Two Posh Ladies

It was raining outside. The whole sky covered in dark grey clouds. Sound of thunders struck all of sudden, making some people frightened.

Today was Elena's 25th birthday. There was nothing special to her but for some reason she felt so energized.

She sat on the stool by floor-to-ceiling window at the cafe near her campus while staring at the raindrops outside. She was daydreaming as she kept staring at the rain. Her days had really changed 180 degrees to the better.

Lately, she was quiet busy as the police requested her assistance for a money laundering case. In her busy activities, she free herself several days to prepare the necessary documents for her application to an Independent Forensic Agency. This unit was named as Unnatural Death Investigation (UDI) Lab. It was a new agency because it had just been established for three years.

Elena applied to this unit after she asked suggestion to her two professors, Professor Kim and Professor Guan. Her professors were well known figures in their field so she thought it would be wise to ask their opinion. Moreover, they must have known the ins and outs of this industry.

As she expected, the professors recommended her some well known agencies. There were even several well known agencies abroad that they recommended her as they thought it was worth of their prized student. At first, they recommended her to choose one of those foreign agency.

Elena dumbfounded. She asked their opinion but they gave her too much information to the point she caught in dilemma. After she contemplated for a while, she rejected their recommendation and politely said that for the time being, she would only choose domestic agency.

The professors nodded in apprehension. Indeed, it was better for her to familiarize herself with domestic agencies first. Then, they discussed about which agency she would go to.

Every agency had their positive and negative side but it was mostly influenced by the human. The structure of the agency and seniority became the main requirements of the two professors in choosing the agency because they didn't want their student to be caught in the power struggle or be bullied by older people. They were familiar with the head of those agencies and some old fogeys, but, because of that, they knew those people were greedy for power and always acted haughtily.

For three hours, the professors told her the strength and the weakness of every agency (actually it was about the head of those agencies) and found out none of the agency fulfill their requirements. Fortunately, Professor Guan's phones suddenly rang out. The dialer was his trusted friend. To Elena's luck, the dialer asked Professor Guan recommendation for a medical examiner. Thus, Professor Guan discussed with Professor Kim and agreed to recommend her to the dialer's agency. The main reasons were simple; first because the head of the agency was not only the trusted friend of Professor Guan but also Professor Kim and second, there would be no power struggle as the agency had just been established for three years.

Elena, on the other hand accepted her professors recommendation happily because it was made after careful consideration. Furthermore, Elena felt satisfied with the two professors' choice.

The days that she spent was tiring and she always slumped whenever she arrived at home. But she felt so content and blissful. These feelings were lost for one whole year when she date Liu Tang.

One year she spent for Liu Tang made her penniless. She worked herself to the bones without pay yet the one whom she worked for crushed her.

After her break up, she started to mend her life. Fortunately, her co-workers from police department and professors were kind enough to help her getting the jobs she rejected as well as to recommend her to the medical examiner agency.

Well, the main reason they helped her was not merely because they were familiar with her, Elena's ability was the main reason for all of it.

Elena was a student of Imperial University. By the age of 14, she was accepted in two different majors, Medical Science and Computer Science. In 180 years history of Imperial University, she was the youngest person ever to be accepted in two different majors but actually, she was accepted in four different majors with the other two were Economics and Foreign Language. After she consulted with the academic advisor of her university, she decided to focus on two majors, medical science and computer science.

Elena was graduated at 17 years old before she decided to pursue her dream to become a forensic pathologist. She attended medical school program to become a M.D. for two years which normally required four years of study. In the same year after she graduated from medical school program, she became a licensed M.D. Then she enrolled in a four-year residency in anatomic and clinical pathology, followed by her residency for one year at Z Country Federal Government Agency. By the age of 24 she became a forensic pathologist. It meant that she required only ten years, three years less compared to normal time for someone to become a forensic pathologist. Normally, at least 13 years were needed for someone to become a forensic pathologist.

The truth was, she could shorten her studying time if she focused solely on this pathway, but, because she took computer science as her second major, her focus would surely breach into two.

Talking about her computer skill, Elena was an excellent hacker. She assisted police in some major cases. Her ability was acknowledged by the staffs from police department because every time she made a move, everything about the targets would be collected soon, even faster than the staffs from police department. Even so, only a handful of trusted people knew her identity as a hacker. She was not stupid enough to let everyone know her identity as a hacker because it was surely detrimental for her. So, whenever she worked, there would be a proxy to cover her up. This also made her able to move freely and unconstrained.

Simply to say she was a future forensic pathologist and a seasoned hacker.

Near the table where Elena sat, two middle aged ladies were chatting while slurping their tea. Ocassionally, they sureptitiously glanced at her from the corner of their eyes. It was obvious that both of them were there for Elena.

The middle aged lady wore an expensive custom made opaque dress. She didn't don many accessories, only a pair of white pearl earrings that enhanced her beauty. While the other woman seemed older than the former. She had some strains of white hair but oddly, it enhanced her matured beauty. She also wore the same dress like the former, only differ in color as the color was more mellow. From their appereance, they, without doubts, were posh ladies from prominent family.

Elena didn't aware that two pairs of eyes were looking at her intently. She was just too absorbed in her own world.

"Mom, do you see her?" said the younger middle aged lady to the older lady who was mother-in-law. Her eyes were full of sparks, as if she found something so fascinating that it evoked her possessive nature.

"It's her? She is so beautiful. Is she really the one you mentioned before?" The older middle aged woman replied as her eyes widened in disbelief. Her daughter-in-law had repeatedly described Elena's beauty but after seeing her in flesh, the description seemed lacking by too much.

"Yes she is. No doubt and absolutely right. She's so beautiful right? i want her to become Willie's wife. He always hole himself in his office. I'm afraid that he can't get a woman himself. So it's better for me to set him up." The woman was so excited. Her imagination started to run wild. She could imagined how perfect her son and Elena would be when they stand side by side.

"Ok. It's all up to you. But it's better for you to make sure that Willie loves her and her characters is unquestionable." replied the older woman. Although her Park Family was one of the prominent family in Z Country, she didn't care about the marriage alliance like other top families. Her grandsons happiness would always become her priority. As long as the behavior of the woman he fancied decent, she would definitely agree and let them had their own way.

The woman's eyes lit. "Thank you mom. I've investigated her and her characters is good. I'll let you see the report when we are at home. "

"Hmmm. If you say so then i have no comment. Just do it."

After receiving her mother-in-law consent, the woman began to formulate a plan to bring her son and Elena together. The two kept chatting until a man suddenly went in. He was Liu Tang

Elena was still immersed in her own world. She didn't notice Liu Tang that suddenly sat in front of her. "Elena."

As her name was mentioned, Elena returned to the reality. She looked at the man and frowned in disgust. She tried to get rid of him from her sight days ago but this man was like a cockroach.

Elena stared at the man with her cold eyes. "What's wrong Mr. Liu?"

"Elena, please listen to me." pleaded Liu Tang. His expression seemed so sincere but Elena knew he was putting an act.

"Listen to you? If my memory serves me right, there should be nothing we need to talk about right?" Elena grabbed her bag and stood. She was about to go out from the cafe when her wrist was caught by Liu Tang.

The posh ladies looked at how Liu Tang hold Elena's wrist in astonishment. Was the man her boyfriend? But it was unlikely because they could see the disgust in Elena's eyes at the man in front of her clearly.

The younger posh lady, upon seeing the scene noted the man mentally while patting her chest as she relieved that the man was not Elena's boyfriend. If he was, would her upcoming plan to matchmake her son and Elena become a waste? So, because he was not Elena's boyfriend, how could he ruin her plan? Did he want to die?