Major Races

GOBLINS: small, vindictive, cowardly creatures. similar to gnomes in appearance with a more wicked bent. They usually group together in small families to attack groups that pass by their homes. No known use of magic.

ORCS: Large muscular humanoids, they group together in clans of various sizes. Uses totem, and shaman magic unique to each clan. Honor to their clan and themselves is considered the most important thing to them.

Primarily a warrior focused culture.

HUMANS: Several human kingdoms have formed an alliance against the Orc clans invasions. Uses elemental, and illusion magic.

ELVES: thin, lithe, distant from other races. Elves are the watchers, and protectors of world trees, and the forests that rely on it. They have no interest in any affairs that doesn't affect their world tree.

BEASTKIN: humanoids with features of various beasts which is determined on their ancestry. They are divided into various clans based on their ancestry. No formal magic system, instead they focus on unlocking the powers hidden within their bloodline. They are all ruled by a Beast King who rules over the Kingdom.

DWARVES: Short stout humanoids, spending most of their time deep within the mountains, and hills. They form clans within their kingdoms. They have control over stones, or sometimes rarer metal, or gems. They are natural merchants and inventors but never forget that each dwarf is trained as a warrior first.