Thank You

He was dribbling the ball swiftly. I loved basketball, it was my favorite game but was rejected every time, when I wanted to play, as I was short. The way he shot hoops with alot of ease, it felt as if it was second nature to him, like breathing. His easy smile while scoring is really beautiful. The way he high-fived his team-mates, it displayed profound brotherhood. I don't know why but when I saw him in the library he perfectly suited there and now when I see him in the court he is perfect here too.

I tore my eyes away, turned on the music which blasted and took my mind off him. Avi went in the gym after 2 laps. I continued to do 3 then entered the gym. We had already done this much so we sat down to do some yoga instead. We did various yoga poses and some peaceful meditation as there was no one except us here yet. Our classes start from 8.45 so most of them head to gym around 6.30. Avika and I both disliked crowds so we went earlier.

By the time we finished, and Avi went to keep the yoga mats in place, I saw Mr.President entering the gym. Maybe to keep the ball inside. He was sweating, there were only some part of dry fabric left and it seemed he had just washed his face. While he was playing I saw from afar and didn't notice his attire. White T-shirt and black shorts ,black sweatband and white sports shoes , he looked like an athlete. His T-shirt was stuck to his body, embracing his abdominal muscles tightly. And some sweat drops dripping off his neck.. Okay, stop! Manya, stop checking him out. I mentally scolded myself. He didn't notice me for a long time which was good for me otherwise I would have been caught in my act but later when I looked up and Avi came towards me, he waved at us. We waved back, and I rushed off quickly.

"He looks so hot" Avika said glancing back.

"Yeah..." I subconsciously admitted.

She stopped, suddenly bursting out in loud laugher.

"What? It's the truth" I said, my cheeks heating up.

"Yup, red tomato it's true." She said still laughing hard.

I stopped and glared at her.

Then walked away fast, I don't want him to approach me. As I went ahead, I looked for my phone and earphones. Where is it? Shit! yeah I left it in there because I was engrossed gazing at Mr.President.

"You go ahead I think I left my phone in, I know you have to head to your practice soon." I said walking back to the gym.

" 'Kay " she walked ahead as she was already late.

I don't know what's wrong with me. It's not like I haven't seen a good looking boy. Everything is their fault. They shouldn't say such things about us. Their thinking made my mind see other possibilities too. Ugh, I'll just ignore him like I used too. After this project I'm done, so don....

"Ah!" I crashed into something, no someone.

And of course it had be that stupid boy, Mr.President.

His hands steadied me, grabbing my shoulders. And I stood there shocked beyond beliefs. Yup, sappy tales from movies and novel does exist. See it's happening with me. But just a second later he stepped back. I didn't forgo my resolve. "Thank you" I mumbled and went in only to search the place twice. Where did it go? I was searching then his low, deep voice reached me

"Are you searching for this?" I saw my phone and earphones linked together in his hands. Relief flooded over me.

"Oh Thank God, I thought I lost both my phone and mind for a minute. Thank you." I said reaching for it.

"Okay, now stop thanking me every moment. Apart from the first day you thanked me once yesterday, then twice today. Would it be thrice tomorrow?."

So he even remembers the number of times I say thank you?

"No, I won't thank now as I'll be more vigillant now." I said

Yeah I need to be

"Good." He spoke, and then I walked ahead. I literally wanted to turn back to have a glance once but I controlled myself. I went to my room and wanted to plop into the blankets and sleep for few days, no weeks instead.

As I washed and dressed up, I took off my contact lenses and now I'll use glasses. Now, atleast he won't glance at me at all and I'll be free from all these useless antics.

Today I wore Navy blue butterfly sleeved top and black denims. It's quite comfortable and common.

"What, you are feeling low today?" Avika instantly frowned looking at me.

"I just didn't want to use lenses today." I said.

Plenty of time was left so I started preparing for my classes ahead. Avi went to her practice. The day went pretty normally today. I managed to avoid him totally. After finishing our food they started talking as I wanted to read I went to the library. Today the librarian was there. Sourav was sitting quietly doing his work. I saw no empty seats there except obviously his table. He wasn't there though, but last time was enough for me to learn my lesson. As I was going to head back, he came forward, talking a glance at my book, I mean his book, and said.

"You can sit there. Just for today. As we are doing the assignment together."

"No it's okay, I'll read in the garden." And I rushed off.

Of course I won't sit there with him. Sit with him and gather unnecessary attention a big NO.

As the rest of the classes ended we all went back to our dorms together.

"Let's head out today, tomorrow is weekend anyway." Riya suggested.

"No, I have to complete this because there is an literary meet tomorrow. You all go though." I said. "Did you complete your book?" I asked Trisha

"Yup, I stayed whole night awake to complete it. It was a lovely book. We should have a movie night together, what do you say?." Trisha suggested. This girl is opening up.

"Yeah why not, but I'll join you after 2 hours is that okay?" I asked.

"Hmm, yeah just complete that damn book quickly." Riya said.

I laughed and they went to Trisha's room as she had wide collection of movies.

As I almost reached the end when I found a piece of paper kept in the book. Its his book, the paper must be his. I shouldn't open it, right? Curiosity took over my sensibility. Few lines were scribbled there in not a very good writing. But it possessed the charm that showed the one who had written must have a good handwriting. The words were:

'Somehow I still feel caged

Each bystander

Watches me and exclaims

How good of a life I lead!

No restrictions, comfortable lifestyle

and what not

But still I am caged

So many times I sat there in solitude

And tried to introspect myself

Now it seems my nightmares

Are more peaceful

Than reality.

I am drowning

Deep inside waters of expectations

I couldn't breathe

It's suffocating

Their faith in me, their trust

Is too much to fathom

What if I fail?

What if I break their faith?

Will I become one of the failures?

Will I become one of the disloyal people?

And then the waters of misery,

Drowned me in.

Swallowing me whole,

Sparing me no escape.

I wish I had learned,

To swim, when I was told,


Understood the cautions properly

Of impending doom.

Maybe it was fate and

My unchangeable destiny.'

I didn't know behind his so good mask he would be broken. But maybe this might be just figments of imaginations. Or just some random thoughts he decided to pen down. I completed the book, but first time in my life I felt more connected to this piece of paper than the book. Maybe it's time to let go all the things. Maybe I'm ready. I can rise again like a phoneix from ashes.

After that I couldn't go to watch movies. My brain was overflowing with questions of which I had no answers. I just wanted to shut down the brain's brainless activities.

I called Avi and told her that I won't be able to come as I feel little sick. They all instantly came up to check on me. I felt a little guilty but yeah I did feel building headache in my head. I coaxed them to leave me and enjoy themselves. They went only after I had my medicine. I have got a good bunch of friends I thought as I slept with a bitter smile.