Chapter 221

Wraith Fleet Modification Site

The sparsely wooded world was devoid of life, having never been home to a sentient race of its own. In a rolling and cleared field, many tens of miles wide, sat a domed Wraith facility. Newly constructed, this facility had been created at Harbingers order.

Two miles from the domed facility, a jagged cliff face rose several hundred feet into the air. Around this cliff, Wraith soldiers set off detonation after detonation. Each explosion brought many tons of rocky debris raining down. In that debris sat what the Wraith had been sent here for. Hovering over the debris field, dozens of Darts activated their culling beams. Each of these beams were calibrated to extract one thing from the boulders beneath them; naquadah.

Once loaded, these Darts sped towards the facility to deposit their loads. Hovering over an organically constructed open topped silo, the naquadah was deposited. As the mineral entered the silo, a series of interlocking carbon blades reduced the veins of naquadah into a gravel littered pulp. From there, the pulp was moved via culling beam to the next station of the refinery. Here, the pulverized naquadah was sorted into two different paths.

One path led to a high temperature smelter, where the element would be superheated, and liquefied. From there, the molten metal would be poured into molds. As the molten metal filled the molds in full, each tray was moved to a cooling station. As each mold cooled, they were opened by stout biomechanical arms to reveal a thin needle pointed rib like structure. These were quickly moved via culling beam to one of several receiving stations on the plains beyond the facility.

The other path led to a mixing point. Vast vats of viscous genetic material, and Wraith biopolymer, were intermixed with naquadah dust and chunks. Here, it was mixed into thick yet flowing naquadah slurry. This slurry entered piping that also led to the same areas equipped with receiving stations for the rib like structures.

A steady stream of Hives and cruisers had arrived at this site since its construction. Their purpose was for modification to their internal systems. Holes millimeters wider than the thin rib structures were cut into the outer hulls of each vessel. As this was done, a longer spine like beam was added to the backbone of each vessel. Coming together, these new additions interlocked, forming a structure very similar to the human spine and ribcage. These new additions increased the already rigid skeletal system of the Wraith ships.

Organic in nature, Wraith vessels are living organisms themselves. Like most living organisms, the cellular structure of the vessels sat in a sea of fluid. To this, the naquadah slurry was added. Much like a blood transfusion, the slurry was pumped into the vessels circulatory system. Here, the powerful element interacted with the bioelectrical activity of each ship. Absorbing this energy, the slurry and new structural components greatly amplified the vessels total energy output. In combination with the newly added and grown power generation stations, each vessel found itself with much more energy production than ever before.

This new energy was being and would continue to be channeled into the organic power conduits of each vessel. Soon, each would have greatly enhanced hull regeneration, speed, sensor range/sensitivity, and increased weapons strength. The Wraith fleet was taking a massive leap forward all together. Already, a majority of the fleet had received the upgrade, sometimes twenty vessels at a time.

Unknown to the Wraith, Todd had learned of this facility. At the same time, the replicator infected Wraith aboard the orbital station did the same. The Tauri, and their allies, quickly added the site to the ground target package guiding Task Force 190's recent flurry of activity. Though many other planet-based facilities had been struck, the Wraith were certain this site was safe from attack as it was newly built, and on a world outside of the Pegasus gate network.

Sitting in a high polar orbit, the Ares lay under cover of cloak. In her cavernous jumper bay, preparations were taking place. Weapons were prepped, and men readied themselves to head into harms way. Standing beside the jumper that would carry them to the planets surface, Captain Carlyle, his team of Delta operators, and Ronon spoke with Colonel John Sheppard.

"You've got a green light to deploy when ready." Sheppard stated.

"Roger that sir. We'll be heading out momentarily." Carlyle replied.

"Wish you were coming with us?" Ronon asked in a gruff voice.

"I'm more than happy to leave the heavy lifting to the tough guys." Sheppard replied with a smirk.

"Yeah, whatever." Ronon replied with a smile.

"Don't get so uppity Chewie. Nice uniform by the way! Missing the leather pants yet?" Sheppard asked.

"Any activity we need to be made aware of Colonel?" Carlyle asked.

"Several Hives took off a few hours ago. Sensors confirmed they entered hyperspace. Other than that, it's about what you'd expect to see at a Wraith instillation." Sheppard replied.

"Ok, then we'll go wheels up in two minutes." Carlyle confirmed.

"Good hunting down there. If you get into a bind, have Chewie use those knives he has hidden in his hair." Sheppard said with a smile, before walking away.

Entering the jumper Carlyle, Ronon, and the other four operators took their seats. On command from the flight crew, the jumper's rear door slid up, and closed. Silently, the craft lifted from the deck. As it accelerated towards the energy field separating the hanger bays interior from space, the jumper's cloak was activated. Invisibly, the small craft passed over into the hostile environment of space. Extending the drive pods, the jumper sped away, and quickly began its decent into the atmosphere.

Descending rapidly, the invisible craft plummeted towards the ground below. In a corkscrew flight profile, the jumper twisted lower and lower. Passing over the Wraith facility, a last minute sensor sweep was taken. Nothing amiss, the shuttle set down a mile from the dome in the distance. Inside, the team stood and readied themselves. On each mans combat vest, an attached device was activated.

These devices were duplicates of those worn by the Sodan. Upon activation, each device engulfed the wearer in their own pocket of subspace, rendering them invisible to those outside of the field while allowing other wearers to see each other. As the rear ramp came down, the team quickly exited the craft. A quick radio signal told the jumper the team was away, and the craft silently climbed back into the sky, speeding away unseen.

Not needing prompting, the two snipers of the group broke off in opposite directions. These men would establish over watch positions, to keep a close eye on the team as they made their way towards the dome. Moving swiftly yet silently, Carlyle, Ronon, and the other two operators set off for their target. Scanning around them as they moved, the team quickly realized that the Wraith were oddly not actively patrolling the area.

For a tense hour, the team zigzagged their way towards what the sensors had established was an entry point into the dome. Upon reaching this point, they spread out on both sides of the door, hunkering down. It was now a waiting game. Ten minutes later, a lone Wraith soldier approached and entered, allowing the team to follow him inside.

Taking in their surroundings, the team took stock of everything around them. Like other Wraith facilities and vessels, a thick blanket of mist coursed over the floor. The putrid aroma of Wraith biopolymer hung heavy in the air. Glancing down at the modified life signs detector attached to his forearm, Captain Carlyle immediately keyed in on the power conduits detected running throughout the walls around them. Advancing, the team planted explosive charges at conduit junction points as they passed them.

According to the scanner, their end target was one hundred yards away, and one level above. That target? The facilities computer core room. Making their way down the passageway, the team remained at the ready. Despite being cloaked, each was crouched in a ready firing position, walking silently in the balls of their feet. It was then that two life signs appeared on the scanner, heading in the direction of the team. Coming to a four-way intersection of corridors, the team exchanged hand signals. Seconds later two went left, while the other two went right.

Approaching closer by the second, the rhythmic sound of Wraith soldiers walking in step grew louder. Coming into view, the two armed Wraith stood as silent proof that the facility was indeed patrolled. Twenty agonizingly long seconds later, the two soldiers crossed through the middle of the four-way intersection. Instantly the cloaked forms of Ronon, and Master Sergeant Checa fell upon their targets. Checa drove the razor sharp and serrated blade of his tracker knife into his targets brainstem, while Ronon plunged one of his man knives first into his targets liver, then viciously slicing the Wraith's throat to the vertebrae in its neck. Catching their prey by the armpits, Ronon and Checa quickly and quietly dragged the Wraith into a room ten meters away. Dumping the bodies on the floor, Checa put a single suppressed pistol round into each soldiers head. Better to be safe than sorry.

Continuing further down the long passageway, the team soon found the Wraith version of a transporter booth. Climbing inside, they activated the transporter, and were engulfed in a culling field. Seconds later, the team reappeared in an identical booth one level above. Exiting the booth, Carlyle and Ronon continued towards the computer core, while the other two operators fanned out to continue planting explosives.

Passing through a set of automatic doors, Ronon and Carlyle found themselves standing in the core room. Looking around, Carlyle quickly recognized the terminal he had been trained to look for. While he readied his tablet computer, Ronon assumed a defensive position to cover the entryway. Repeating a procedure both Zelenka and McKay had shown him, Carlyle interfaced the tablet with the core. Activating a program written for the purpose, the tablet began to quickly download the contents of the core. As he did this, he radioed the outside over watch snipers, asking them to alert him to any enemy movement towards the dome.

For twelve tense minutes, data was extracted from the core. Out of nowhere, an alarm sounded throughout the facility. A security protocol unknown to the Tauri had detected the unauthorized intrusion, sounding an alarm across the facility.

"Six, this is over watch two. Be advised you have Wraith on foot moving out towards your location at the run. Enemy aircraft are also vectoring towards your location. Time to get out of there boss." The sniper said into the radio.

"Ares, this is Nightmare Six. The Wraith are aware of penetration. Geospatial locators are active in explosive packs. Request you lock onto those locators and beam down secondary devices." Carlyle said into his radio earpiece.

Not waiting for a reply, Carlyle quickly motioned for Ronon to follow him. As the two men exited the core, they rejoined the other two operators on the level. As the men began to quickly make their way to the transport booth, four fuel air explosive devices materialized at separate points in the dome. Entering the booth, Checa quickly activated the device, and seconds later the four men find themselves once again on the ground level of the dome.

Checa and his wingman upon exiting the booth race forward, towards the four-way intersection of passageways. One taking position right, the other left, they stand with weapons ready. Carlyle and Ronon bring up the rear, also with weapons at the ready. Seeing Wraith soldiers quickly advancing towards him, Checa opens up with his suppressed MP-7 submachine gun. Unleashing the solid steel armor piercing projectiles, Wraith soldiers are torn to pieces without ever knowing an attacker was nearby. Checa and his wingman lay down continuous fire as Carlyle and Ronon advance down the passageway. Forty yards from the exit, both men turn, take a knee, and signal for Checa and the other operator to break contact and get out.

At a run, the two men sprint down the mist covered hallway, sprinting past the two kneeling men. Rounding the corners in the distance, Wraith soldiers begin to go down from Ronon's particle magnum. Confusion sweeps through the Wraith ranks, as they watch many of their number fall to an unseen enemy. Standing, and laying down a continuous stream of weapons fire as they back peddle the distance to the exit, the team manages to break contact. As Carlyle exits the door, Checa plants two motion sensor activated claymore mines ten meters from the door.

At a forty five degree angle from the door, the four men break into a run. One minute later, all hear the sharp crack of exploding claymores. Before Carlyle can alert the over watch snipers to fire on the door, he hears the muted cracks of distant rifles. As both over watch snipers pour rounds into the Wraith soldiers attempting to exit the dome, Dart's screech overhead. Seconds later, Dart canon fire begins to rain down at random points leading away from the dome. Before a word can be said, all members of the Delta are engulfed in the silvery light of the Asgard designed transport beam.

As the transport beam dematerialized the team, Ares sent a single signal to the many explosive devices within the dome. Valves on the fuel air explosives opened up, flooding the surrounding area with dense explosive vapor. Before the FAE's firing squibs can fire, the explosives planted on power conduits are triggered. In a cascade event, the explosions ignite the vapor, adding to the thunderous explosion eviscerating the dome's interior. Then something unexpected occurred.

Feedback from the now destroyed power conduits races to other ends of the facility. Electrical arcing spreads to the naquadah crusher. Highly volatile naquadah dust ignites, and as explosions bloom, the pool of naquadah slurry also detonates. Interacting with the now exposed veins of naquadah in the cliff face, a cascading detonation takes place both above ground and below ground. In less than a minute, all that is left of the facility is a spreading thermal pulse, a climbing and roiling mushroom cloud, and a crater larger than most small cities.