Frightened Rabbit

It had already been five months since Elena worked at UDI Agency. Most of the time she spent in the laboratory, examining the corpses that kept coming day after day. Each of them died in different ways, telling different stories before their deaths. They were mostly from vehicle accidents, arson and suicide. She had seen corpse whose body was incomplete, sometimes the legs were missing and sometimes the other parts of the body that it looked so gory. But, to Elena, the most gruesome ones were from homicide.

There was once Elena terrified after seeing a certain corpse. It was the very first time she felt that way after examining many corpses.

At that time, she examined the corpse of a twenty years old woman. She had no idea the corpse she was about to examine was the victim of homicide so she just casually equipped herself with medical gown and some autopsy tools. Nevertheless, the moment she saw the corpse, she frightened.

She saw bruises and scars all over the corpse. Some cuts were on the hands, legs and limbs. They were large in size and deep enough, probably only several millimeters from the bone. There were also parts where the bones were ghastly exposed, especially in legs and ankle area.

Elena couldn't imagine how painful it was because the wounds were clearly made when the victim was still alive.

"Elena, have you done your report?" asked Drey as he arranged some files on his table. It was already evening and he would surely wanted to go home because today was too chaotic, they examined five corpses from different cases per request of police department. Fortunately they finished everything on time.

"Almost. You don't need to wait senior." Elena replied with her eyes still locked on the screen, writing the report. There was only her and Drey in the office. As a self-proclaimed gentleman, Drey would wait for his female co-workers when they had overtime.

"Oh, ok. Be careful in your own."

"En. Thank you senior." Elena nodded.

Elena was alone in the office. She kept typing until her alarm rang. It was almost 11.00 PM.

She hurriedly finished her work and went out from the office. She whipped her phone out from her bag and was about to call for an online taxi when a black Maybach stopped right in front of her. "Elena, Hello." greeted the driver politely.

"Oh William it's you. Hello." Elena perfunctory nodded. The driver was William Park, the younger brother of Thomas Park, her senior colleague. She was familiar with him because he ocassionally dropped by the agency to visit his brother.

She remembered when he came to agency for the first time to look for Thomas. All women were in frenzy and acted like brainless fans meeting their idol. His perfect look made their panties wet. He was so dazzling, like male characters in shoujo manga with imaginary blinding golden light and rose petals floated around his well build and tall figure. He wore dark blue tailor made suit with silver watch on his left wrist. His clean-cut hair were in side part fade style, elevating his exquisite look to a whole new level. His charm intoxicated all women in the office, excluding Elena.

Elena's bad experience with Liu Tang probably affect her impression on him. To her, he was just a handsome rich man who looked like a peacock that moved around only to show its multicolored feathers. A man like him who exuded strong testosterone must be a playboy that play with many women.

But, after some interaction, she found William was not as bad as she initially thought. He was polite and gentle. She was suspicious because he might only act that way but after some observations, he was quiet genuine. Moreover, to her shock, he was actually inexperienced with women, much less being a playboy. Because of that, she responded whenever he greeted or asked her for something with 'he was her colleague's brother so there was nothing wrong to interact with him' mindset. Furthermore, he had ever helped her. She just realized it after she saw his car when she began to interact with him.

And now, she and other agency workers was familiar with him as he ocassionally visited the agency for his brother.

"I work overtime and i guess you also do. So i decide to pick you up. Get in." William explained about his sudden appereance to her.

Elena was a bit hesitated and wanted to refuse. Why would this man pick her up? She was just his brother co-worker, they had no special relationship. Elena never believed with free meal. He had done this for more than five times. Anyone dumb would notice his behavior. He must had a certain intention that she had no idea what it actually is. But, because it was already night and there would be less people on the road, Elena accepted his offer. It would be much safer to go back with someone she knew rather than a complete stranger.

"Oh... Thank you." Elena, open the door of gunshot seat and sat down. She buckled her seatbelt and said, "We can go."

William nodded, "En."

The Maybach drove on the desolate road, with its sound broke the silent night. In the car, awkwardness filled the air. Both of them were in silence.

"This is your car?" Elena began speaking to ease the tension.

"Yes. What's wrong?" William replied as he nodded his head.

"Thank You." Elena looked at William gratefully.

William puzzled at her sudden thanks. He glanced at her, "Why?"

Sensing William's confusion, Elena explained, "Several months ago, you help me."

"When? I have never help you." William got more confused as he listened to Elena's words.

"More than five months ago." Elena replied. "You help me at Orchid Street near Golden Imperial Resident.

William drowned in confusion. He helped her? He had never had any impression that he helped her. Or did his memory failed him?

Elena sighed. She lamented how stupid she was. He probably forgot, no, he probably didn't even knew he helped her that day. "Did you saw a woman being chased by several men months ago?"

As he kept driving, sometimes William looked at Elena intently, trying to recall what she said. After a moment, the scene that night emerged in his mind, "Oh. I remember. The woman was quiet pity. She was like a frightened rabbit running for her dear life as a pack of wolves ran after her."

Elena's face became dark like the bottom of a pot when she heard his ridiculous description, frightened rabbit? He was frightened rabbit and his whole family was frightened rabbit.

Elena shift her gaze unto the outside before she looked at William with a mocking smile, "Yes she was. Currently, that rabbit is sitting in your car."

William stepped on the brake after he heard her words. He was totally shocked and speechless at the same time. She was the woman that night? Really? Oh My God. He described her as a frightened rabbit. Her impression toward him started to get better after several months of hard work but his lousy mouth was going to ruin everything. Would her impression returned to the negative state like months ago? Mentally, William cursed himself for being so stupid.