

I don't own Akame Ga Kill!

At the field, a pair of boy with wooden axe and girl with wooden spear can be seen waiting. The girl has black eyes and long black hair with a white flower hair accessory. While the boy has brown eyes and short, somewhat unruly, dark brown hair with a white martial arts headband on his forehead.

" Oi!! Sayo!! Ieyasu!! We've arrived! " Tatsumi said while waving his hand toward the pair.

" Tatsumi and Gilga you jerk! How long are you planning to make us wait? " Sayo said as she pouted.

" Hahaha! It doesn't matter right? What matters is they come as promised right? " Ieyasu said while laughing.

" Ieyasu. That lax attitude of yours will someday get you into trouble. " Gilga said. " And Sayo. You look even more wonderful and astonishing today. " Gilga added, causing Sayo to blush.

" Sh...Sharrap! Today, we'll definitely land a hit on you! So don't hope that your flattery will have any effect! " Sayo said with her face still flushed as she points her wooden spear to Gilga

" I don't know why, but I feel even more motivated! " Ieyasu and Tatsumi said simultaneously as they draw their respective weapons and swings them.

" I see. Then... " Gilga said as he donned a wooden arm guard. " Come at me with all you've got! " Gilga added.

Ieyasu leaps to Gilga whilst swinging his axe from Gilga's head. Gilga dodges the axe by a small margin and then he delivers a right to Ieyasu. But before his right connected, Tatsumi appeared from Gilga's back and he swings his sword to Gilga. Noticing Tatsumi's presence, Gilga ducks and does a leg sweep to Tatsumi and Ieyasu at the same time, and at that time, Sayo follows up by launching her spear, which Gilga caught before sweeping Tatsumi and Ieyasu to ground and creates some distance between them.

" Not bad! Your teamwork is getting better and better. But! Ieyasu. Your strike is as usual, straightforward. You need to be more flexible! Tatsumi, you need to work on how to do surprise attack as your presence is easy to be noticed. And lastly, Sayo. Don't throw your only weapon. " Gilga said as he throws the spear to Sayo. ", And now, it's my turn to strike isn't it? ", Gilga added with a smile, causing the trio to shiver unconsciously.

After saying those words, Gilga takes out a wooden sword and attacks Ieyasu first. Gilga dashes as he drags his sword on the ground before swinging it to Ieyasu. Ieyasu then swings his axe to intercept Gilga's sword, but as Gilga swings his sword and parries Ieyasu's axe before striking Ieyasu with 2 consecutive slashes.

" Argh! " Ieyasu falls to the ground on his back. And right after Ieyasu gets knocked down, Gilga heads toward Tatsumi, but a spear suddenly appears in front of him, intercepting him. Gilga strikes the spear with his leg, which made Sayo lost her balance as she staggers and with difficulty, she manages regaining her posture.

She then takes a look at Tatsumi and Gilga who is currently clashing against each other. Both of them are striking each other's sword. The speed of their clash is exceptionally fast, as it takes Sayo her everything to follow their sword strikes.

" Hoo! Not bad Tatsumi! You've managed to keep up with my pace! " Gilga said as he keeps attacking Tatsumi.

" Well, that's thanks to your guidance and beating! " Tatsumi said as he keeps parrying Gilga's sword.

" Heh! Getting conceited are we? Let me increase the difficulty then! " Gilga said and then the speed he swings his sword become even faster, and each blow is heavier than before.

" Guh! " Now, Tatsumi doesn't know whether to laugh or cry, because Gilga's strikes become even faster and more powerful than before that even giving his all, Tatsumi can't even hold his ground against the present Gilga anymore. At this time, Sayo with her spear comes from Gilga's back to strike his leg, but Gilga never keeps his guard down as he raised his leg and kicked Tatsumi, but got his kick blocked by Tatsumi's blade. Not minding Tatsumi, Gilga does a leg sweep, causing Sayo to fall down. But before Sayo hits the ground, Gilga catches Sayo on her back, preventing her from falling to the ground.

After catching Sayo, Gilga felt a pain on his back, which is caused by Tatsumi's sword.

" I.. I.. No, we did it! " Tatsumi exclaimed in satisfaction.

" Ah! Dammit! " Gilga said as he rubs his back.

" Why? " Sayo asked with her face blushed.

" Why what? " Gilga asked.

" Why bother helping me? I mean you should've let me fall to the ground right? Are you going easy on me?"

" Well, there's no way I'll let the dirt from the ground to stain your face right? " Gilga explained, causing Sayo to blush even deeper.

" I dunno why, but I wanted to beat the crap out of you y' know Gilga? Mind going for another round? " Tatsumi asked as he cracked his fist with fiendish smile.

" Oh! Is it jealousy? " Gilga said, this time causing Tatsumi's face to redden.

" And do you really want to go for another round against me alone? " Gilga asked, causing Tatsumi to sweat as he keeps shaking his head. Seeing this scene, Sayo and Ieyasu burst into laughter at Tatsumi's spurt of courage.

" Well, since you managed to land a hit on me, as I promise, tonight I'll cook something for you guys! I'll go get the ingredients first. " Gilga said as he leaves the trio and heads toward the forest. This time he doesn't get too deep into the forest as he searches for a forest runner danger beast to be cooked for dinner.

The forest runner has a body that resembles an ostrich. It has sharp talon and long beak with beautiful black and blue feather. It runs real fast, but forest runner is a curious creatures, so catching them is not that hard.

Near the riverbank, a forest runner can be spotted, but it's feather is not black and blue, but white and red instead! It's talon is even longer and shinier than that of a normal forest runner.

' A variant! ' Gilga exclaimed in surprise.

Variant as the name implies, is a few individual of a danger beast that have undergone evolution. The variant strength is comparable with Class-1 danger beast at the very least. Some variant are as strong as a Class-Super danger beast!

Gilga then throws a silver coin near the riverbank. Noticing the coin, the variant doesn't go to the coin like how a normal forest runners did, but it chooses to flee instead.

' Damn! Not only it's more dazzling than the usual forest runner, but it's more intelligent! But, since Gilga-sama has set an eye on you, you can't escape! ' Gilga thought as he chases the variant.

' Damn! It's fast! ' Gilga thought as he can only see the variant's image becoming smaller as it's getting further, and then he accelerates even more to catch up with the danger beast.

Five minutes later, he catches up with the forest runner as it walked to a dead end where the trees grows closely to each other, which it's body can't fit in.

" Give it up! You won't get away from me! " Gilga said as he donned his Sneak Strike preparing to behead the Forest Runner.

Sensing it's impending death, tear flows from the variant's eyes.

' What? A danger beast can cry? ' Gilga thought as he lowered Sneak Strike.

" Do you understand my word? " Gilga asked.

Hearing Gilga's word, the variant nods. Gilga is pleasantly surprised to learn and find the existence of a danger beast that understands human's tongue.

" Are you a danger beast or you used to be a human? " Gilga asked, which startled the forest runner. But the forest runner pecks the ground twice. This time, startling Gilga.

" Oh! So, you got turned into a forest runner. The only possible explaination is you used to be a Teigu user or a Shingu user? " Gilga concluded which caused the forest runner to nod then peck the ground twice again.

" A Shingu huh? Probably an inferior type created to copy Lionel." Gilga mumbles and nodded as he inspects the forest runner's body.

" And there's the bracelet! " Gilga exclaimed as he spotted golden bracelet, which had emerald orb on the center of the ring, at the base of the forest runner's wing. Gilga then pressed the emerald button, causing white smoke to envelope the forest runner.

After a few moment, the forest runner is gone and replaced by a naked girl. She has navy blue eyes and long silver hair that grows till her back. She seems to be in her 15's with her developed hourglass shaped body.

Realizing that she's been turned back to human, the girl happily leaped and hugged Gilga.

" Thank you very much!! " The girls sobbed.

" Hehe. Not bad! Not bad! " Gilga said as he cupped and enjoys one of the girl's C-cup peaks.

" Kyaa! Pervert! " The girl then subconsciously pushes Gilga away after hearing Gilga's word and feeling the sensation of his warm palm. Despite getting pushed suddenly, Gilga didn't fall and is still standing on his feet.

" Me? A pervert? Says the one who leaped on a guy and hugged him despite being stark naked. " Gilga retorted, causing the girl to blush.

" Here. Make do with this jacket. " Gilga said as he lends his jacket to the girl.

" Navia. " The girl mumbles as she smells the jacket before wearing it.

" Navia. So that's your name? " Gilga asked and Navia nodded as an answer. " I'm Gilga. Now then, do you mind telling me how did you end up like that? I mean as a forest runner. " Gilga asked.

"... " Navia doesn't say anything as she bit her lips.

" I see. If you don't wish to talk about it, just forget it. What are you going to do then? " Gilga asked.

" I... I don't know what I should do anymore. " Navia answers while biting her lips again, causing blood to flow.

Gilga gets close to Navia and wipes her bleeding lips.

" If you don't know then how about following me? I'll provide your daily necessities such food, shelter and clothes. But in exchange, you come and work under me. How does that sound? " Gilga said whilst raising her chin with his finger.

" Do... Do you really mean your word? " Navia asked. Her voice is filled with sadness and also fear at the same time.

' This girl. Looks like something really messed up happened to her. To actually break a girl down to this state. Unforgivable! ' Gilga thought as he clenched his fist.

" Yes. You need not to worry as I can assure you that I won't betray you as long as you don't betray me! I swear on the name of my partner, Black's Bane. That if I, Gilga, betrays Navia, I'll stab my heart using Black's Bane and let it stays there for eternity! " Gilga vowed as he puts Black's Bane in front of his left chest.

" Is that an Imperial Arms? " Navia asked as she could feel the extraordinariness of Gilga's weapon when she first laid her eyes on it.

" Yes. The Teigu, Venom Stinger, Black's Band. " Gilga said as he sheathes Black's Bane.

" Such a marvelous weapon. " Navia praises.

" Thank you. He's really happy that you praised him. " Gilga said as he pats Black's Bane.

" Well then, I think I'll hunt another forest runner for dinner then. " Gilga said, but he sees something on the tree that attracts his attention.

" Could that be.. " Gilga said and then he jumps on the tree where he found two giant silver cocoons which has a diameter of 5 feet and length of 7 feet.

' As I've thought! ' Gilga then cuts the giant cocoons and inside the cocoons, two giant black caterpillars danger beasts which hasn't finished their evolution lies inside.

' Black Phantasmal Caterpillars! A special class danger beast which cocoon can be used to create clothes that has high physical, heat, cold and dirt resistances! ' Gilga thought happily as he packs the cocoon and carries the caterpillars.

" Navia. I'm heading back to the village. Come with me! " Gilga said.

" Yes! " Navia answers with teary eyes as she follows Gilga to the village.