Chapter 212


For Australia, Canada, and Germany, the wait for their vessels was over. Taking possession of their Athena and Daedalus class vessels, the three nations were eager to join the ever-growing Tauri fleet. Having performed their shakedown cruises, these vessels and their individual crews would continue their training focused workup exercises for several weeks to come. This would bring the new additions up to speed in a real time environment; instead of the simulators they had cut their teeth on back on Earth.

Three levels below the newly commissioned vessels, the first ten of the Traveler generational ships sat in dock for restoration and repair. When they had arrived, the ships corridors were a mishmash of cables and wiring. Frayed wiring repaired many times over generations could be seen everywhere. That was quickly changing.

It started with the removal of badly worn hyper drives. How they had been kept functioning for so long was anyone's guess. Next, entire sections of hull plating were removed. Some portions of the removed hull plating gave evidence to the repeated repairs over fractures and other results of metal fatigue. From there, the shields, weapons systems, and all onboard electronics were rebuilt. When Arkos was finished, each vessel would be in the shape they were in when first launched.

During the time needed for the repair and rebuild process, those aboard the vessels were given the chance to experience Earth for themselves. Those with children were escorted to Disney World. Nothing like it had ever been dreamed of by the young Travelers. Others were taken to Candlestick Park to see the 49er's lose to the New York Giants in the hotly contested playoff game. Still others enjoyed the surf and sun on the big island of Hawaii. Never before had the Travelers seen or experienced such a world. Their only regret is that soon they would leave.

Many levels below the generational ships, preparations were underway for the first operational deployments of both new Prometheus Class vessels. The lead ship of her class, Prometheus, was now under the command of Brigadier General William Ronson. Having commanded Earth's first space faring vessel that bore the same name, Ronson was very pleased to be once again returning to a fleet command. Nimitz also had her first commander. Recently promoted to flag rank, Rear Admiral Grant Clancy was taking his first interstellar command. Having previously commanded the recently retired aircraft carrier Enterprise, Admiral Clancy stood ready to make his mark.

Prometheus was destined for the Pegasus galaxy, while Nimitz was assigned to the Milky Way. Upon receipt of his orders to Pegasus, Ronson had incorrectly believed that his rank guaranteed him command of the Tauri fleet in that galaxy. Upon requesting each ship commander in that galaxy's personnel file for review, it was pointed out to Ronson that despite his rank, he would not be replacing Colonel Sheppard in his operational command posting. When Ronson protested, General O'Neill made it a point to drive that point home until it was abundantly clear.

All crewmembers aboard, Prometheus was prepared to depart. For the first time as a commissioned vessel of the Tauri fleet, the enormous vessel slipped her bonds from Arkos. Rising twelve hundred meters, she entered the ingress/egress lane of the Ancient shipyard. At departure speed, Prometheus advanced towards the powerful energy screen separating the shipyard's interior from space. Slowly, she passed through the protective field, thus beginning her first operational deployment.

Waiting outside the screen, the recently arrived Destiny stood. The size of the vessel in her path meant she must wait to enter the place of her origin. On the observation deck of the Ancient vessel, crewmembers looked on in awe at the sheer size of Prometheus as she emerged fully into space. While sizeable, even Destiny was dwarfed by this newest of warships. Not wasting a moment, Prometheus swiftly accelerated away from Arkos. Once at a safe distance, she would jump into hyperspace.

The energy field clear of the imposing obstacle Prometheus had posed to entry, Destiny maneuvered for entry lineup. At low speed, she began her entry. Passing through the field, those still standing on the observation deck looked on at the stations interior. In the distance, the Traveler ships were visible. Crawling over them were arachnid repair robots, peeling away damaged sections.

Passing through the ship repair and construction levels, Destiny approached her designated docking point. Slowing to a crawl, the vessel entered the dock and ceased movement. Extending towards the underside of the ship, the shipway connected and locked. Moments later, personnel began to disembark from the vessel that had carried them to and from the Asgard home world. Midway through the disembarkation process Captain Kathryn Hughes/Egeria and Merrin/Sel'mak exited.

Standing in wait for the two women was Del'ak, Gar'shaw, and Ma'lek of the Tok'ra High Council. Both Del'ak and Ma'lek dropped to one knee at the sight of their Queen and Mother. Gar'shaw, being a Goa'uld who had turned against the System Lords to side with the Tok'ra, stood respectfully behind the kneeling men.

"My Queen." The two male Tok'ra said with bowed heads.

"Rise my Children." Egeria urged.

"Egeria, all your children rejoice at your return to us." Ma'lek said.

"It is I who rejoice at once again being surrounded by my children." Egeria responded in the booming voice of the symbiote.

"We have much to show you." Del'ak stated.

"Indeed, I have much to see and attend to. First, I wish to clear the air with the three of you as you all sit on the High Council." Egeria said.

"What do you wish to discuss my Queen?" Ma'lek asked.

"As you know, my host comes from the Tauri." Egeria said.

"Yes my Queen, we are aware." Del'ak responded.

"She has made me aware of the difficulties the Tauri have had at times during our two people's relationship." Egeria said plainly.

"Early in our relationship, the Tauri had little to justify equal footing in any alliance with the Tok'ra." Gar'shaw said simply.

"It was they that defeated Ra before any such alliance was forged. I created the Tok'ra to oppose Ra. Does that not mark them as more than mere equals?" Egeria asked lightly.

"We could not be sure of that claim when it was made." Gar'shaw countered.

"Instead of believing their claim, though it might have seemed a fantastic claim, you instead demand hosts?" Egeria pressed.

"That was the only commodity they possessed of value at the time." Gar'shaw replied hastily.

"I will say this once, and only once. We do not demand hosts. The System Lords made that their practice, but we do not." Egeria said with a trace of disappointment in her voice.

"Times have changed, and the Tauri fortunes are much improved since our first meeting." Gar'shaw countered.

"Do you mean that they are valuable now because of what they have attained?" Egeria asked pointedly.

"They have attained much in a short time." Gar'shaw answered.

"You evade answering with practice I see." Egeria said with disappointment.

"To answer your question, you must look at the time when our two races met. The Tauri were a technologically backward people, with little to justify an alliance of equals." Gar'shaw replied.

"Did the Tauri not kill Ra? Did they not discover the original Egeria whose memories I carry on Pangar? Would I be standing here were it not for them? Both the Ancient's and the Asgard entrusted the Tauri with their base of knowledge and technology. The System Lord's feared the Asgard, and the Tauri have everything they know in addition to that of the gate builders. You are correct that they are not our equals. The Tauri stand head and shoulders over us. We are fortunate to call them our allies. They brought an end to the reign of the System Lord's, and we shall forever pledge our allegiance to them." Egeria said in resolute tones.