Golden Time

Crime Unit, Imperial City Police Department

Captain Ling, Huo Youyou and the rest of crime unit members were in a meeting. They were discussing about the result of their throughout investigation on victims' background. "At a glance, both of them do not have any similarity. Moreover, they are not friends or acquaintance. They are completely stranger to each other. But there is one point that made the two of them crossed each other." Captain Ling spoke as he drew straight lines from two photos of the victims, Shen Yu and Fu Chaoyang that were pinned on the board. Both lines met on another photo below the victims photo. Captain Ling wrote the name under the photo.

The photo was quiet old. In that photo, there was a young girl in ponytail smiling. She wore high school uniform. Captain Ling continued as he pointed the last photo with the uncapped marker. "The girl in this photo is the key of this case. Indeed, both victims were not familiar to each other but they are unexpectedly connected through this woman. Youyou, please continue." Captain Ling put the cap on the marker on and returned to his seat.

Youyou nodded in understanding. He stood from his chair and walked to the board as he pointed the picture of the woman. "As we have already Investigated, this woman is a high school friend of the second victims, Shen Yu. Both of them were a couple when they were still in high school and they were popular as the witnesses from the same year confessed so. But, when they were in sophomore, the woman suddenly gone and left no trace, leaving her boyfriend alone and forced the boyfriend, Shen Yu to publicly announce that they have broken up only three days after her missing.

"But, why did she go away without letting her boyfriend know? And why did he announce their break up so soon? As the witnesses said, at that time, both fell in love with each other, especially the victim. They said that he resorted all means to get her attention till he finally became her boyfriend. Realistically speaking, if the victim madly in love with her, he would not accept her dissapereance easily, much more he was still a teenager who was mentally unstable. From this perspective, the acceptance of the victim is rather odd."

Everyone nodded in agreement. For a high school boy whose girlfriend suddenly missing, to accept such result he might be possibility mentally resilient or he was covering something, but the latter had higher possibility to occur than the former.

"So, we need to investigate to main problems. here. First, the reason of her sudden dissapereance and second, the reason why he accepted it easily." Youyou paused before he continued. "The relationship between the woman and the first victim, Fu Chaoyang is the same with the the relationship between the second victim and the woman. Simply to say, the first victim was also the ex boyfriend of the woman. The investigation result reported was the fact that the became a couple six months after her disappearance from the high school.

"So, from this timeline, we can assume that after the woman 'break up' with Shen Yu, she became Fu Chaoyang girlfriend. Is there something off? Yes there is, but we can't speculate without any convincing evidence. We need to investigate it further to get the crux of the matter "

Captain Ling nodded, satisfied with Youyou. Then he said. "Listen to me everyone! I'll give you only three days to investigate this matter. Because one of the days after three days that i give you will become our golden time because the murderers are probably going to move on weekend."

"Yes Captain!" Everyone answered simultaneously. They were in hurry because a life was at stake.


Imperial City Airport

A man was walking out of the airport, holding his black leather backpack. He was tall and lean, akin to famous model that alwaus appeared on tv or magazines. His black hair draped on his forehead. He was so handsome that it made every woman in the airport drooled.

He strode out to the car which had been waiting for him when a middle aged woman who was in a rush crashed him. The middle aged woman almost fell to the floor but he timely saved her in pose like a hero saving a damsel in distress. "Be careful grandma. Is it okay if i call you grandma?" the man politely and softly reminded the middle aged woman. He hesitated to call her grandma before he asked her permission.

The middle aged woman waved her hand dismissively as she beckoned him to call her whatever he wanted. "It's up to you."

"Oh. Yes grandma. By the way, please be careful. It was good thing that you run to me, not some other men. Or else, a beautiful woman like you would be harassed on the spot."

The middle aged woman chuckled. She slapped the man's arm. "Hahaha. Your sweet mouth. I'll remember your advice. Thank you." The middle aged woman moved forward before she turned her body around slightly and waved her hand to the man.

The man smirked in amusement. He went into his car and the driver drove the car right away.

The man leaned on back on the backseat. He almost drown into slumber when his phone rang.

He unlocked his phone and looked at the phone display. There was a message.

"Customer W - 012, everything is ready. You can use our service anytime."

After some seconds, the message was automatically deleted from the man's phone.

If the man's smirk earlier was charming, his smirk was now full of malicious intention. His eyes darkened as his pupils dilated. His heart raced irregularly as if he was waiting for a good show.