
After some time we were done with introductions. We had to do so many of them. And this repetitiveness didn't stop my nervousness each time. Thank God this time I didn't stammer while speaking or I would have made a complete fool of myself. A girl beside me wore glasses, exactly same as mine . I remember my glasses are kept in my desk drawer, as I'm wearing my contact lenses. Mr. President was conversing with some people. Yeah, I didn't pay attention to his name and why should I?

"So okay fellow members, what books have you read? Which are your favourites?" Another senior asked, a girl.

" I love Twilight series." the girl beside me with glasses suddenly chimed in. I was happy that someone shares tastes like mine and wasn't ashamed to name out in open. I can befriend this girl I thought. Every member started to name their favourite book. There were many well known titles and some unknown ones. I kept a mental note to check these books out.

My turn came up I said " The fault in our stars is my favourite book."

Veronica decides to die is a lot more personal to me. So I decide to go with my next favourite. Mr. President was eyeing me suspiciously. I looked at him with expression "What?". He averted his eyes.

Soon after we received our rulebook which contained objectives, some instructions and various achievements. I saw Mr. President's candid pictures almost everywhere. Exasperated, I closed the book and glanced at the girl beside me. I introduced myself

"Hey, I'm Manya, Even I love twilight series."

She said "Hii, I am Trisha, pleasure to make your acquaintance."

"So.. What classes do you take?"

" I have English Literature, Psychology, Computer Science and all the basic subjects." Trisha said.

"Oh I too have English and Psychology but I have Game theory too. It's very interesting." I said.

"Okay let's do some project work. It is interesting I guarantee. In here we are 15 members, we would make 5 teams of 3 members. Each would read others' favourite book and write an essay type answer, consisting three paragraphs 1st is your personal criticism, 2nd the other member's insight on the book and 3rd your experience and insights while reading the book. I hope it will garner more knowledge about members and their choices and opinions.

Let's start by dividing you in groups, there are 5 coloured paper, 3 each. Each one will pick one, and same colour would determine your group members. We would meet next week for this assignment, in between you would be having a class to gather insights from your fellow member. And I hope everyone has their hardcover copy for their favourite book, no series please.?" Susan, the senior asked and ended her speech.

Each one answered in positive except me. I read from e-book most of the time, and 'The fault in our stars' was one of it. From where would I bring the hardcopy of 'The fault in our stars'?

Next I saw we were drawing lottery. The coloured paper were rather pretty I must say. Pink, purple, navy blue, sky blue, sea green. Apart from black, white, and blue I loved sea green. I went ahead and picked sea green. I saw everyone has almost finished picking up. Trisha stood beside me with navy blue paper, a sad look on her face. "We didn't get same colour." She whinned. She is good, not a complete introvert I guess.

I looked who else has sea green. There was a boy with sea green paper. Who didn't look a least bit interested. I went to him and said

"Hii, you have sea green paper, we are in same group."

He looked annoyed and then Mr. President came forward holding sea green paper. Yup, destiny was playing cruel jokes on me.

"So, your favourite is The fault in our stars, right? And what's yours?" He asked the boy in his deep voice, beside me.

The annoyed boy replied "Alice in the wonderland by Lewis Caroll".

I was going to laugh at that, but stopped myself from. He sure was messing with him, and I enjoyed a little.

"Very well, so you would read the fault in our stars and level up your standard, and I'll read Alice in the wonderland." He said.

Wait, what? that means I have to read Mr President's book? Annoyed boy went away, while Mr President stared at me.

"Miss Verma, pleasure to meet you."

"I can say same for you Mr.President but it would be a lie."

"Maintain the same attitude, and you will fail miserably in your first assignment."

"Why so? How did I offend such an honourable personality?"

"You kept your books in my place, in the library. I sit there everyday at same time. No one disturbs me, but you not only messed up my place but even bickered with me and now this."

"I didn't know it was reserved." I said a little guilty because even I don't like anyone messing with my stuffs.

"Didn't Sourav tell you, I thought that's what he told you when he called you over there, I told him to tell you it's my place." He answered perplexed.

"You asked the wrong person, he doesn't like me least bit, he told me that I can't borrow more than two books once, he mentioned nothing about you." I answered flatly. Now that I remember, he was nodding at a table, that stupid assistant has surely got some nerves to mess around me, I don't know why?

"Okay so our misunderstanding is sorted out, don't you want to read my favourite book?" He asked amused.

"I don't want to but I need to, there's a clear difference between them." I'm still not very sure of this person. But I admit I'm little curious what type of book does he like?

"My favorite is Veronica decides to die by Paulo Coelho." He said.

"What a coincidence I...?" I spoke and then stopped he looked at me with amused eyes.

"Good luck, Manya." He said and went away.

Good, too good, so now I have to write three short paragraphs on MY favourite book, by stating as HIS favourite book, of course I received my punishment.

"Hey, what book did you get, I got 'everything, everything'." Trisha's voice broke my reverie.

"Veronica decides to die." I replied.

"Oh, I haven't read that. Recommend me if it's good." She said

"Everything, Everything is a great book you will enjoy yourself."

While the period ended I grabbed my bag to walk out. Mr. President came to me and said,

"Meet me in cafeteria tomorrow and I'll lend you my book."

With that he went away as abruptly as he came, not even waiting for my response. Trisha was shocked but didn't show. The classes continued as usual. New things were interesting. Avika sat beside me in Economics and my mood managed to improve alot. When the classes ended after decade long time, I slowly picked up my books as I wasn't in a hurry to go. As Avi went, she informed me she is going to practice for the programme. The college is soon organising some kind of fest. Its next month I guess, but drama club has started practising now. Avi is a good dancer, that I grasped on fresher's day. I loved to dance too, and learnt two classical dances Kathak and Bharatanatyam but it was okay since I loved reading more. When I went outside, half of the student body has left the compound.

It was raining. Breezy, enchanting melody of droplets can mesmerize any nature enthusiast. I love rains, I wish I would have brought earphones with me. So much for a warm weather that Mr.President offered.

As I haven't brought my umbrella with me, I had to wait until it stops. And it doesn't seem it's going to slow down soon 'sigh'. I decided to head towards the library to issue The fault in our stars. As I entered I saw Mr.President sitting at the place I was sitting in the morning. 'So he wasn't lying'. I went to that stupid assistant, what was his name, Sourav.

"Mr. Sourav why didn't you tell me that place was for Mr. Pres-" I stopped myself before calling him President.

"You mean Vihaan? Yeah, I didn't tell you on purpose."

"Why?" I asked annoyed.

"Because when you entered I was going to point at that table and inform you not to go there but you were so arrogant you didn't even look up once and stomped away." He laughed which was very irritating. And I dont think I stomped away that time. I ignored this and asked

"Okay tell me why does he get to sit there, why is it reserved for him?"

"He got special permission from Director." He said flatly.

"How?" I asked.

"If you are this curious go ask him yourself." He spat out.

I went away, took out the book, and headed to issue it. I gave him my library card and he entered everything required. For the first time he kept his stupid expression in check and worked seriously. I kept the book inside my bag and took off.

It was still raining outside. It will take some time, I considered running but the Baby pink tunic would stick to my body, and that wouldn't be decent. I sat on the steps and took out the book to read. Few minutes later, some of the things came to my mind as Hazel and Augustus exchanged their favourite books in the story. The scene from Literary Club flashed through my mind. At that very instant an umbrella was stretched by a hand wearing a nice branded watch, I looked up to see Mr.President staring at me. Why does it matter to him, whether I have an umberella or not?

Maybe I thought that out loud as he retreated saying

"Don't want? Okay, but for FYI rain won't stop anytime soon, and by soon I mean it won't till 7p.m. Don't you want to go back till then?" Why was I denying kindness offered, I don't know.

"I won't share an umbrella with you." I blurted out quickly. What is happening?

"I know." He said, kept the umberella beside me, flashed me an amusing smile and walked away in rain. The last I saw was his silhouette in rain and umbrella beside me. Maybe I judged him a little too wrongly.