
6:30 PM, Park Empire Main Office

The sun was almost completely dissapeared from the horizon, leaving only some afterglow and dim sky when William permitted his secretary to leave. "You may leave now Secretary Bai."

Secretary Bai, after obtaining his boss permission asked for assurance. "Should i really go boss? Is it ok for you to be here alone?"

Secretary Bai worried for his boss because lately, he always worked overtime. William nodded with his eyes still focus on the documents he hold. "You may go."

"Oh...thank you boss." Secretary Bai replied politely and silently went out of the CEO room.

As he walked, the secretary pondered and puzzled by the sudden change of his boss' habit. And today is the fifth day.

As far as he knew, his boss never work overtime for days in a row. In his five years as William's secretary, there were only few time that his boss worked exceed the normal working hours for a few times - when the works was too pressing and he had no other options other than to work overtime. If he didn't have any urgent matter, his boss would never opted to work overtime. He also applied the same rule for the employees. He discouraged working overtime unless it was extremely necessary as he believed that overtime reduced productivity.

But, his boss cradle seemed to shift a little bit. Since last week, his boss worked overtime that he felt it was strange because there was no something urgent. On the first day his boss began this habit, he was completely dumbfounded. Why did his boss suddenly stray from his usual working pattern? Was there anything wrong with him?

The second day was the same. The boss was still in his office after the working hours and did nothing. He only stared at his phone screen and chuckled all of sudden that it frightened Secretary Bai's little heart. The more Secretary Bai observed his boss that night, the more he found that his boss attitude was like a high school student looking at the picture of his crush. In instant that thought emerged, he immediately crushed it. His boss is a cursed single, so it's impossible for him to have a girlfriend.

As his secretary, he would only listen to his boss order and if there wasn't any, he would stick to his boss all the time. He was curious with the reason behind his boss sudden change but he suppressed it with all might. But, when he couldn't contain his curiosity any longer, he finally braced himself and asked, only to get a brutal answer. He remembered what William said with his flat cold voice. "It was not your place to ask."

Then, for the entire time, Secretary Bai could only wait for his boss and only kept silent. He was afraid that if he talked too much he would provoke the demon king.

On the third and fourth day, Secretary Bai repeated the same action - being a silent man while waiting for his boss.

If there was one common thing from those first four days, Secretary Bai was sure with the answer: the boss would always go to UDI Lab. UDI Lab was located several blocks away from Park Empire Building that was in opposite direction to his boss home.

Why did boss went there afer work?

Secretary Bai contemplated for a while before he came up with an conclusive answer. His boss' brother worked at UDI Lab. The more he thought about it the more confident he was with the reason behind his boss sudden change. So was his boss intentionally worked overtime so he could his brother up? Yes, that must be the reason. What a good younger brother! praised Secretary Bai inwardly.

Although he was worried to leave his boss alone, Secretary Bai was glad that his boss let him go earlier because he wanted to vent all the frustration from working too much that he bottled up for a whole week. Mentally, he cheered in happiness. 'Thank you boss. You are the best!'

Only if he knew the boss whom he praised was not as good as he thought, he might spit a mouthful of blood.

William work overtime for the past week only for one reason - Elena.

And how did he know? It turned out that his brother, Thomas would ocassionally send him a message about Elena's schedule.

Because his brother offered his assistance, William decided to use it at the fullest.

He would drop to UDI Lab once in a while only to look for a glimpse of Elena. For the reason, he would say that he wanted to visit his brother so he came to UDI Lab.

When he came to UDI Lab for the first time, he was confident that he would gain Elena's favorable impression by showcasing his gentlemanly attitude. But, the reality was cruel. Not only Elena was indifferent to him, she also faintly emanated hostility whenever he tried to make his move. About her attitude towards him, he could only blamed Liu Tang. Her attitude was probably affected by that scum's betrayal.

Although he was cruelly ignored by Elena, William didn't give up. For the past five months, he worked so hard so he could obtained Elena's impression. He intensify his visit to the Lab, brought expensive and rare goodies and many more. After he got through the tribulation, Elena's attitude towards him softened. Although she didn't actively approach him like what other women did, at least, whenever he wanted to strike a conversation, Elena would reply him.

Overjoyed, he proceed to the next step. He asked his brother to remind him whenever Elena worked overtime so he could come and pick her up. He did this for one reason - to familiarize her with his presence.

His plan came to a fruition. He picked her up every time she worked till late at night. At first, he could feel that she was slightly uncomfortable but after some time, she began to speak casually to him.

And now, he worked overtime for five days in a row because Elena also did.

Today, he planned to confessed his feeling to her.

But why did he do it so fast?

It was because of Elena's intelligence. Knowing how her brain works, he was sure that she had already realized the purpose for everything he did for the past five months.

After months of interaction, he grasped a little bit of Elena's personality. She was straightforward yet tactful. She could play soft and hard depending on the situation - simply to say she was a flexible woman. She didn't like pleasantries unless necessary. And last, she didn't like to be near someone who become her acquaintance only to achieve some purposes - This was what William worried the most. Everything he did subtly in the past months was only to gain favorable impression from her. He was someone with a motive so he was afraid that she would directly blacklist him from her life. And if it happened, he would probably killed himself.

William was still seated in his office. He glanced at his watch. Less than 30 minutes before confession. He clasped his hands like a pious devotee, praying to all kind of Gods and Deities he know so his confession would become a successful one.