An Art that God, My Parents and I Created

"Uhmm... darling, i have something to ask." Elena released herself from his embrace as she beckoned him to get closer by waving her hand.

William followed his wife command. Although there was no use for her being so secretive because there were only two of them in his room, he still bent down so she could whisper him to his ears directly.

Elena's face twisted in discomfort. She hesitated for a moment before she whisper her words.

After he heard what she wanted to say, William smirked in amusement. In his opinion, what she said was not as embarrassing as she thought but he knew why she said that. She needed to mantain her dignity so she couldn't bluntly and loudly said that.

William turned around and walked out of his bedroom, leaving Elena alone.

Elena looked at his figure that was gradually dissapeared from her sight. She wanted to move but she only stood still. It was not that she didn't want to move around but her predicament didn't allow her to do so.

Her great aunt¹ was suddenly coming, without any notification. Well, her menstruation had always come regularly but it seemed that it came four days earlier than she had predicted. She did felt uncomfortable in her stomach but she thought it was just a constipation as she ate something spicy yesterday. Yet, the reality was different with her thought. Her menstruation came.

Elene felt discomfort by this fact. She had no way to endure this kind of thing as the blood would leak if it was not immediately solved.

She didn't bring sanitary pad in her bag and Park Ancestral Home was far from the closest convenient store. Moreover, she couldn't move as much as she wished before she had the sanitary pad.

So, in the end, she asked William whether he had it in his house or not. Although she knew there was no one around, she could not blatantly say that she was on menstruation so she could only whisper her problem and asked him to look for the sanitary pad.

The only thing she needed to do was to wait for William.

William went downstair and took his mother who was talking to his father away. He and his mother went to a corner of the living room as William said softly to his mother ears. "Mom, do you have sanitary pad?"

Mother Park frowned when she heard her son request. So, she asked, "What for?"

"For Elena." He replied as he beckoned his mother to hurry.

"Oh.." Mother Park nodded as she understood. Sometimes, it was tiring to be a woman because every month there would be a period of pain for them to endure. As much as they didn't want it to come, it would still come in the end. "But the brand i use is different. Is it okay?"

"I don't know. Just give me first." William had no idea about it. Sanitary pad was sanitary pad right? What was the different between brand?

William followed his mother who was walking to her room in the first floor. He saw his mother took some pads from the cabinet and handed them to William. "Here you go."

"Thank you mom." William rushed out of the room and walked faster than his usual self. He entered his bedroom and gave the pads to Elena who was now standing inside of the bathroom. "Here."

Elena hide her body behind the bathroom's door as she took the pads. Then, she swiftly closed the door.

After some minutes, Elena finally exited the bathroom. Her expression was better than a few moments ago. She looked at William who was sitting on his bed as she said, "Let's go."

William nodded, "En." He walked over and took her hand as usual.

While they were walking, Elena asked, "En... Darling, do you still have anything to show me?"

"Yeah." William answered as he smiled at her.

"What is it?" She tilted her head aside, wondering what he would show her. Would it be as astonishing like the embroidery? Elena wondered.

William smirked mischievously. Elena who looked at his expression suddenly felt something bad. What he would say next would probably the thing her current self could not take on. She wanted to speak before William said freely. " I want to show you an art that God, my parents and I created." Elena eyes lit up. What would it be? If he said so, would it be much more astonishing and praise worthy than the embroidery he shown earlier? Elena's mind began thinking about the thing he would show her next. It must be very extraordinary. She smiled at him sweetly before her smile froze by his next words. "I want to show you my body." He began unbuttoning his shirt in front of Elena who was stunned by his words.

His words were too shameless. Elena could imagine herself to smack him on his head the moment she heard his statement. Why his body? Was it really an art because God made him perfectly with the DNA of both his parents and he worked out to shaped his figure? And why did he say that with smug look? Elena suddenly felt she wanted to punch the man on the face. She looked at him who was unbuttoning his shirt. "Stop it darling. Stop it...stop it." Elena covered her face with both her hands although it didn't fully prevented her from seeing his figure. Well, his figure was indeed too delicious and totally her type. As much as she wanted to 'molest' his Adonis body, feeling his firm muscles with her hand, she could not do so. First, she was a lady so she had to retain a semblance of her image and the second and most importantly, he was a man and he might be incited if she really did that. She really had no intention to provoke a sleeping lion.

William noticed her surreptitiously glance. He paused his hands from unbuttoning as he said teasingly, "Do you really want me to stop it? I'm just showing my body. There's nothing more. Moreover, you seemed to like it? Aiya... just look at me as much as you want. No need to be so shy."

Elena face flushed red after she got caught stealing a look at him. She turned around and said, "Who say so? I don't like it. Button up your shirt." Elena's heart was bleeding when the word 'don't' came out from her mouth. She definitely like it but she couldn't portray herself as a pervert in from of him.

William looked at her who had turned her back to him. He saw her face and tip of ears flushed red. He smirked before he laughed loudly. "Hahahahaha..." He hugged her from behind and said, "Rest assure, you'll like this art work soon."