
"Hi..." Elena outstretched her hand to reply but William's hand was faster. He grabbed the hand of the bulky man in front of him. Then, he cooly greeted, "Hi."

Both of them stared at each other. Captain Ling was startled because the man in front of him suddenly grabbed his hand while William didn't like Captain Ling to touch Elena's hand.

The bulky man, Captain Ling broke the gaze. He introduced himself. "I'm Ling Xiao."

William released himself from the handshake. "William Park." He glanced at Elena who was stood still beside him. Then he introduced her to Captain Ling. "She's Elena Kim. My girlfriend and my future wife." He enunciated the words girlfriend and future wife clearly, hinting the other party that he was her man. So, Captain Ling should not touch her as much as he like.

Well, Captain Ling only wanted to introduce himself. He had no ulterior motive. It was just William who reacted too extreme.

Elena was speechless. The Jealously King was in active mode. He would drive flies away from her. Again, she would talk to him about this matter. Excessive jealous was a poison in relationship.

Huo Youyou smiled in amusement. He knew William was a possessive man. It would be fun if he could see a crack on his iceberg face. He touched his chin as he pondered it was quiet fun to tease him. He decided to do it later as today he had something more important to do. Today's result would definitely implicate the future. So, he had to do everything that would make Senior Mo spit some details about [White].

Captain Ling, Elena and William walked towards Little Mo. Out of them, Captain Ling was the one who spoke first as he excused himself. "Then Senior Mo, I'll excuse myself first. We'll come here again next week."

Little Mo nonchalantly replied, "I'll not send you off."

Captain Ling nodded. His gaze fell upon Huo Youyou and his two other subordinates, beckoning them to follow him.

Huo Youyou was startled by his Captain's sudden behavior. A realization dawned him after he got Captain Ling's reassuring gaze.

He knew why the reason behind this change.

His Captain knew that he would not get the answer from Senior Mo no matter how much he beg him or how much time he spent today. Senior Mo was too stubborn that they had to take a step back and launched an attack after Senior Mo think about the best scenario could happen if they knew the identity of [White].

Captain Ling and his subordinates had just one step away from the entrance door when they heard Senior Mo reminded him in his stern voice. "Junior Ling, I'll not spit anything about [White] unless the other party wants to let you know." Then, he waved his hand, signalling them to go.

Captain Ling paused his step as he turned around. He sighed helplessly. If his senior said so, then he would do it no matter what the consequence was. But Captain Ling was not someone who was easy to give up. He would come here again later.

After they disappeared from his line of aight, Little Mo attention shifted to Elena who was standing right in front of him. He roared indignantly as he bolted up and took his wooden cane. "You brat! I have reminded you many time that you should never call me that way in front of my colleagues! And now, you seem to have more guts? Hey, don't run away! Don't call me Little...-Huang Mochen if I don't discipline you today." Little Mo ran after Elena who was running for her life. Both of them were like cat and mouse as they was running around the room.

Both of them didn't realize that someone was still there. Little Mo was in fury while Elena was trying to save herself from abusive Little Mo so it was inevitable that they couldn't think of William who saw their interaction.

William deliberately coughed, signalling them about his existence.

Little Mo and Elena froze in their pose. Little Mo hand hung up as he hold up the cane while Elena was still in her running pose. Both of them instantly turned their heads to the source of the voice, William.

As if he did nothing, Little Mo put down his cane and sat back on his seat. He looked up at William, sizing him up from head to toe. Then, he asked in a stern voice. "Who are you and what are you to my Little Banana?" Little Mo wanted to get his revenge so he 'blurted out' Elena's endearment.

William was caught by surprise when he saw Little Mo professionally changed his attitude as if it was a natural thing, a habit that he had done over the years. He saw Little Mo changed from an angry old man to a stern and calm looking 'father-in-law'? It was quiet a juxtaposition.

He could only think about this term. He didn't know what to call him as Elena's description about him was quiet confusing. Elena told him that Little Mo was her friend, partner, father and her hero.

So, by right, he could not determine what should he called Little Mo. But, since Elena said he was her father, he decided to call him so. "I'm William. I'm her man, father." He shamelessly curry favor to his going to be father-in-law. Then, he smirked as he realized that Little Mo called Elena Little Banana. It was a cute nickname!

Elena's face flushed red in embarrassment when she heard William said her nickname. She glared at him but the other part seemed unaware of her gaze as he was too focus to curry favor to his 'father-in-law'.

Father? Little Mo was speechless when he heard William called him father. He was not old enough for William to call him father but he actually felt it was just natural given his status as Elena's guardian. "You like her?"

"No." William shook his head. His answer almost made Little Mo stood up to beat him. But, as Little Mo was about to do something, he heard William said, "It's not like but love. I love her."

Little Mo squinted his eyes as the man in front of him was cunning. "Really?"

"Yes father." William replied without hesitation. He said the word 'father' naturally as if he had done it many times.

"What's your future plan?" Little Mo asked.

"I'll marry her." At this time, William had completely forgot about his nervousness. He answered every questions that Little Mo asked precisely that it satisfied Little Mo.

Little Mo had not done with his revenge. Then he said out of the blue. "Do you want to know why I call her Little Banana?"

William wanted to say no as he saw his baby girl stared at him menacingly but on the other hand, he was still currying favor with his going to be father-in-law. Only this time, he decided to ignore his baby girl. He decided that he would kneel for forgiveness later.

As if he didn't notice Elena's threat, he nodded.

At this point, William would not admit that he was also curious about the origin of this nickname. He would shifted his blame to Little Mo when Elena asked about it.