When We Will Get Married?

"So, do you really love her?" Little Mo who was still laughing after telling the story behind Elena's endearment became serious after a while.

William replied without hesitation. "Yes. I love her so much that I can't imagine myself without her."

Little Mo frowned. He did not believe William. "Are you just sugar coating your words in front of me while you are just playing her like that bastard?"When Elena was still dating Liu Tang, she brought him to visit Little Mo although the latter didn't agree with their relationship. So, he asked the same question at that time. Liu Tang's answer was similar yet the reality was cruel. The man betrayed her for someone else. So, Little Mo wouldn't believe William's words. Moreover, he was a man himself so he knew what William was thinking - at least that was what he thought. He would never let the little devil that had grown to big devil suffer.

William of course knew who the word 'bastard' referred to. But, when Little Mo said he was just playing her, his serious expression became grim because Little Mo accusation had offended him. The temperature plummeted. Elena was about to speak when she heard him say, "I'm not trying to please you by coating my words with honey. This is what I feel towards her in the past and now, even I believe that this feeling will never fade away in the future. She is the only girl I've ever desired, the only woman that can make my heart beat faster. She is the one that I love and she will always be the only one. If just want to play, I can pluck some random women on the street."

Given his status as the CEO of Park Corporation, every woman would surely fly around him.

There were once when a woman drugged him with aphrodisiac and almost succeed climbing on his bed. Fortunately, William had a strong will and restrained himself. He disgusted by the woman. He then made that woman went through the living hell. It was literally the living hell where he destroyed her family as they supported her so do that disgusting thing.

This doing of his spread in the high society circle overnight. At that time, people was scared by his ruthlessness that some people who had such thought in mind immediately erased it from their mind. In addition, from that moment onwards, the gossip about William's was a gay started to circulate. Who would offend a gay CEO by sending woman to his bed? Not only they did something useless, they would invoke his wrath instead. So, from that day until now, he rarely had such disturbances. Only some ignorant idiots would provoke him.

Little Mo who was listening to William's straightforward and blunt words didn't feel offended. He liked the fact William was straightforward. It was easier to talk to him than some others who preferred to talk roundabout. Moreover, Little Mo could see sincerity and seriousness in his eyes, unlike Liu Tang pretentious seriousness.

Little Mo was someone who gave importance to first impression. Both Liu Tang and William was top bachelors but he could feel that William was the man of his words. So, this time he decided to trust William. "How can I believe you? Will you sign a prenuptial agreement in case you'll marry her in the future?"

"Yes I will."

"Then, will you include a clause in your prenuptial agreement that you'll hand every asset that you have in your possession?" Little Mo gave him a heavy requirement. By giving William this question, he could assure himself that Elena was on the good hand.

Well, when someone was situated between rock and a hard place, he had to make a choice out of the two as there was no other way out. Mostly, men would choose wealth over woman. Thay was the most logical decision. If you have wealth, any kind of woman you desire would come to you right?

Little Mo thought William would choose wealth over Elena but he heard something unexpected. "I have made our prenuptial agreement. And I have included what you say in the agreement. If you want to know more, I'll give my lawyer contact to you so you can check it yourself." William had actually made prenuptial agreement the day after they started dating. He made this agreement with intention that he would keep Elena forever.

Actually, he didn't only list this matter in the prenuptial agreement. He also included some that inclined to Elena. Well, she was the woman he loved with all his heart so he would only gave her the best deal - he let himself become the disadvantage party in the agreement. He placed her benefits above his.

Little Mo only nodded as his expression remained stern. Actually, he was startled by his answer. It really satisfied him.

Elena who sat beside William was speechless. She looked at her boyfriend with disbelief written all over her face. "When did you think about this?"

"The day after I saw you for the very first time." William answered truthfully. At that time, when he saw her, he was very sure that she was the one he really wanted. This urge to possess turned to something he had never thought - love. So, when he saw her on flesh in the UDI months ago, he felt as if his barren heart was in spring that full of colorful blossoms. "But I only made this on the day after we start going out."

Elena wanted to ask more but her words stuck in her throat. She never thought that beside Little Mo, there was someone who love her so much although this love was a completely different concept with Little Mo's.

Elena's childhood experience made her sceptical about love. After her parents left and Uncle Qi passed away, she felt she was abandoned by the whole world. Fortunately, she met Little Mo at that time that had prevented her from falling deeper in despair. She had never said this but she was grateful that Little Mo had never given in. She finally opened her heart after his tedious effort.

"So, when we will get married?" Elena suddenly blurted out. If someone made a prenuptial agreement, he had to get married after that right? Elena looked at William and Little Mo whose face was full of shocked. The moment she realized what she had said, she looked down as if she was checking her nails. Her face and ears were flushed red.

William smiled gleefully after he returned from the shock. His eyes lit up as her sentence was what he had always imagined for countless days to hear from her. He answered instantly. "How about today?" He looked at his watch and continued, "We can register our marriage first if you want. It's almost lunch so how about after lunch? If not, should I contact the people from civil affair bureau so we can do it right now?" Honestly, William was not patient enough to wait until lunch was over. He preferred to do it right now because the sooner they registered their marriage, the sooner he could claim her that she was his to the world. But, in front of Little Mo, he could not act too hastily. He had to mantain a semblance of his dignity.

Little Mo was shocked. He felt his world view had crumbled. They had just went out for almost two weeks but they already talked about marriage? What a wonderful fate!