You Hate Her Very Much Right?

William hold her hands. He tenderly gazed at his wife and said assuringly. "I'll be here. I promise to take care of myself so it will never happen."

Elena nodded, "En. You promise me.

Both of them smiled. Elena slowly dozed off and went into slumber. After William heard her even breathing, he laid her down he hugged his wife from behind. He kissed her head. " Good night baby. Have a nice dream."


A week had passed since the homicide case of the current national goddess, Song Xi was revealed to the public. When it was revealed for the first time, a great furor broke up that it shocked the public.

Song Xi was a well known and talented actress with good personality. She was gentle and polite to everyone, at least that was what she shown to the public. They could have never expected that a beautiful and talented young woman like her would die.

Her fans became made and created ruckus online that they started to make a petition, urging the police to investigate her death.

The power of Internet was too potent. Not even a day after the petition was created, hundreds of thousands people signed in.

Police already started the investigation prior this, but the pressure given by the public was too strong that it made them to move more resource.

Everyday, every television channel would report the progress of the case. From morning to night. Well, this homicide case was attention grabbing. It guaranteed high traffic. As television station relied on traffic to keep its business, the homicide case was like a piece of meat that everyone wanted to get a bite.

To make everything more interesting, the news would broadcast would subtly gave some speculation towards the case. They began inviting families and friends of the decease, condemning the murderer to gain some pity.

This news started spiraling out of control and made public shifted their attention. As what [Designer] had expected, public attention would focus on Song Xi's boyfriend, a singer named Han Zhan.

Han Zhan was Song Xi's boyfriend. They had an on and off relationship and it was known to the public. Han Zhan was well known for his short temper. Many people said this, especially those who ever work with him.

He was an egoistic man and arrogant. Probably because he was already popular singer since he was still a kid, he had star syndrome that everything must revolved around him, as if he was the center of the universe.

The relationship between Han Zhan and Song Xi was known to the public when she was still a budding startlet. Because of this, public started to pay attention to Song Xi. When she was being mentioned, Han Zhan would also be mentioned. Their names were inseparable.

So, in her entire career, Han Zhan was an indispensable name. Her relationship with him was a part of a reason why she became popular faster than her peers.

Public knew they had an on and off relationship because some insiders would gossip and let the other knew how Han Zhan would treat Song Xi rudely because of small disagreements.

Song Xi's innocent image was clearly more believable than Han Zhan unruly behaviour. So, when her death was announced, people would think that Han Zhan was the culprit.

As public allegedly accused Han Zhan as the murderer, his reputation hit the bottom. His upcoming jobs was halted and some of the endorsements he had even began cancelling their contracts. Although it had not been proven yet, public started to believe that Han Zhan involved in the homicide case.


Imperial City Police Department, Interrogation Room

Captain Ling and Huo Youtou sat in front of Han Zhan who was buzy playing his phone. Han Zhan looked nonchalant but Huo Youyou who had been observing his expression knew that he was not as calm as what he shown on the surface.

They had been sitting for almost ten minutes. Everytime Captain Ling or Huo Youyou asked questions, Han Zhan would only give a nod or shook his head. Even if he spoke, he would say, 'Huh. That b"tch has finally dead? '

Huo Youyou asked another question to Han Zhan. But the latter didn't answer. Captain Ling who had been sitting beside Huo Youyou finally slapped the table impatiently. His brows knitted as he asked coldly. "Why don't you answer?"

Captain Ling got headache. Zhao Shuangshuang case had not been resolved yet and some cases coming to them like a torrent of water. Their hands had already full with these cases but the higher up decided to let them investigated Song Xi case too. To Captain Ling, it was clearly unacceptable.

He had refused this case for several time but the higher up adamantly assigned his team to investigate this case. This was clearly absurd to him.

First, his team was already full with some unsolved cases and most importantly, Song Xi's homicide occurred outside of the Imperial City. The crime scene was clearly outside of his jurisdiction. Other team from respective city must be assigned instead of his team. It this procedure was being meddled according to the higher up will, would police be in a mess? But seemed that he was the only onr w experienced so.

Because he was pressured, he reluctantly accepted this case. Working overtime with pressure from many parties took a toll. His sleep deprivation made his mood terrible.

He endure his terrible mood and interrogated Han Zhan for some information. In normal circumstances, it was very reasonable for the party who was being interrogated to keep silent. But, his mood flare up as he began to get impatient. Fortunately there was Huo Youyou. Otherwise, he would beat Han Zhan up for making his job difficult.

Because he knew that his mood got worse and it would definitely affect his work, Captain Ling delegated the rest to Huo Youyou. "I'll leave it to you." Without waiting Huo Youyou's reply, he went out of the room.

Huo Youyou looked at Captain Ling's back. He sighed helplessly. It was already great for Captain Ling to maintain his temper these past weeks. He was being pressured by many parties and his responsibility was surely greater than him.

Huo Youyou shifted his line of sight to Han Zhan. He smiled at and said to him. "You hate her very much right? "