Failed Date?

Elena was sitting silently beside William who was driving the car. Elena curious about where he would take her to so she asked, "William, where are we going?"

William didn't reply her instead he eye sided her. Elena was confused. Why didn't he reply? as she was about to ask, she heard William said, "Not William, but darling."

Elena was speechless. William and darling referred to the same person. Why bother to such extent?

Elena took a deep breath. Calling him darling was harder than hacking through national defense system. She almost couldn't do it because it was too cheesy. Fortunately, she was still able to squeeze the words from her throat. "Dar...darling, where are we going?"

William smiled as he heard the word 'darling' left her mouth. He almost melted in happiness. If he was not driving, he would probably kissed her on the spot. Golden Lotus."

Golden Lotus? Elena eyes lit in excitement when she heard where they would be going to. It was the most expensive restaurant in the Imperial City right? She heard the ambience and the city scenery from the restaurant was the best. Oh My is one of the perks from being a wealthy man's girlfriend. Inwardly, Elena cursed herself for having such thought. They were a temporary lovers alright? So she should not delve too deep into their relationship less she would be brokenhearted once their time finished.

They finally arrived at the hotel building where the restaurant was.

The hotel building was 50 floors tall. It was not the tallest building in the imperial city but it located in the center of the city. So, everyone would be able to see the scenery of the whole city when they went to the upper part of the hotel. The restaurant was in the 45th floor. The windows were set as floor to ceiling window and spanned to all side of the 45th floor that it enabled guests to see the scenery of the city.

Both William and Elena walked to the main entrance. Both of them were good looking that it attracted everyone who see them. Every woman was envious of Elena for having a handsome boyfriend like William while men inwardly cursed William for being a boyfriend of Elena.

Both of them walked to the elevator and were about to get into it when Elena's phone rang. Elena looked at the phone display and took the call instantly. "Good evening head."

"Good evening Elena. You have to assist Drey. There is another new homicide case so you need to go to the crime scene. The address is..." Mr. Blair, the head of UDI Lab told Elena the address where the murder was committed. Without waiting for her reply, Mr. Blair hung the phone up.

He stood still in front of the elevator. He was brimming in happiness. But, his happiness seemed to be short lived. William was listening to the whole conversation. Although he didn't know what they talked about, he knew it would be a grave situation given Elena's shocked expression.

Elena felt sorry for William. She knew that he might have prepared everything but she couldn't stick to his plan. She spoke apologetically. "Sorry Wil - darling. It seemed that we need to postpone our date."

William was disappointed. His long awaited date that he prepared meticulously would not happened soon. He looked down at his feet. He looked aggrieved, like a kid whose ballons and lollipops were taken away by his parents.

To coax him, Elena offered an alternative. "How about we move it to tomorrow?"

"You can't." William replied. His mouth pouted like a child that Elena felt it was funny.


"Because i have planned everything for tomorrow and sunday."

"So, how about monday or any other day next week?"

William surreptitiously glanced at Elena. He was like a kid who was coaxed by his parents but couldn't trust his parents for their promise. Then he said as he extended his pinky finger to Elena. "Promise?"

Elena almost laughed because of William's quirk. She entangled her pink finger with his and shook it. "Promise."

William smiled after he heard her reply. "You also need to compensate me."

"Compensate you?" Elena confused.

"Yes. We move today's date next week but it made everything i prepare become waste."

Elena understood. "Okay. Just tell me later okay?"


"Eh, William, may i ask your help? please sent me to this..." Elena embarrassed for asking William help after postponing their date. The location of the crime scene was a bit too far. She didn't have car and she didn't want to go there by booking online taxi as she felt it was not safe to go to the desolate outskirt with stranger, much more it was already night. So, she could only ask William to help her.

"Okay." William nodded as he took Elena's hand. Elena shocked by his gesture and almost rejected his hand in reflect. Fortunately, she could control herself. Moreover, it was her fault that their date needed to be postponed. So, she just let him had his way.

Although William looked calm outside, he was still disappointed by the fact that they would not be able to date today. William sighed inwardly. So, today is a failed date?