Chapter 4 Shina and Akira

After 3 days

Ryan gets out of the jungle and sees the village

Ryan-What is this place

Ryan enters the village but faints as he has not eaten anything for the past 3 days

A Villager Passing by sees him and takes him to his house

After a day

Ryan wakes up still weak

The Villager comes in with a bowl of soup in his hands amd sits beside Ryan

The Villagers offers him some food

Ryan desperate for food eats it

Shana-My Name is Shana,What is your's

Ryan-It's Ryan,Where am I?

Shana-You are in the village of Gardora,It's a peaceful village

Ryan-Why did you save me

Shana-I think you are running from someone,aren't you


???-So you are awake!!

Ryan-What the?

Shana-That's my Friend,Akira

Ryan-Nice to meet you

Akira-You have a Bounty,you know Whoever captures you first gets 1 million Faru(A Currency used in This world)

Shana-What did you do,Ryan

Ryan-I Have another perskn inside me

Akira-What do you mean?

Ryan-Its like someone posses me when I see my own blood,And that person whoever is inside me kills alot of people

Shana-You don't want to kill,do you

Ryan-Never,I can't never kill a person

Akira comes closer

Taked out her knife and gives a small cut to Ryan

Shana-What are you doing!!

Ryan sees his blood and faints

Akira-We need to see if he is saying the truth

Tyler wakes up

Tyler-So,Do you believe me


Tyler-Ryan,He is fainted I am Tyler

Akira sees his eyes

Akira-So You have another person in you

Shana-How do you know?

Akira-Just a second ago You had eyes of a weakling and now you have the eyes of a killer


Tyler remembers something from his previous life

She sees a girl,a lot like shana

Tyler-Who are you?

Hina-My name is Hina

Tyler comes back

Tylet-You are Hina right?

Akira tales out her sword and points it at Tyler

Akira-How did you know the names of our original world

Tyler-Original world?


Shana thinks and remembers

Shana-You are Hazuki Tyler,Aren't you The Gand Member who kills


Akira-So you are saying that This guy died in that world,Got reincarnated in this world and now has Two Brains

Tyler-That is,I don't remember alot from my original world

Akira-So If I think now you are suffering from Multiple Personality Disorder,Right?

Tyler-Yeah,That must be it

Shana-Okay,So Now this world Army is after you as you killed a person


???-Come out,Ryan right now and show me how strong you are

Akira looks through the window

Akira-The Army with some Children

Tyler-They must have come for this guy

Akira-You rest up,I and Shana take care of this guy

Akira and Shana come out

Jinta-Akira,Give us that person He killded Mike

Akira-Sorry Jinta,But he is our friend now


Shana-Well You see The guy inside Ryan is from our world and he once saved my life

Jinta-Then we have to face each other

Lina-Jinta,Can you handle Akira I will take care of Shana


End of Chapter


By-Light Yuzuki