He was Her Superhero

"So, little girl, what do you want to do now?" Little Mo was stunned by her answer. So, after he heard her sentence, he couldn't help but asked about what she would do.

The little girl looked up at him. Her eyes were still red and swollen after crying. But, Little Mo could see a firm determination in her eyes. "I'll go away. Far-far away from here."

"If you run away, have you thought about where you will go?'

The little girl shook her head. She had no idea where she would go but it was crystal clear to her that the longer she stayed at Uncle Qi house, the more she would suffer.

Little Mo heart softened after he saw her reaction. She was very pity that he wanted to say to her that she was not alone. He was there for her and he would always be there for her. When he saw her, he felt how lucky he was to have a family of his own - to have parents to guide him although they were strict to him, or to have them fulfill his every need. The moment he thought about it, his mouth blurted out something that he himself found it amazing. "Do you want to go with me?" He wanted to take back his words because he had no experience in dealing with kids but considering the little girl condition, what he said just now probably was a salvation for her. He could already see her cried in happiness for having someone to take care of her.

Contrarily to his expectation where the little girl would cry and nodded to give a yes to him, the little girl frowned as she knitted her eyebrows as if she had just heard something ridiculous. Then she said in contempt. "I don't need someone like you...Little Mo."

Little Mo was speechless. His good intention was brutally rejected by the little girl. How could he was not angry? He wanted to tamper his fury down yet after he heard 'Little Mo', his anger erupted like a volcano. He said indignantly as he pointed the damn little girl in front of him. "So it was you huh." Little Mo rolled up his sleeves as he wanted to give the little girl a lesson. "Heh, you! Don't be a coward. Let's fight!" Little Mo chased after the little girl who had ran away the moment he rolled up his sleeves.

The little girl who was already several metres away from him, kept running away as she shouted, "Little Mo, thank you. You can get your revenge tomorrow. We'll meet here at 06:00 AM sharp."

Little Mo stopped after he heard her words. Then he replied indignantly, "How can i trust you?"

Sensing Little Mo had stopped chasing her, the little girl stopped as well. She turned around as she panted heavily. "I'll leave it here. It's my only treasure from my parents." She put a pendant down on the street. Then she stood up as she looked at Little Mo with a serious expression. "Please keep it. I'll come tomorrow. I'll definitely come."

Little Mo was a compassionate man. He finally relented. "Ok. We'll meet here. Don't be late."

The little girl nodded. She turned around and walked away.

Little Mo saw the little figure gradually disappeared from his sight. He walked forwads and picked the pendant she left. He kept walking behind her because it was already night and it was not safe for a little girl like her to go alone. But when he followed her, the little girl paused from walking said, "Don't be afraid. I'm used being alone. It's okay for me going back alone."

As much as he wanted to believe his words, Little Mo was still worried. Yet, when he heard her next sentence he finally relaxed, "Do you see a house right the? It's the place where i'm currently living now." She pointed a huge three story house that was visible from the playground.

Little Mo could finally relaxed. Her house was not far. It was probably only three hundred meters away from the playground. He had chased her for a hundred meters so it was now only two hundred meters left. So he only stood still and looked the little figure that gradually dissapeared from his sight.

Little Mo walked to his car as a flash of realization dawned in his mind. "Her house is so close from here right? How could I didn't see her after waiting for so many days. Could she..." He didn't continued to think as the answer was obvious. She did know that he would look for her so she deliberately didn't appear here and probably observed how stupid he was standing for so many days here from a distance? The more he thought about it the more he became furious. He would add this for tomorrow spanking. Just wait!

Little Mo was still in fury when he drove his car away. The little girl who walked suddenly stopped. She silently murmured, "Thank you."

The next day, a little figure and a giant figure was standing face to face in the playground. They were in staring contest for several minutes before the giant broke his gaze away from her. He saw a luggage beside the little girl. "Why are you bringing your luggage? Do you really want to go?"

She nodded.

"If you run away, what will happen afterwards? Will your current family look for you for disappearing all of sudden?"

"They won't." Her eyes were still fixed at his figure as she answered certainly. "I've already left a message. They will not be sad about my disappereance. Instead, they'll be happy because a thorn in their eyes finally gone."

"Will you help me?" She looked at him with eyes full of expectation.

Even if she didn't ask, he would help her unconditionally. But, he had to seek his revenge first. He raised his eyebrow as he said in alienation. "Why should i help you? We are not familiar with each other."

The little girl had already expected this answer. 'Did he want to play with me? Huh, Let me show him who was the overlord here!' she thought inwardly.

Her head hung down. A sheen of moisture slowly gathered in the corner of her eyes. Tears stared falling down.

Little Mo flustered. He had no intention to make her cry. He only wanted to tease her. He was about to comfort her when some people in jogging suit appeared from the direction of his back. They came closer as one middle aged woman from the group saw the scene. She hurriedly stood beside the little girl and said exasperatedly. "Why did you make her cry huh?"

"No...I just..." Little Mo had not finished his words when the middle aged man continued. "Are you a kidnapper? A pedophile? How dare you to cross the line?" She rolled her sleeves and strode to Little Mo. The others did the same thing. They looked at him in contempt. From their expressions, it was as if they were ready to beat him up.

Yet, when everyone had stood in front of him, the little girl suddenly tugged the lower hem of middle aged woman clothes. Her tears had stopped falling as she pitifully said, "He is my brother. He just teases me."

"Really?" The middle aged woman asked. She couldn't completely believed what the little girl in front of her said. "You are not being intimidated by him to say that he is your brother?"

The little girl shook her head fervently. She gazed up and stated to convince the middle aged woman. "He's my brother. He likes to play with me so he teases me."

The middle aged woman nodded. It was indeed usual for an older brother to tease his younger sister. But, remembering the pity look of the girl, she glared at Little Mo. "Next time, don't do it ever again. Understand?"

Little Mo nodded his head, signalling that he understood the middle aged woman's words. The middle aged woman gave him some preachings before she left with the group.

Little Mo tired after the preachings. He felt that his body and mental had aged for several years. He squatted down as he said, "You've seen them right?"

The little girl nodded. She had no intention to deny it. "Because you don't want to help me."

"Haisshh...I'll definitely help you. I'm just trying to get my revenge." Little Mo explained his reply about not wanting to help her.

"I know." Little girl suddenly said.

Little Mo eyes widened after he heard her confession. "You know?"

"En. I know you want to get your revenge so I return your favor with my revenge."

Little Mo rendered speechless. He was known by the others as a genius and an intelligent man yet, in front of this little girl, he was always trapped in her scheme.

The little girl walked past Little Mo who was still in daze towards his car. Little Mo regained his focus and followed her suit. "Just go to my house."

The little girl shook her head. "No. Just sent me to orphanage."


"Because..." I'm afraid that you would disappear like them. She didn't complete her sentence. The day Uncle Qi died, the other family members of his insulted her for being a jinx that whoever closed to her would disappeared soon after their contact with her.

As smart as she was, she was still a kid in the end. Their words hit her sore spot that she began thinking that she was indeed a jinx like they said. So, when the bear man in front of her offered to let her stay at his house, she instantly rejected. Although she had just met him, she didn't want him to disappear. It was the same thing if he was replaced by other people.

Little Mo didn't know what she was thinking. He intended to reject her idea but when he remembered how intelligent she was, he relented. She might has her own plan. What he needed to do now was to oversee her.

They both became familiar to each other after interacting for many times. Little Mo would become the bullied one that he probably unconsciously developed a certain masochist tendency. Elena would always bully him yet when she didn't do it, he would feel something wad missing. On the other hand, Little Mo discovered that Elena was a genius. So, wherever he had a difficult case to solve, he would look for her opinion as the head of two people was better than one person. Moreover, her IT skills helped him tremendously in solving cases.

They interacted in the same way for so many years that each of them subconsciously thought that the other party was their sibling



"What do you want?" Elena didn't worry about her phone under a surveillance. She had encrypted her phone so every message and calls coming would be safe. So far, no one had the ability to break this barrier.

"I want you to help my junior, Captain Ling." It turned out Little Mo was Captain Ling's senior, Senior Mo.

"Ok. Just send me the details about what should I do."

"Okay. Thank you." Little Mo a.k.a Senior Mo thanked Elena.

"I don't need your thanks. Just transfer as usual." Elena heartless reply pierced Senior Mo's heart. Even so, he had already used to it so he replied, "Ok." Without waiting her reply, he disconnected the call.

Elena looked at the ceiling. It was already seventeen years since she saw him. She regarded him not only as her brother, but also her parents. He would always be there for her when she need him and would always support her decision, except when she wanted to become Liu Tang's boyfriend.

He was her superhero. A superhero that help her through a hell called life.