Chapter 169


"Incoming wormhole." The intercom proclaimed city wide.

Upon receipt of a valid IDC confirmation code, the star gate's iris shield was lowered. Emerging through the event horizon were two men. Mr. Woolsey and Doctor Radek Zelenka of the Atlantis expedition came for what they termed 'consultations' with their brothers and sisters of the Borealis expedition. Pleasantries were exchanged while the conference room above the gate room was prepared.

Copies of the briefing to come were shared amongst the gathering of section chiefs Ipad's. Contained in this briefing material was an assortment of medical, technical, and navigational data. The beginnings of the Tauri information war against the Wraith had yet to provide anything ground shaking, but humble beginnings were expected. It was hoped that this slow trickle of information would soon turn into a downpour.

"To what do we owe the honor of this visit Mr. Woolsey?" Teal'c asked.

"As you are all aware, an organic Wraith form replicator has been infiltrated within the ranks of the Wraith. This effort is just beginning to bear fruit." Woolsey began.

"I'll be the judge of that." McKay said sarcastically.

"Rodney!" Keller hissed.

"Forgive the interruption. Please continue Mr. Woolsey." Daniel Jackson offered.

"This being Doctor Zelenka's project, I will turn the chair over to the good doctor." Woolsey announced.

"The Wraith form replicator we created was built for two purposes; Information collection and deep level infiltration of Wraith ranks. The first mission parameter is slow going for now, but that is to be expected. Once the nanites are transmitted deeper into the ranks of the Wraith more information will become available to us. Parameter two is moving along nicely. What started as a single replicator has now morphed into a growing nanite infection. At this time seven percent of the Hive crew the original replicator is now aboard is infected. We estimate the number of infected will double within twenty four hours." Zelenka explained.

"For that estimate to be correct near pandemic levels of transmission would be needed." Keller countered.

"How sure are you of this estimate?" Daniel asked.

"The computer modeling is very certain of this outcome based on current levels of nanite transmission. A Hive, being organic in nature, allows for the transmission of cellular matter between the ship and crew. The nanites have already taken hold in the cellular structure of the Hive and are replicating at an astonishing rate. This is what makes these estimates possible." Zelenka replied.

"The briefing shows that this Hive is still traveling across the galaxy. How do we know for certain that the nanites will have an opportunity to transfer to other Hives?" Jackson asked.

"During the initial daily transmission, the nanites reported that the Hive was in route to the main Wraith stronghold. Upon arrival, we're assured of further spread of the nanites by virtue of proximity to other Wraith. Remember, all it takes is one single nanite transmitted by touch to bring about infection. Once individual Wraith are infected, they will carry it back to their vessels." Zelenka replied.

"Your plan is based upon some very generous assumptions. The last time I checked, you were a physicist not an epidemiologist." McKay interjected smugly.

"Doctor Beckett has reviewed the simulations, and agrees that they are sound." Woolsey argued.

"Of course Carson would agree." McKay fumed.

"As a medical professional, I think the assumptions being made in this simulation while generous, are fairly sound. Being somewhat of an authority on the subject of virus transmission, I would readily agree with Dr. Beckett's analysis." Keller agreed.

"I understand we're doing this to gather information on Wraith activities, but what is the fall back plan? Are we supposed to just wait patiently while the entire Wraith collective is consumed one cell at a time by nanites?" Daniel asked.

"A fail safe measure is in place. Obviously, the last thing anyone wanted was repli-Wraiths roaming around Pegasus. In the base coding of each nanite is a self termination protocol. Once a Hive is totally infected and is either detected or no longer of any benefit to the assigned mission, the Hive will set course for the nearest star and destroy itself in the stars corona." Zelenka explained.

"Isn't that kind of contradictory to what we're hoping to achieve?" Keller asked.

"Actually, it makes perfect sense. Any final showdown with the Wraith will be a fleet action. Doing it this way will cut down on Wraith ship numbers to a degree." McKay said in agreement.

"Why do you only agree when your wife does Rodney? You're married, I get it, but this is ridiculous!" Zelenka huffed.

"You're just jealous!" Rodney exclaimed.

"Boys!" Keller said louder than she had planned.

"For the sake of keeping the peace, let's move on to the next topic of discussion." Daniel suggested.

"Yes, let's." Woolsey agreed.

"Operating under cover as an arms dealer, Vala Mal Doran managed to capture a Genii sleeper cell." Teal'c began.

"How did she manage to do that?" Zelenka asked.

"How she did it is not really germane to the topic at hand." Daniel offered.

"I believe she followed the time honored role of what you refer to on Earth as a sex pot." Teal'c added with an arched eyebrow.

"She's talented at that. When I first interviewed her for inclusion onto SG-1, she tried much the same thing with me." Woolsey said stiffly.

"If memory serves me correctly, and it usually does, weren't you attempting to bribe her?" Daniel asked.

"Nothing of the sort Dr. Jackson! It was more a test of loyalty given her penchant for financial enrichment." Woolsey stuttered.

"Indeed." Teal'c replied with an again arched eyebrow.

"Where are the prisoners now?" Woolsey asked in hopes of changing the subject quickly.

"They were transferred to Earth, and are now in the hands of the Defense Intelligence Agency. Any information learned will be passed to us straightaway for follow up action, or so they assure me." Daniel replied with a grin.

"Ladon is putting his house in order quickly. One can only hope that the remaining sleeper cells are located and detained sooner rather than later." Woolsey explained hopefully.

"Mr. Woolsey, do you have a timetable for the continued use of several of this expedition's off world teams at Emege?" Teal'c inquired.

"Ah yes. Teyla has been heading up the relocation effort, and its slow going. Obviously, after what the Athosian people have endured at the hands of the Genii, their sense of security is paramount to us." Woolsey replied.

"I hear no timetable Richard Woolsey." Teal'c countered.

"Another few weeks at most." Woolsey replied somewhat nervously.

For several more hours the discussion continued. Information on current and future deployments of off world teams was discussed. Before the meeting concluded, even the most minor of daily happenings on both city ships in the galaxy was known to all in the room. The meeting came to an end once Rodney began to whimper and feign hunger pains