Phone Call

The "ting" sound of the computer, notification of transfer, burst the bubble that surrounded us and we were back to reality.

"I should go and take some rest." I said while keeping my laptop back.

He just nodded.

Just as I was walking ahead he stood up and matched the pace with me. I knew it wasn't reasonable to argue, he would walk me to the dorms no matter what I say.

We walked together to the entrance of the hostel. All the way we were quiet but it didn't feel awkward. Many things surfaced in my mind but none of them made sense. Maybe I really do need some time to rest. When we reached I turned to thank him and bid goodbye.

He said " Get well soon and I'll take up your work for now. Take care."

"Thank you." And I meant it for everything he did.

He left and I entered my room. When I went to sleep, it was 5.18 p.m.

I woke up with the same fright as I did when I saw those recurring nightmares. Most of the times I wake up like this, startled. Wiping off the sheen of sweat on my face I glanced at the clock it was 5.18 p.m. What? Didn't I sleep at this time? Is the clock broken? But then I heard voices accusing me with new faces this time.

"That's because of you." Avika said, her voice thick with criticism.

"Why didn't you allow me?" Riya said crying.

Several voices with accusatory and derogatory remarks filled my head as I sat helplessly on the bed, trying to deny everything. I realized I could not move. I tried my best but no avail.

'This wasn't my intention. I wasn't aware something of this magnitude would happen.'

I tried to speak but no words came out. the voices kept buzzing, each sentence clearer than others. They pierced so bad in my heart and soul that till now no blood would be left to flow. I can suffer no more. I wanted relief and just as I thought I saw myself walking barefoot on the terrace. I remember this! It's the terrace of my apartment back home. The feeling of déjà vu passed across me. As if my body is out of control, listlessly I continued to walk towards the railing. No! I don't want to die now! No! no! no! why am I rushing forward? My body wasn't listening no matter what I said, pleaded or begged. It was me who was disobeying me.

Just then I heard several comforting voices far away.

"Wake up quickly,'s a nightmare..." Avika's voice.

"Is she okay?" Asked Trisha concerned.

I couldn't hear her answer as I sat up straight. The dream, it was a dream. I glanced at the clock it was 6.52 p.m.

After a few deep breaths and a glass of water, I calmed down.

If my nightmares were bad this was the worst one. I wasn't this helpless in them. These few days I was sleeping well, no nightmares. The antibiotics. They were the reason my nightmare intensified. I remember when I was young, had a very high fever and was prescribed medicines. One of them being an antibiotic, that didn't let me sleep properly as I kept seeing weird dreams which scared me a lot. After this, I was reluctant to have allopathic medicines and preferred homoeopathy for cold. But today I didn't remember as I was so dizzy.

When I got back my voice I spoke. I registered the worried faces of Trisha and Avika.

"What happened?" As I knew Avika had practised.

"I heard you are sick so came rushing." She answered.

"Who told you?" I asked my eyebrows furrowed.

"Vihaan. He came to drama club to do some work, then told me how you were going to faint, was gonna lose your voice and so on. I just heard that and came running. Aren't I a good friend?" She went on.

"Yeah, yeah you are the best." I laughed.

"Now you tell me what happened?" She questioned. Trisha sat there quietly listening to our conversation.

"Nothing just a little cold." I said

They didn't seem convinced so I added.

"I already ate the medicines, I'm really okay. Go now don't disturb my precious rest." I slept long enough by drinking some cough syrup. After the preceding nightmare, I slept peacefully with my earphones on. It was 10 p.m when I woke up. I was extremely hungry.

I wanted to find some snacks. I started to find some biscuits. After I found some I devoured the whole. I was lucky as I found a ready-made bhel. It would be of Avika's I have to restock them. I was wearing the same clothes so I changed into lounge wears. Avika was asleep.

I was too awake now, with no intention to sleep. I didn't want to study either so I glanced at my phone to read pride and prejudice again. I saw two text messages from Mr.President.

"Do you feel better?" Was the first one.

"I handed the first part of the script to the drama club, just so you be informed."

Was the second.

I felt fluffy inside. I decided to reply.

"Yeah I'm better, was sleeping."

"Thanks for informing."

After sending a reply I proceeded to lose myself in fiction but the notification popped up.

"Did you eat?" He messaged.

Is he my mother? My mother nags me like this every time. Today I haven't talked to her she would be worried. I'll call her tomorrow positively.

"Yeah" I replied.

"You woke up now what did you have?" He isn't letting this go, is he? I just can't comprehend why was he a mixture between being so annoying and caring together?

"Biscuits and some snacks." I replied.

With that, there was no reply. Did he decide to let go? I sighed in relief but my sigh was caught in my throat as my phone started ringing. HE WAS CALLING!!

I quickly hung up and messaged.

"Don't call."

"Pick it up." He said and called again. This time I was prepared and wasn't scared.

"He-hello?" I whispered.

It felt I was doing something sneaky.

"Your voice sounds okay!" He remarked. His voice low and deep.

We were quiet all of a sudden.

"What were you doing?" I asked. If he has called then let's talk I am free anyway.

"Was preparing to sleep when your notification popped up. Why did you eat snacks?" He asked

"I live in a hostel, remember?" I said, annoyed. It wasn't my home where I could fill up anytime.

He laughed at that.

"Yeah I forgot, so your roommate is asleep?"

"Hmmm.... You live alone, right? So what did you eat, where do you eat usually?" I asked suddenly remembering.

"Yes I live alone and I had bread omelette for dinner and I usually cook these myself." He said.

"You cook?" Surprise can't be hidden in my voice, I didn't expect him to cook.

"And bread omelette? That's for breakfast!" I laughed

"Hey, I can't cook that good just simple stuff enough to make a good dinner, rest I manage in college cafeteria and cafés outside. And who said you can't have dishes of breakfast in dinner?" He protested.

His voice made me laugh more.

"What do you cook Mr.President?"

"Sandwiches, scrambled eggs, maggi, coffee and tea. Now that I think I don't know much." He laughed criticizing himself.

"Yes all of those are of western cuisine, do you know something Indian?" I asked deliberately.

"No..." His voice was a bit sad.

"No problem, even I don't know. I love to make fast foods. But I know basic recipes and there is always You-Tube." I said happily.

"How do you feel?" He asked.

"I'm good, I won't miss the classes tomorrow. Let's meet tomorrow to discuss the script." I offered.

"No working, you should recover, but we can head to drama club to see the auditions." He suggested.

"Really? We could?" I couldn't hide the excitement.

"Yes." He replied simply.

"Okay, I really want to watch." I said.

"You can try out the roles, you know?" He teased again.

"Please stop, will you? I just want to see the story to be enacted."

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore. But to be honest you do suit the role of Elizabeth."

I was flattered.

"And you of Mr.Bingley." I smirked as I knowingly made him best-friend of the male protagonist Mr.Darcy.

"Why not Darcy?" He asked I knew it will get on his nerves.

"It's because you are a kind gentleman. Darcy was arrogant." I said.

He laughed at that.

"Oh, it's because you didn't know me before and I am very friendly with you. Did you forget the day in the library?" He asked.

I remember well how could I forget? Yes, he was cold but I know it wasn't his nature it was just a mask. He warmed up a lot to me and now that I realize I did too.

"Okay, you would fit the role of Darcy. But even though you become the male lead I won't participate."

"Why? many other girls would love to run for this opportunity." He said. I can imagine his expression while saying that. Smirking arrogantly.

"Mr.President I think you forgot I don't come into the category of many other girls.

Those girls who you talk about aren't even serious about acting and would spoil the spirit and motive of the drama. I love all the characters so I can't be biased and play favourites here and I really don't want to act. It doesn't matter who would be playing opposite me, even if you weren't participating and I loved some role I would have happily agreed. It's just this story that I want to be behind the scenes to stretch it to the maximum limit, towards perfection. Don't you compare them to me."

"Woah! calm down. I know. I was kidding. Manya is a unique girl, I am aware of that." He chuckled softly.

"I'm serious!" I feigned anger as I wasn't angry in the first place.

"I know." He said. "But then do you want to become the director? Or Assistant Director?" He asked

"No, it's better to be screenwriter because then I could get the opportunity to make my point by asking and troubling you. You would help me, right?" I giggled.

"So good, you have already made plans to use me, huh?" He asked and I'm sure he would be smiling like he does when he is amused. We were quiet then.

I glanced at my phone it showed we talked for 43 minutes. I was shocked.

"Okay, I am feeling sleepy. See you tomorrow, bye, Goodnight." I said, a little embarrassed.

"Yes, Goodnight." He said.

We talked for so long. I went through our conversation again. I was aware of the roller coaster of my emotions in a single call. Surprise, shock, happiness, excitement, irritation, anger and embarrassment.

I slept peacefully without earphones and a smile plastered on my face.