

William was waiting for Elena as usual. It was almost midnight but it was different from usual night. Well, it was because William wanted to hear Elena's answer.

Elena looked at the tall figure leaning on the car. The man still wore his suit. His tall figure and handsome face gave off a mysterious vibe under the dim light. Truthfully, if Elena was still the naive woman from one year ago, she would definitely fall for him instantly.

She walked with her usual pace but somehow she felt her heart fluttered as if it was caressed by a smooth feather. She pondered for a while about why she reacted that way and concluded that she was merely mesmerized by the sight in front of her.

William acted like a gentleman as he opened the car's door for Elena before he went to the other side and hopped into the car. William was about to started the engine when Elena said. "Stop. Let's talk about our deal."

William nodded in agreement. He looked so calm outside while he was extremely nervous in the inside. He had been waiting for this answer since last week. When he said to his family that he was sure Elena would become his girlfriend he was actually deceiving himself. He needed a comfort by repeatedly convinced himself that she would become his. He did this because he felt unsettled that Elena would accept his deal. This was the very first time for William to feel this way. Een when he managed the company, he had never been this uncertain.

William silently prayed to all Gods he knew, hoping that Elena would accept the deal. Then he spoke with his voice that was slightly trembled. "So, do you agree?"

Elena didn't reply immediately. She was firm about her decision but because she was pressured in the last minutes, she blurted the opposite answer. "Yes."

William smiled happily. His smile was so brilliant that it made Elena trance for a while. Elena was puzzled why he suddenly smiled before she realized the answer she gave was not the one she intend to speak. Then she said. "Can i take my answer back?"

William frowned. She wanted to change the answer? Didn't it mean that she was about to reject the deal and the 'yes' she said just now was a mistake? Hell, he would never let her to take back her words. He decisively rejected. "No. You've said yes so you need to be responsible with your answer. If you say no after a yes, does it mean that you only play with my feeling? You say yes to let me feel the heaven before you knock me down to the earth and make me devastated. I don't want to accept any results other than your first answer."

Elena was speechless. The man in front of her was surely imaginative. The yes she spoke just now was a mistake but how could he think to that extent? But, Elena also realized why William thought that way. If she was in his place, she would surely feel that way. Elena took a deep breath, trying to ease her mood as she was trying to come up with an alternative. Her head was too cloudy that she couldn't come up with a win-win alternative. So, she could only relent. "I'll not take my answer back. But i'll set some rules that we need to abide as long as we remain as a couple."

William eyes lit up. He would accept any of her proposal as long as he could become her boyfriend. He said in excitement. "Yes."

Elena began speaking. "First, I hope that you will not betray me. Although currently I do not have any emotional connection with you, as long as we remain as a couple please refrain yourself from finding other woman. Second, communication. We should speak honestly when it comes to our relationship but we should not pry with each other business too much - moderation would be the best. Third, we'll date for three months and we'll have a date once in a week. If i don't feel anything for you after that period of time, we'll break up."

William heard the word 'currently' and he was a bit overjoyed. Because she didn't have any feelings for him now, it didn't mean that she wouldn't have in the future right? But, after he processed her words, he frowned because the rules was too strict. Although he would accept everything, he wanted to create rules that would support him. "For the first and second rules, i have no reason to disagree. But, i think there is a problem with the third rule."

Elena confused. What problem? She was sure that all the rules she spoke, much more there was a problem with the third rule. Then she asked. "What do you mean?"

William smile as he explained. "I have no problems with three months trial but once a week is a bit lacking."

"I think once a week is enough."

William shook his head. "No. It definitely is not enough. Three times a week."

Elena wanted to argue but she was too tired after working for a whole day. She just nodded in agreement.

William smirked as he added. "About our date, just let me handle it."

Elena nodded again. She really had no energy to speak. She felt so drowsy that she gradually closed her eyes and slept.

William looked at the Elena in amusement. She just slept as if he was a trusted boyfriend. He clearly remembered that she was still on her guard and now she was defenseless in front of him. What if he was a big bad wolf that tried to eat her? William shook his head as he grinned happily. She finally accepted him although it was still tentative. But still, he was so happy that he felt that he wanted to scream to the top of his lungs - announcing to the whole world that Elena finally became his.

William was so happy that his tears almost bursted out. He looked at the Elena intently before he started the engine of the car and drove the car that pierce through the desolate night.