Chapter 176

Jaffa encampment

After receiving the message from Dumbledore, Rel'dar had quickly set about improving the conditions around Linder. Following orders, Rel'dar's underlings moved the prisoner to a tent of his own. In this tent the young Sergeant found a platter of roast boar. As he feasted and changed into comfortable clothing, Rel'dar made his way to his commander's tent. Moments after entering his quarters, Da'vir charged in, clearly irritated. Behind him were an assortment of both Rel'dar and Da'vir's lieutenants.

"Word reached me that this Dumbledore we've heard so much about has returned with a communiqué of his own." Da'vir stated in an annoyed tone of voice.

"He has, and a wise man he is. Wisely, my proposed alliance has been accepted." Rel'dar replied.

"I think you are rushing to judgment. These people have done nothing to earn our trust!" Da'vir fumed.

"They offer us ascension! If we offend them it could cost every Jaffa the dream of ascending to a higher plane. I will not run that risk." Rel'dar replied with disdain.

"What of your new pet? You treat this Tauri as if he were a king!" Da'vir spat.

"Sergeant Linder is owed our thanks, and a place of honor among our people. Were it not for him, we might never have learned of the opportunity for ascension! We are indebted to him!" Rel'dar fired back.

"The Tauri are our enemy! They are dogs not fit to lick the soles of our boots! Instead of bowing down before them like so many others in this galaxy do, we should strike at them where it will do the most damage." Da'vir argued.

"Our alliance with Hogwarts precludes that possibility from coming to pass." Rel'dar replied with resolute conviction.

"Are you so blind? Do you not see that this is nothing more than a Tauri deception? They fear our power, and are using deception to weaken us. We must bleed them dry to the last drop now! Their warriors are in the mountains above us. Now is the time to drive these crusaders back to their planet once and for all. Let them carry their dead home to remind future generations not to stand in the way of Jaffa might!" Da'vir thundered.

The two men's tempers flared. As the shouting continued, the argument reached a fevered pitch. The lieutenants felt certain that at any moment their leaders would fight to the death in the ritual of Joma Secu for control of the Army. As that thought crossed through the minds of the lieutenants, a lone figure entered the tent. Clothed in a hooded crimson robe, the figures face was indiscernible as the head was tilted towards the floor with the hood over the head. This figure moved with authority, as if he belonged. Making his way to the center of the tent, the new arrival began to speak.

"Jaffa, hear me!" The figure said with conviction.

Seeing this new arrival that did not belong cavalierly speak while lacking the rank to do so infuriated the Jaffa within the tent. Standing quickly, the lieutenants charged their staff weapons and leveled them at the transgressor.

"How dare you speak in this forum! Remove your hood and show us your face, now!" Da'vir ordered.

Slowly, the lone figures hands rose to the hood. With slow movements, the hood was lowered, and the figure met the eyes of those around him for the first time since entering.

"How can this be? This is impossible!" Da'vir said breathlessly.

"Not impossible, inevitable." Bra'tac replied.

"What trickery is this? Your death is known to all Jaffa." Rel'dar said nervously.

"Not trickery. This is the result of belief in one's self, and selfless action for this galaxy. Because of that I walk among the ranks of the ascended." Bra'tac explained.

"More Tauri trickery! Let us show them not to attempt further deception of the Jaffa. Torture the prisoner and show them the cost of such action!" Da'vir thundered.

"Such a course of action would be reckless and fraught with peril. That one act could endanger the future of the Jaffa as a race." Bra'tac countered patiently.

"Listen to the wisdom of Bra'tac closely." Rel'dar warned.

"You would have us believe the future of our people rests on the life of a single Tauri?" Da'vir demanded.

"You do not know the Tauri as I do. They are a courageous people, and a fearsome enemy. To save the life of one of their people, the Tauri would destroy entire civilizations if necessary. That is the loyalty they have for one another." Bra'tac cautioned.

"All the more reason to attack now! After all Rel'dar, ascension awaits us, does it not?" Da'vir baited sarcastically.

"Young fool! You do not realize that the path you currently walk prevents you the possibility of ascension. Killing out of pride, refusing to cleanse one's spirit of hatred, and lashing out from fear are all things that render the great path impossible for you to begin." Bra'tac explained.

"You see Da'vir! The path you would have us walk would lead to only death and everlasting darkness!" Rel'dar stated with assumed moral superiority.

"Do not speak to me as if you were some pious high priest. Too quickly you forget how much blood has been spilled by you and your followers." Da'vir accused.

"We can begin to follow the path to ascension here and now!" Rel'dar argued.

"We will test all of these theories and find which is nothing but meaningless conjecture. Even now as we speak, my men march towards the Tauri. Soon we will know who is right and who is wrong." Da'vir said confidently before exiting the tent