

"Beta, I have mailed you your books. Remember to receive them." My father said. I have forgotten all about that but he remembered.

"Thank you, Papa. How are you?" I asked him.

I talked to him for a long duration. He inquired about my studies, monetary assistance and home. I sat on the steps talking to him while gestured the girls to go up already. I saw the incoming calls from Mr President but I ignored them. When I was in the corridors when his messages came in.

"Where are you?"

"In my room." I sent.

"Why." He asked.

"Not well."

"What happened?" He asked.


And I turned my phone on silent mode.

I entered and saw Avika and Riya in my room.

"Where's Trisha?" I asked.

"She is in her room. She will be right back." Avika said.

"I'm going to study a little," I said. I shouldn't slack off. I was sick the day before so I should compensate. I completed a chapter and checked my phone but had mixed feelings when I saw no messages.

Next few days passed by. I avoided him. He didn't approach me either. I studied, ate, slept, went to the literary club and drama club, enjoyed with my friends. Pretty much I was back to my life before him but it didn't feel the same.

It was raining in the past few days. A week has passed since I left the practice without a word. I have been here the whole time but we haven't talked to one another. I have been helping Trisha in her costume designs whenever I felt the tension between Mr.President and me is unbearable.

I was sitting with my poetry book when Susan, Trisha and one more girl moved towards me. I stood and Trisha said.

"Manya, will you do me a favour?"

"Yup what's up?" I asked.

"I had to go to pick up the costumes with Kriti di but I couldn't because of some issues. Will you go in place of me? You are already aware of most things." She asked.

"Yeah sure, what do I have to do?" I asked.

"Take this list and tally the costumes. You won't have to do anything more. Susan and Daksh would check their costumes there. Kriti di is playing Jane as well as managing the costumes. She will help you out." Trisha said.

"Hmm, okay." I felt a little nervous. Anyway, I would help her and see the city too.

I walked with Susan and Kriti. They were chatting heartily. I was following them quietly all the way where Daksh was waiting. We were outside the campus when a car drove in.

"Come on in." A familiar voice said.

It was Mr.President. Was he going to drive us there? I was happy and awkward both. I was happy that at least there was someone with me whom I knew and awkward because we weren't talking.

Our campus was far away from the main city. So it will take us a long time to reach. I wanted to hear some songs but alas I hadn't brought my earphones.

Susan was sitting beside me and I sat near the window behind Mr President. As if to guess my intention he played his playlist. Surprisingly his choices were good. They were some songs I didn't know but they were melodious and of my tastes. There were no English songs though.

It was really far away and we reached around 4.45 while we took off at 3. The city market was bustling with energy. Thank God the rain stopped after 2 otherwise it would be difficult to go out. The boutique was really beautiful. There were many characters so we had many costumes. The fabric was good and they were rented. I talked to the owner as she told us to follow. We five followed her in.

The boutique was neatly arranged. The lady went inside to bring out the costumes.

Daksh was talking to Susan and Kriti and both of us were standing beside each other.

"Why are you here?" His voice was low and deep as always, enough for only me to hear. Finally, our ice broke.

"I'm here to help out Trisha," I replied.

"Oh, and I thought you were an assistant screenwriter." He laughed mockingly.

I pursed my lips. He is behaving the same way as he did in the library.

The lady returned and she gave the leads their costume to try. Daksh and Susan went to change while Kriti and I sat down totally the costumes.

"Are you playing a role in the drama too?" The lady asked me.

"No, I'm not, auntie." I denied

"What a loss, I think you would look good while acting. Is that boy not participating?" She pointed at Mr President.

"No he is not doing it too," I said.

"What a pity! You two would look good together." I flushed at her comment.

The drama was just next week. It is on 3rd August today. The drama will take place on Saturday in the afternoon followed by the concert in the night next week. The whole thing is going well. Maybe after this, I won't get enough chance to meet him.

I was thinking about this and saw both the characters come into the light. Susan and Daksh both complemented the same way as Elizabeth did to Darcy. They looked awesome in their costumes. Kriti was happy to see this happening as her hard work paid off.

After taking the costumes all of them decided to eat something. There were a lot of street foods but I didn't like it. Yes, I'm weird. It was raining and I don't eat contaminated food. I saw Mr.President declining too. I remembered the first day in the cafeteria when he ordered the same sandwich as mine.

"You won't eat anything?" Daksh asked me as he offered his untouched food.

"No, but Thanks." I refused. I knew I was hungry but I would not eat this. He continued eating then.

They enjoyed their eatables and Mr.President passed me a packet of chips. I took it. I saw he bought one for himself too. Daksh got a call and then told us that he won't be going back as he has some work in the city. Susan and Kriti decided to hit the shops. I was tired and I think he was irritated.

"Susan we were here to do some work which is already done. We have to head back soon."

After this sentence, all of us went back to the car. We were in the car for a few minutes when Kriti said.

"Vihaan please stop. Susan and I are going to shop. You guys can head back. I live nearby. Susan will stay with me."

I was surprised. He agreed and stopped. Both of them went out. They went ahead but he was glued to his place not starting the car.

"Sit in the shotgun. I'm not your driver." He said coldly.

I was irritated but still went to the front seat. I wanted to break the awkwardness around us so I asked.

"Is this your car?"

"No" Blunt and clear was his reply. I don't know what happened to him.

I was very sleepy. I admit whenever I sit in the car I feel sleepy. The melodious song was a lullaby to me. The sun was going down. It was already 6.20 p.m. I hope we would reach till 8. If it gets delayed any more minute my hostel would be locked. I was drifting towards slumber and then I slept with my head on the window glass.


Vihaan's POV (Point of View)


The girl beside me was sleeping peacefully. Is she this careless or trusts me very much. I don't understand. If it would be someone else other than me what would she do? When I see her these days she often avoids me. I ignore her too. But I still don't feel good doing this. I'll clearly ask what her problem was the next time we talk. We had a good friendship and I didn't want to break it in maintaining my useless ego. She could have her pride. I'll concede defeat. She looks cute while sleeping. I glanced at her. Her arms holding her. She was cold I guess but I didn't have a blanket or my jacket here. I won't forget the next time. I was surprised at that thought. I am even thinking about the next time.

At last, we came out of the city. It was getting late otherwise her warden won't let her in. I increased the speed. I liked long drives. It was peaceful and had calming effects. Ahead on the highway, the cars were in a straight line which signified just one thing that there was a traffic jam ahead. We were halfway and this happened. Must be some commotion ahead.


I woke up when I felt taps on my shoulder. Crap, I really slept. Did we reach? I turned to him. The car wasn't in the ignition. I glanced at the time it was 7.45.

Tidying up my hair I asked anxiously.

"What happened?"

"Traffic jam. Sit here let me check." He said and walked out. There weren't many cars in the line. Most of them being buses and trucks. I saw the cars going back to the city. He walked up to the truck driver ahead and they conversed.

When he came back he said

"An accident happened ahead. The truck crashed into a car. The car and truck are blocking the road. I don't know how long it would take."

After hearing his answer I was more anxious. What to do time is running out. Will the warden call my parents? How long would we sit here? I was so hungry too!