system, the vessels began their self guided process of repair. As this process took hold, Wraith standing on the Hive's bridge dutifully scanned the solar system with the ships sensors. Expecting no other presence in this uninhabited system, the bridge crew was surprised to not another vessel in the distance.

Shifting from a wide sector sensor sweep to a focused sweep of the vessel orbiting one of the systems stars, several things were noticed. This vessel gave off energy signatures reminiscent of vessels long ago destroyed belonging to the Lantean fleet. While noticeably different from those vessels in appearance, certain design characteristics were clearly taken from those forgotten craft. Realizing that this ship could only belong to the Tauri, the bridge crew alerted the Hive's commander.

"Commander, sensors are detecting a vessel near one of the systems two stars. The ship appears to belong to the Tauri." The young Wraith watch officer stated into the intercom.

"The Tauri have come to finish what they started and cull the remainder of us. We shall not allow this act to pass. Dispatch the cruisers to engage the Tauri vessel, and return us to the safety of hyperspace. Now!" The Hive commander ordered.

Carrying out his instructions dutifully, the watch officer relayed orders to the two cruisers. Transferring power away from hull regeneration to the Hives hyper drive, the mammoth vessel accelerated away from the two ships in its wake. Seconds later, the Hive was gone.