Beasts in Human Skins

"M-maried?" Mother Park could not believe with what her son had just spoke to her. Their whole family was just talking about this matter yet the couple whom they were talking about had already married?

This time, Mother Park could hear her son's affirmation. She heard his voice was like usual but she felt a tinge of happiness in his voice. "Yes mom. I've married her. I'll bring her home." Then, William hung the phone up.

Mother Park didn't know what she should say. Her dumbfounded expression made everyone curious. "Mom, what happen to third bro?" Liam had no schedule for this entire week as he took a break so he spent his days in Park Ancestral House. He would began promoting the movie he starred next week. His mother stunned look after talking to his third brother ignited his passion for gossiping.

Mother Park replied as is she was in a dream. " married with Elena."

Everyone was speechless. No wonder Mother Park reacted that way. It was too coincidental that what they were talking about became a reality.

Grandma Park slapped her thigh as she excitedly said, "So, will they come here?"

Mother Park nodded.

"Good. I'll let cooks to prepare a feast." Grandma Park started giving order to the servants. Arter that, she looked at her husband and the rest of Park Family. "Why are you still sitting? We'll welcome newlywed couple to our house. Change your clothes, do not look so shabby. And you, Shen Tianxin as his mother, you have to prepare to give her wedding gifts." Grandma Park ordered her daughter-in-law to prepare wedding gifts for Elena as she would officially become a part of them.

"Ok mom. I'll." Mother Park stood up as she went to her bedroom on the first floor. She opened the drawer and took a pair of golden bangles with exquisite craving of flowers and dragons on it.

Everyone followed suit as they changed their clothes.

After some time, Everyone sat back in the living room, wearing a completely different clothes with what they wore earlier. Grandma Park and Mother Park donned white colored cheongsam with red orchid embroidery. The men wore traditional black cheongsams.

This tradition was exclusively belonged to Park Family. When Grandma Park and Mother Park married to Park Family, they were welcomed by the family this way. They saw every member of Park Family welcomed them with cheongsams on. The women wore white cheongsams while the men wore black cheongsams.

So, they would welcomed Elena the same way with what they experienced in the past.

Not long after the newlywed couple arrived. Elena stunned when she saw everyone from Park Family stood outside wearing cheongsams. If it was in normal circumstances, Elena didn't doubt that they probably would go to a family photoshoot. But today, Elena could confidently said that it was related to their wedding. Elena walked over and greet them politely. "Grandma, grandpa, mother, father, first brother, second brother and younger brother, hello."

"Haish Elena, why are are you still acting like an outsider? We are family now. Just drop all the unnecessary greetings." Grandma Park took Elena's hands as she gently reprimanded Elena.

"Yes grandma." Elena smiled.

William frowned when he realized the hand he had been holding was not in his hold anymore. He pouted his mouth as he looked at his grandmother accusingly. 'She's my wife why did you forcefully take her hand from me?'

Grandma Park realized the reason behind her grandson's attitude. But she could care less about it. Her granddaughter-in-law was in front of her. So, she put aside the feeling of her grandson.

Well, Grandma Park always hope that there would be an additional women in their house. To her dismay, the Park was dominated by men so she could only rely on the fact that her grandsons would marry women. Unfortunately, her grandsons were useless when it came to enticing women.

So, Elena was her first granddaughter and how could she didn't feel anything? She was extremely excited and satisfied. In her eyes, Elena was a perfect woman for Willie. She had beauty, brain and behavior. She was a complete package for a woman. Secretly, she patted her chest in relief. Fortunately Elena came to her family. What if she was snatched away by other man instead of her grandson?

William looked at Elena's back who was dragged by his grandmother to go to the inside of their house while the others relentlessly asked her questions. His heart was content.


Little Mo was walking alone in one of the busiest intersection within the whole Imperial City. Because it was still lunch hour, the roads were packed with vehicles. Fortunately, the driver of each vehicle seemed to obediently followed the traffic lights.

Little Mo stood on the road side and waited the green light to turn to red light. He wanted to go to the other side of the road. Suddenly, his phone rang. He could feel Elena's excitement on the other end of the phone. "Little Mo...Little Mo, I get married to William."

Little Mo smiled. Then, he said, "Congratulations Little Devil. If he ever bully you, just come to me. I'll bully him back."

The two of them talk for a while before Little Mo hung up the phone. It was already red light.

Little Mo kept smiling although his smile was bitter. Elena had found her other half and what about him? His other half was already dead years ago. She was killed by them, the beasts under human skins that he swore to eliminate.

He had tried to catch them until now. He became a superintendent of police because he wanted to find and unearth every clues left from her case years ago. In his opinion, becoming a superintendent would allow him to get more resources and man power which ultimately would give him any conveniences to discovered the secret behind those clues.

Yet, Little Mo was still unable to solve this riddle.

Rage was burning in his eyes as he strode forward. Because he was deep in his thought, he bumped into an elderly man.

The elderly man wore a plain cheongsam. When Little Mo bumped onto him, his thin, fragile body staggered before Little Mo helped him stabilizing himself. Little Mo sent him to the other side of the road, the side where he waited for red light. Then, he bowed his head as he repeatedly said sorry.

The elderly man waved his hand. It was just a small matter so there was no need tink about it anymore. He just reminded Little Mo to be careful. The elderly man gave Little Mo an ambiguous smile. Unfortunately, Little Mo's mind was still occupied by his hatred so he didn't notice that smile.

The elderly man turned his body and walked away