Dinner (2)

What he did to solve this is to continuously move his life essence doll through multiple, random dimensions in the span of nanoseconds, 24 hours, 365 days nonstop. As it travels, the doll itself is enclosed in 3 different, randomized dimensions, so it's like a chocolate enclosed with paper and passing through random layers of stacked color paper in a loop; every time it passes through a layer of paper, the paper enclosing the chocolate changes its color, shape and size.

Of course, the life-essence never really changed dimensions; he wasn't that strong to do such a thing. Currently, it was still in Dimension-LEO, but is layered by multiple random dimensions, and the spatial position of the life-essence as well shifts to another dimension but still the same position within the span of nanoseconds. The time difference is small enough that there is no time for his life essence doll to begin unraveling or become damaged from the other dimensions.

What this does is continuously weaken the karmic aspect of the magic attack until it becomes non-existent or loses the energy that supports it, before Space-Time resets his body at the moment before the attack even happened.

Another surprise appeared for him, however, when he checked his status in the system: The rank of [Absolute Defense] changed from Divine to Sage class, and an suffix had been added on the name.

[Absolute Defense (2/3 aspects completed, evolving)]: This forms a multi-dimensional folded space barrier surrounding the caster. Not only is the physical body affected by this spell, but also the life essence doll of the caster, ensuring a roundabout protection from all attacks.

Although he was curious what the last aspect needed to complete the evolution of the spell, he put it at the back of his mind since he was quite bored with this space already. After all, 20 years have passed and he was feeling quite bored, and other thoughts appeared in his mind as well, such as the situation he saw earlier this morning.

When Xander tried to look 30,000 years into the future of Eteria this morning before school, however, all he could see was a barren wasteland field with scrap metal and pieces of junk were seen. There were a few animals and insects here and there, but no living humans, elves, or dwarves; As he looked around, he saw a gruesome sight of where the Heavenly Tree was once was. Only charred remains of wood halfway into charcoal, with the trunk, the branches and the leaves, gone. In the far distance in space, a space ship could be seen, seemingly preparing a gigantic magic array.

The instant it was cast, the land, the ocean, the remains of civilization rapidly melted and disintegrated, and the planet was no more. There was just a floating crystal from where the planet's core used to be, which the space ship targeted immediately. His vision of this future disappeared, which alarmed Xander greatly.

In 30,000 years, this planet is done for. He attempted to see the future of one of the planets within 100 light years distance.

He randomly selected several exoplanets from the 1000 that he discovered, all of them having the same scenario as Eteria: Barren, with traces that proved human or intelligent life existed there, with the presence of a spaceship preparing to fire a magic array. He continued scanning frantically all 1000 planets, and on the 587th planet, he finally encountered intelligent beings that were human-like.

There were hundreds of cities, citadels, on the surface of the planet, with at least half of them turning into shambles. The remaining cities were discovered to be filled with people seemingly fighting against another group of beings, and based on their attire, seemingly the invaders of this planet. There was no spaceship, however, present on the space near the planet, meaning this was two-pronged process for the invaders.

First, kill all sentient beings in the planet, basically anyone and anything capable of/with the potential of using magic, which includes, animals, intelligent beings, plants, and sprites and other supernatural beings. Second, harvest the core of the planet produced after casting the magic array. Maybe the killing of the sentient beings is important to ensure the purity of the core, Xander thought.

Xander sped up his search; besides the 587th planet, he headed to the planet that he saw was in the energy era 30,000 years ago. It was intact, with gigantic machinery imbued with runic writings covering the whole surface of the planet.

Outside, there were a fleet of spaceships continuously firing a combination of magic arrays and technological weapons. He saw a large ship in the middle of the fleet fire a ball of light, and upon touching the machinery covering the planet, it exploded, covering the whole planet, before rapidly imploding, and then disappearing without a trace, and the planet before only had a gaping darkness in its place, where no element existed...

After a few minutes though, it seemed like the space around it was contracting, and some of the spaceships nearby were pulled into the area, hitting each other and exploding. The order, chaos elements appeared, before space and time, yin and yang, and life and death elements appeared in the area, evenly spread like the rest of the starry sky.

The remaining fleet disappeared, and in front of Xander was the calm, dark space. He was surprised, and a bit aghast. He recognized it from his previous life: an antimatter bomb. But this bomb seemed to be... different. Even if he was viewing the future, he could sense the fluctuations of the bomb. It seemed to...eradicate everything in the area into nothingness. Xander paled and stopped the vision.

Returning to the present, he looked worried. The power it showcased… it was enough to suppress time, space, life and death, yin and yang… all order and disappearing, and even the chaotic mess of the universe settling into a stifling silence and emptiness… This was the power of the void element!!

Although it wasn't a complete comprehension of the void element, not even more than 0.0001%, it still managed managed to damage the ordered system of the universe because of the energy provided, momentarily creating a hole into the wide, wild void space.

Although it was repaired in a matter of seconds, if a wandering void beast entered the space...it could even spell disaster for the whole ordered system. Xander felt helpless, before shaking his head and returning to the matter at hand. After all, it was too far from his current state; he couldn't do anything right now. He left his laboratory and headed to school as usual.

Returning to the present, Xander began cleaning up his room; after finishing his clean-up of the room, he removed the time acceleration and space barrier; it had been 5 minutes in the outside world, even if 50 years passed in that space, with the time acceleration being 1 second: 61 days.

Although he could have done a time dilation of 1 second: 10 years since his comprehension improved, it wouldn't last long in the real world; roughly, 60 seconds before it collapses as the river of time attempts to repair the space. After all, when he made the advanced magic spells, he only changed the time difference to 1 second:1 year, allowing it to last as long as 12 hours, roughly giving him 43,200 years. He was in that space for a total of 6 hours, or 21,600 years.

The one he did on the garden was easier to maintain for a longer period of time; he only needed to reinforce the space-time elements once a year. Although, with his improved abilities, he reinforced the current time of the garden to 1 second: 50 days, meaning one day outside would be 11,835 years inside the garden, and he only needs to reinforce once every month. Theoretically, with his current comprehension, if he made the time difference be 1 second: 60 seconds, he could maintain the whole thing for at least half the lifespan of a universe.

He opened his room's door and headed downstairs; as he was walking, he was lamenting the fact that he couldn't openly teleport to anywhere he wanted, since he could only teleport in places where he had a clear memory/understanding of, as well as the fact he couldn't conceal his presence upon arrival on the area. He could, however, walk and run large distances, since he could just fold space in front of him.

He quickly reached the dining room where he saw Faykes seated, with the twins standing respectfully in one corner of the room. He nodded at the two, and the twins immediately moved towards the kitchen to bring out the food.

He then headed to the table and sat down. Upon seeing him, Faykes looked at him, his eyes filled with curiosity, and looking closely, a hint of regret.

The two guys were quiet, even when the twins had already placed the food on the table. Xander began putting food on his plate, and seeing this, Faykes followed suit quietly.

The latter didn't know how to start a conversation with Xander, after the information bomb that he had just experienced. So many clauses concerning his information being hidden, threat of complete death… a normal person would have no energy to focus on something else.

After a few minutes of chewing and eating, Xander spoke up, breaking the silence.

"Do you still want to see me practice?" Xander asked Faykes while chewing a hard piece of beef in his mouth.

Faykes was visibly surprised, but quickly calmed down and nodded his head at Xander's question. In truth, Faykes was gritting his teeth in frustration.

How could a simple task of making friends and then viewing the target's villa turn into something so complicated? Ugh.

Might as well see how you practice in the villa, Faykes told himself.

Xander merely nodded and continued to eat.

After a while, Faykes couldn't bear the silence, as he was a talkative person to begin with. Although he shocked from the contract signing, his shock wouldn't last forever. He easily returned to his old self and started to discuss economic and political issues currently occurring.

"Hey, Xander, you have seen the news right? About the escalating tensions between Eta and Nema? What do you think about the issue?" Faykes asked Xander while chewing the sautéed vegetables he got from the food in front of him.

Xander paused a bit, before shaking his head.