Chapter #2


Not long after Samson's judgement, Daria turned to three figures—Shiro, Kuro and Aiko— and gave a quick nod. Nodding back, they disappeared. Daria's gaze shifted to Leviathan, who kneeled before the unconscious Gael. She could tell that he was troubled, even though his face is normally blank and cannot be read. She walked over to him, gently touched his chin to face her.

"Surely Leviathan, you must be aware that you may speak your mind around me." She said, softening her eyes a bit. Leviathan looked away, slowly nodding his head.

"My lady, what shall we do with the boy?" He asked. He stood up and reached out to carry him but stopped. His limbs began to twitch a bit. There was slight shake in his legs and shoulders. His face began to contort in fear. Daria sensed for a mere second that he was resisting but it disappeared.

She clicked her tongue in disapproval.

"Dear Leviathan, I thought you knew better than to act without my orders. That insults me. Do you want me to punish you for that?" Her words spat venom and excitement.

Leviathan's pupils began to dilate. This excited Daria even more. She loved it when Leviathan expresses his fear, no matter how little it is.

"My... lady.. f-forgive me.." He strained.

Daria didn't even have the time to contemplate when she heard the sounds of sleepy moans and doors opening. The neighbors were waking up, their curiosity to the event that happened that night has been triggered. She let Leviathan go and made a silent scream to Kuro, Shiro and Aiko. They returned as soon as they were called with gas, wood planks and some matchsticks.

Leviathan gasped for air and slowly stood to attention.

"Milady, what should we do with the boy." He asked once more. Daria looked at Gael and held her gaze as she contemplated.

He is young—eleven at best. No doubt will he be sent to foster care if found by the authorities. Then again, there aren't any sort of authority outside of Mount Varian, so it's either the streets or the workhouse—which is filled with orphaned or abandoned children. But he won't forget about what happened tonight. He knows too much and if he told the people, they would either believe him and hunt Daria and her servants down or they would think he is spouting rubbish and outcast him for life.

"Milady, his wounds aren't healing fast enough. What are your orders?" Leviathan asked again. His tone was uneasy, given the fact that the people were approaching.

She has to turn him. If she does, he will be granted with an eternity of life that can never be compromised by health, age or death. He will be gifted with the power of monstrous strength and speed faster than light and sound. Since she is currently the Vampire Countess, she has the choice to make young Gael forget what his cruel father has done. It seems she is the only one capable of turning someone and erase their past if necessary.

And it is necessary.

"Take him to the manor, Leviathan." She paused to face the others. "Kuro, Shiro, Aiko, burn the house and everything in it. Leave no leaf unturned. Afterwards, meet Leviathan at the manor and wait for me there. I have some business to attend."

She turned to the broken window and faced the others once more.

"Burn everything into ashes." And with one swish of her silk dress, she disappeared into the night.


An inferno of flames roared in the night sky, destroying every last bit, piece and memory of Samson and Lily de Nero. No one knows about the events that took place that night. The story that was told about the unfortunate tragedy was that the De Nero's were having dinner when Samson left the fireplace on and it burned the entire house to ashes. The real story—that Lily and Samson died and their son, Gael was taken by some unidentifiable creatures of the night—was to this day, unknown.

The victims could only tell what really happened, but they met their maker.


Gael woke up with a start, not in his bed—which had a worn out mattress with a few springs sticking out, no bed frame, no bedsheets nor duvet. This one however was completely different. It was elegant and warm. The room he was in was no different either. A large drawer—probably made of fine wood—a purple couch embedded with opal stones, beautiful wallpapers, a large and clear mirror, lavender drapes and a fur carpet. This room was extraordinarily luxurious.

Yes, this is definitely someone else's home.

He suddenly remembered what happened the previous night. His dead mother, his father's head on the floor, broken glass, the lady and her servants, his injuries. With a quiet gasp, he lifted his shirt and braced himself to see the fatal injuries he endured. What he expected to see was some bloody bandages, some sutures and bruises, he never expected to see his skin that was cleaned from last night. Even some past scars were gone.

He laid back on the warm, fluffy pillows and draped his arm over his face in confusion. His injuries were so fatal, that he even felt his life slip away. He lost so much blood. He was on the Grim Reaper's door!

How in the world did his wounds—along the past ones—just magically disappear without a trace?

He recalled everything. His broken bones, his mother, his father's...fangs?? FANGS?!

Does the lady and her servants have something to do with this? Surely she has to. Gael can actually keep his sanity intact if she does.

The door opened to reveal a man in a black suit. Pale skin, blue eyes and silver hair that was slicked back. He looks so sophisticated that it intimidates Gael. He remembers him as the man who was ready to kill his father. What was his name again?

He bowed to Gael and said, "Good day to you, Sir Gael de Nero. I am Leviathan, Countess Daria's advisor and servant."

Yes, that's his name.

He regained his posture. "I was sent by the Countess herself to collect you, sir, as she has requested and audience with you." He paused, setting down a set of clothes on the bed. "This is your attire for the day. Hurry now, she doesn't like to wait."

He walked to the windows and drew the drapes back and tied them. Gael watched him as he worked. He looked so cool and collected, nothing like last night. He looked almost bloodthirsty when he grabbed his father's throat, ready to go for the kill.

Leviathan walked towards the bed. Gael couldn't help but flinch.

"Sir, do you want me to dress you then?" He asked.

Gael shook his head, almost immediately. "Um, no. No thank you."

"Forgive me sir, but I must." This time, Gael didn't resist. He took a bath, brushed his teeth, got his hair made and had Leviathan dress him. The entire time that was taken to do this, Gael couldn't help but notice some cuts and scars that were close to visible on Leviathan. Gael saw some on his neck, his jaw and his wrist, even though he wore gloves.

As Leviathan turned to leave, Gael called out to him and asked, "Do you happen to know where we are?"

Keeping his face as stoic as possible, he bluntly answered,

"We are in Banoria."


As they walked in the hallway together, Gael asked Leviathan question after question but were fortunately unanswered. Gael assumed that he was the quiet and obedient type. Gael thought if it was a good idea to ask him this question but feared if it would be rude and offend him. His curiosity got the better of him and he asked him anyway.

"Um, do you ever talk? If so, is it because you feel obligated to answer it or because you have to?"

He's quiet. Gael should never had asked him that.

"Occasionally, not obligatory. Sometimes I have to. No more questions." He answered.

For some reason, Gael felt victorious. Leviathan went back into being stone-faced. From then on, Gael remained silent until they reached their destination.

It appeared to Gael that the manor they were in was astounding. It was elegant, yet, it had a strange medieval feeling to it. Stoned walls, the floor shined and was draped with a purple carpet. Above them were multiple golden chandeliers that lit up the hallway.

After what felt like hours, they finally reached a huge green door that had an amethyst gem and diamonds in the middle of the door. Out of the blue, Leviathan spoke in a language that was difficult to understand and knocked on the door. That language made him feel strangely safe and satisfied.

'Was it some sort of a secret code?' He thought to himself.

The door opened a crack and revealed lady with maroon-colored hair. She looked beautiful and intimidating like Leviathan. She looked at Gael then at Leviathan.

She said, "Leviathan, tá tú déanach."

'That language again.' Gael thought.

"Tá a fhios agam Aiko, maithim dom." Leviathan said.

"Is é an Chuntaois ba chóir duit a bheith ag iarraidh sin." She replied.

She opened the door and revealed a room that was similar to a throne room that you would see in fairy tales. The room smelt had a lingering scent of incense. It was making him feel dizzy. It was a mix of eucalyptus, lavender and...roses? His mother loved roses. Gael suddenly felt an ache in his chest. His mother was kind and always wore a sweet smile whenever she saw him. A smile that he will never see again....