Different Method

Captain Ling immediately sobered when he heard Huo Youyou's words. He sat straight as he asked Hui Youyou in excitement. "Really?"

Huo Youyou smiled assuringly. "Really."

Captain Ling suddenly breathed out in relief. It slightly puzzled Huo Youyou. But in the end, he could only concluded that Captain was relieved by the fact that he would not work overtime a few days later and could relax himself.

Truthfully, Hou Youyou guess was on point. It was just the reason was different.

Captain Ling's empress, his wife, was throwing tantrums these past days. Because Captain Ling worked overtime continuously for many days, she finally issued an imperial edict. She threatened him to let him sleep on the couch.

Because of this, Captain Ling was in dilemma. Fortunately, the case would probably solved faster than expected. Captain Ling surpressed his excitement. He asked Huo Youyou. "Tell me."

Huo Youyou walked over and sat across Captain Ling. After that, he began explaining. "Apparently, the news circulated outside couldn't be trusted."

Captain Ling raised an eyebrow. He signaled Huo Youyou to continue.

"Han Zhan was Song Xi's boyfriend. But he also wasn't." Huo Youyou paused. Then he continued, "It seems that be was being blackmailed by Song Xi. That's what I observed during interrogation. When he answer my questions, he was very cautious in his words as if he was afraid that he would speak the secrets he kept. Moreover, the material for blackmail is probably too big that Han Zhan must feel threatened. So, he can only become her boyfriend unwillingly.

" It's still unknown what material she used to blackmail Han Zhan. We can slowly find it later. But now, we can focus on another direction."

"Continue." Captain Ling listened to Huo Youyou intently.

"Because he was threatened, Han Zhan bribed a staff from Song Xi's house, hoping that he would find something to free himself from Song Xi. In fact, he did find a fact. But unfortunately, his blackmail material was paled in comparison to hers.

" He mentioned the deceased, Song Xi played an indirect role in her cousin's death. This point is worth investigating."

Captain Ling nodded, "Let's investigate. Dispatch others and let them start working."

Huo Youyou stood straight. "Okay Captain"


Han Zhan had just walking out of the police station. His manager was already waiting in his van. His mood was terrible that he really wanted to gulp some alcohol. As he was about to order the driver to go to a bar, a call was rang. He picked the call up as the ringtone he set for the caller was very different compared to the other. His knitted face turned instantly to his fawning mode when he saw the name of the caller. "Good afternoon boss."

From the other end of the phone, a man in black metallic suit was leaning on a leather chair, gazing out of the floor to ceiling glass window, watching the bustlit crowd on the ground below the level he sat. He had an air of pride and elegance. "How is today? Are you okay?"

Han Zhan replied, "I'm okay boss."

The man answered, "That's good. Just go home and get rest today."

"Thank you boss."

The man didn't answer and hung the phone up. Han Zhan, on the other end of the phone frowned. There was a trace of disgust on his face.

The man stared at a certain level of another tall building across the building he was in. He took his binoculars from the coffe table beside his seat and wore it to his eyes. After he saw someone in the floor he was observing, he smiled ambigously.


It was dusk. Elena had just washed up. Normally, she would work overtime when she was still a single. When she supposed to go home earlier, she would still work. But now, she couldn't do it anymore. She would try to come home earlier.

She was already a married woman. Although William didn't ask her, she was still self conscious. Her status was now changed. She was no longer single. So, she had to change some habits of hers when she was alone gradually because she knew that there were some that was not suitable for her current status.

She had already become his wife so she couldn't act ignorant or egoist towards William. What if he left her because she was selfish? Her closest relative left her when she was obedient. Would he leave her even faster because of her selfishness?

Deep down, Elena feared of this fact. William had said that he loved her but she couldn't really put herself to trust him completely. There was a very tiny crack in her trust towards him.

When she thought about this, Elena shook her head. She was still afraid. It was a truth. But at the same time, she really hoped that everything would go well.

William came into their bedroom after he had a video conference in the study room. He saw his wife in a daze. He waved his hand in front of her but she was unresponsive.

He smirked mischievously. He suddenly bent down until his face was in line with his wife who was sitting on the bed. Then, his lips pressed on hers.

William kiss pulled her back from reality. Elena stunned as she was unable to process what happened.

When she felt the William was trying to invade her mouth with his tongue, Elena realized that she was being kissed. She was helpless about him. Could he use different method aside this?