The Day I Fall in Love with You (3)

He wanted to raise himself from the bed but he was powerless. His limbs didn't move as he wished. Instead, his hands and legs were so stiff and numb that it took a great amount of effort only to move them slightly. William felt his body was not his own. He was so desperate.

He wished to speak so someone would come in to help him get up yet, his throat was dry that he could barely make any noise.

William was helpless. As he was about to give up, he saw a remote control placed on the table beside the bed. He didn't know the use of the remote but he decisively stretched his hand and grabbed it. He pressed the big red button in the middle of it.

Not one minute passed, some people made of doctors, nurses and three Park Siblings came in. They were alerted by the alarm from this room. The remote control was left in the ward as a request from Mother Park. Three months had passed and the hope she hold on was slowly crashed, only leaving a sliver of last hope. Although the probability of her son waking up was too low, she adamantly believed that he would wake up - she refused to give up. When she thought about it, what if her son suddenly wake up when no one was around? He couldn't possibly get up by himself so she decided to left the remote control lest such thing happened.

On the other hand, everyone was not as hopeful as Mother Park. They didn't give up on him yet they also prepared for the worst. So, when they heard Mother Park idea, they agreed despite William's condition that made them not dare to have a hopeful thought like Mother Park. They think it was quiet impossible for William to pressed the button by himself. So, when they heard the alarm from William's ward, they instantly thought someone intruded the room.

They thought it would be someone else who pressed the button, but, when they saw William hold the remote control, they sighed in relief before something registered in their mind. They were stunned instantly.

The one who pressed the button was William. He finally awake!

The moment they saw the remote control he was holding, their mind subconsciously flew back to the day when Mother Park said that. What the hell! The current condition was exactly the same what she envisioned.

One of the doctor was Head Tang. His office was one floor above the ward so he could went down to look for William in instant. Since a year ago, he moved his office by the order of hospital president. The president wanted to give convenient access to Park Family so he did that.

Head Tang was a surgeon why he was assigned to monitor William's condition? The first thing was the fact that Head Tang was someone that Park Family was familiar with and most importantly, he was a talented surgeon and happened to have the qualifications to do the job. Simply to say, because he fullfill the requirements, he was assigned to become the attending doctor for William.

Head Tang did a brief check up before he planned to immediately had William to do a throughout physical check up.

Some time passed. William returned to his ward with everyone from Park Family surround him. They came to the hospital after Liam informed them that William had woken up. Head Tang told the result of William's physical examination. "Mr. William bodily function is good. There will be some discomfort but it will gradually disappear. Currently, Mr. William is still weak. His body needs a recovery. I'll go and coordinate with doctors from other departments for Mr. William physiotherapy plan."

Grandpa Park who was sitting beside Grandma Park on the sofa across William's bed nodded, "Ok. Just go."

Head Tang and the others went out of the room. There were only Park Family members left in the ward.

Mother Park who was holding back her tears since her arrival hugged William who was lying down on the bed. Her eyes were red as tears profusely fell down. "Willie... finally you wake up son. Mom always believed that you will be fine."

William weakly laid on his back. He almost pushed the middle aged woman who suddenly hugged him. He frowned as he heard what she said. He bluntly muttered, "Mom? When do i ever have mom? I'm an orphan. I'm always alone." Actually, there were many questions in his mind like why he was suddenly here or who they were? But, he decisively threw those questions to the back of his mind. The situation he was in now must be resolved soon.

Mother Park and everyone in the room stunned in disbelief after they heard William's words. Gabriel moved the fastest as he directly call the doctors to come to the ward.

The doctors rushed and immediately came in and examined William. The doctor reported what he found at the moment. "Mr. William suffered from selective amnesia. Selective amnesia is a type of amnesia in which the victim loses certain parts of their memory. Common elements that may be forgotten: relationships, special talents, where they live, abilities in certain areas, and events such as concerts, shows, or traumatic events. Simply to say, there is at least one thing he 'forgot'. We need to observe him more to see the extent of the amnesia he suffer."

Everyone froze after the doctor finished his sentence. William had a selective amnesia?