William Park

In a certain club for the riches, loud and deafening disco music reverberated. Disco ball spinned and reflected several colors, making the club become more festive. Some people were dancing crazily along the beat. Some others enjoyed the performance while sipping on boozes. As the time was about to reach midnight, more people came in batches, making the club crowded in instant.

Men and women were here to look for fun. Mostly, men dress in suits, probably they went here after work, only some wore casual clothes and women donned frivolous dress that highlight their bodily assets with seductive make up that enhanced their facial features. Men and women had no boundaries. They kissed and teased each other as lust was obviously reflected in their behaviors. They all seemed so happy and unrestrained.

Admist of the cheerful mood, there was one man who frowned and sulked from time to time. He was William Park. In all possibilities, this kind of place was the least from the places he wanted to visit ever.

The reek of alcohols mixed with poignant smell of perfumes and tobacco was a torture to his sense.

Moreover, women and men would act freely without rein. They would grope the private part of their body and kissed a french kiss ferociously as if there would be no tomorrow. For someone like him who grew in family with traditional-eastern value, such actions were not acceptable.

The last, he hated this place because the type of women he disgusted swarm freely, from white lotus to money digger who tried to hit on him once they saw his breathtakingly handsome face and his appearance.

William Park was born mixed races. His mother was a Caucasian - Chinese descendant and his father was Korean - Chinese descendant. As a child of a mixed race, William inherited strong traits from each race. His eyes were brown with double eyelids, completed with long eyelashes and deep dark eyebrows. His pointed nose and thin cherry lips elevated his already good looking face. His fair skin was peach colored and much more fairer compared to women in average. His 6'3" feet height added his attractiveness value to a whole new level.

He was the CEO of a multinational company, Park Corporation, one of the biggest company in Z country. Its business revolved in many sectors, started from technology, housing and property, domestic and international trading, garment, gourmet and lately, they involved in military for providing weapons to the government.

Having a perfect appereance to be praised and abundant money to be spent, countless women tried to hook him up only to find themselves ruined. Despite the risk, many women still tried so hard to entice him. To them, high risk was equal to high return. Well, who didn't want to become a wife of a perfect man?

William found women annoying. To him, they were like greenflies that tried to gnaw a piece of A5 grade marbled meat. Of course, he referred himself as the meat that everyone couldn't wait to taste.

Unable to stay in this place any longer as it tortured both his mental and physic, William Park excused himself. "I want to go back home." said William Park to his friend, Andrew Lim.

He stood up from the sofa and took his jacket. He was about to walk out of the room when his intoxicated childhood friend replied. "Why? We have not enjoy the night to the fullest. Accompany me please. My heart hurts. And don't you want to hook up with a girl?" asked Andrew Lim, clutching his chest tightly as if he was in pain. He asked William Park to go to the club with him because he just broke up with his girlfriend. William Park, on the other hand, didn't want to go but for the sake of their friendship, he relented. As for hooking up a girl, he had never intended to do it in the first place.

"I've accompanied you for two hours. It's more than enough." replied William Park while glancing at his silver watch on his left wrist. It was already 11:00 PM so he needed to rest at home. Although tomorrow was sunday, he had no plan to stay all night in this kind of place. He would rather finished his works than partying without clear purpose. Without waiting for Andrew's reply, he continued walking.

In the parking lot, he got into his Maybach. He sighed heavily because he finally freed himself from this torture base. After calming himself for a minute, he drove the car out of the club.

William rolled down the car window and drove slowly because he wanted to enjoy the night breeze. The breeze was cold and refreshing at the same time.

He drove his car until the intersection near his house. He stopped his car because the traffic lamps turned red. It was almost midnight and the street was deserted but William still stopped his car before the traffic lamps as he was a compliant citizen. He would stick to the law obediently although there was no one supervise him.

After waiting for almost a minute, the red light turned to green. William was about to continue his journey when suddenly a woman passed in front of his car from the other side of the road.

The woman seemed in frantic. Several meters behind her, five brawny men with ferocious looks ran after her. "Hey bratty woman. Stop or i'll break your legs!" shouted one of the men loudly.

William wanted to help but he was too lazy to got out of his car. Moreover, he had no relationship with the girl so he had no reason to help her. But, another part of him wanted to help her. So, when the girl had passed, he blocked the men with his car.

"Who are you? Why are you blocking our way?" one of the men shouted. He could not find the figure he was chasing, he cursed. " Shit! She escape!"

William was still in his car. He just replied with calm voice. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it." Then, he drove his car away from them.

"Why are you running away bastard!" the men was trying to break the window of his car to give him some beatings but William flee away faster.

Two hundreds meters from the intersection, the woman who was being chased hid behind a tree and blended her presence in the darkness of the night. "Thank you." said the woman faintly before she dissapeared into the darkness.