Individual Test (Part 1)


I don't own Akame Ga Kill!

In Sayo's house, before heading to the bed, they both take a bath together and have some talk.

" Sayo. Is it true that the four of you are planning to go to the capital to make money and buy this village? " Navia asked Sayo while looking worried.

" Yes. We plan to make a name for ourselves in the capital, so we can make lots of money to help ease up everyone's life in the village. " Sayo answered.

" I.. I don't think that's a good idea. " Navia said, causing Sayo to look at her with confusion.

" Why do you say that? " Sayo asked.

" I mean, as someone who grows up in the capital, I've witnessed a lot of the capital's darkside. I.. I just doesn't want you all to suffer the same fate as me. " Navia said while trembling.

" Even if what you say is true, we won't change our mind, as we've already decided it for ourselves. No matter what hardship awaits us in the capital, we will definitely come over it together. " Sayo said as she rises and helps Navia to wash herself.

" ... Well then, I have decided! I'll follow Gilga to the capital. " Navia said while clenching her fist.

" So, you've overcome your trauma. " Sayo said with gentle smile causing Navia to look at her with surprised expression.

" Something bad must've happened to you in the capital right? I mean, when we did our self introductions, you will show negative reactions when we say the word ' imperial capital '. That's how I come to those conclusion. Tell me if I'm wrong. " Sayo said, and Navia shook her head which implies that Sayo's conclusion isn't negative.

" But, looks like Gilga managed to make you forget those terrible past of yours.  " Sayo said, causing Navia to giggle.

" Yes. I mean, after I am targeted by my fellow teammates and escapes from them, I've lost the light. But after I've met Gilga, the light returns to me. To me, he's become the most important and irreplaceable existence in my heart. " Navia said as she holds her heart while blushing.

" Yeah. Me too, and probably the others too. If not for Gilga, probably Tatsumi, Ieyasu and I won't be able to grow, becoming what we are now. " Sayo said.

" I see. So, how about you and Gilga? What happened between you and him? After coming back, you are no longer angry to him, and you even stay close to him and drop your hostility to me? " Navia asked, causing Sayo to blush.

" L... Let's safe that for tomorrow. We're cleaned up so we might as well head to bed already. " Sayo said with her face flushed as she covers her petite slender body with towel and heads back to her room and Navia follows suit.

Tomorrow morning.

In Gilga's house, Gilga has finished knitting white sailor set for Navia and black sailor set for Sayo.

" Huf!! Finally done! " Gilga chuckles. " Better give it to them now. " Gilga added as packs the clothes and takes a huge backpack before he exits his house and heads toward Sayo's house.

" Sayo! Navia! I've got something for you girls! " Gilga shouted after he arrives at Sayo's house.

" Coming! " Sayo and Navia replied as they comes out of the room.

" Here. I've got new clothes for you two. " Gilga said as he passes the clothes.

" What clothes is this? Where did you get these? " Sayo asked while stroking the clothes. " It's very smooth! " Sayo said, surprised.

" Maybe it's from the cocoons you get last night? " Navia asked as she pays close attention to the clothes.

" Yep. You guessed it perfectly. " Gilga said with thumbs up. " Anyway, try them out! " Gilga said, and the girls enter the house to change.

Two minutes later, Sayo and Navia heads out from Sayo's house with their new clothes. Gilga looks at them with shocked expression, causing the two girl to think that something's wrong.

" What's the matter Gilga? Does it not suit us? " Sayo asked while fidgeting.

" No... I know that it'll suit the both of you. But. You both look even more stunning than before. " Gilga complimented causing the girl to blush.

" Where are you going Gilga? " Sayo asked as she notices Gilga's huge backpack.

" I'm going outside the village. You and Navia train by yourselves. I won't be in the village for around two or three days at most. " Gilga answered.

" Two or three days? What are you going to do outside the village? " Sayo asked worryingly.

" Just the usual exploration and hunting. Nothing special. " Gilga said. " Well, I gotta go. See you later. " Gilga added before he leaves the two girls and head to the village gate.

Currently, on the field, Tatsumi, Ieyasu, Sayo and Navia, who's holding Gilga's jacket, are gathered together.

" What?! Gilga's leaving the village for three days? " Ieyasu said after hearing what Sayo said.

" Yes. I don't know why, but I felt rather uneasy when I heard that. " Sayo said.

" Maybe we should follow Gilga. " Tatsumi said. " I mean, whenever Sayo's feeling uneasy after hearing someone's plan, something bad ought to happen. " Tatsumi added.

Hearing what Tatsumi said, both Ieyasu and Sayo nodded in unison.

" It's settled then, we're going to tail Gilga. " Tatsumi said as they donned their equipments and head outside the village.

Tatsumi takes his sword, Sayo with her bow and arrows, Ieyasu with his axe and Navia with her Runner's bracelet and daggers.

" Say... Sayo. Navia. Where did you two get those clothes? I mean, you both look great in your usual attire, but now the two of you seem more dazzling in it. " Tatsumi said shyly.

" Well, it's a gift from me. And I'll appreciate it if you stop looking at them like that. " Gilga said with a smile which seems warm to others, but to Tatsumi and Ieyasu, his smile is sending chill down their spine.

" Eh? Aren't you supposed to be heading out to the forest? " Navia asked.

" I just remember that I haven't retrieve the jacket I borrowed you. " Gilga said.

" Ah! I forget to give it to you just now. Here you go. " Navia said as she passes Gilga's jacket.

" Thank you Navia. " Gilga said as he retrieves and wears his jacket directly. " By the way, I heard Tatsumi saying something about tailing me. " Gilga added with a bright smile, sending shivers down the spine of the group.

" Ahaha. After I think about it... " Tatsumi said, but before he finishes, Gilga secretly releases sleep poison, causing the four of them to fall asleep.

" It's time to observe your growth. " Gilga said as he carries and puts them inside a wooden carriage one by one and then he heads toward the forest while pulling the carriage.

After a few hours, Gilga arrives at the entrance of forest and then he feeds his  four peers, who have been sleeping like sleeping beauties, the antidote which wakes them from their slumber.

" Uh. My head's spinning. " Tatsumi groaned while rubbing his head as he sits down.

" My head hurts. It's as if I knock myself on a wall over and over again. " Ieyasu said while shaking his head after he's seated, causing Gilga to laugh awkwardly. Because during the travel, only the girls are cushioned with pillows to protect their heads from bumping into the carriage.

" Ahem. I'm sorry for this forced travelling, but since I wanted to assess your growths, this is the only way to do it. " Gilga said, causing all of them to look at Gilga in shock. Sayo doesn't know to either laugh or cry, because apparently, the uneasiness that she felt before aren't a bad premonition for Gilga, but for the four of them!

" And now, I wanted the four of you to subjugate a danger beasts for yourself. As a reminder, the danger beasts that we will be hunting have to be at least class-2 danger beast. Remember to bring back any part of the beast as an evidence of your hunt. If you manages to take down a class-1, I'll give you something special on the following day. The time limit is before nightfall, which is two hours from now, and we'll rendezvous here! Should you fail, I'll subject you to my newest training course till tomorrow morning!" Gilga said.

" And there won't be leniency even to the girls. " Gilga added with a fiendish smile sending chills to the listeners. " The hunt starts now! " Gilga signalled as he dashes to hunt his own danger beast and then the group of four also looks for their own prey.

With Tatsumi

Tatsumi is dashing inside the forest while avoiding low level danger beasts, and slay class-3 danger beasts that get in his way.

After half an hour, Tatsumi found a lone class-1 Earth Dragon, which has an appearance similar to a huge gray-carapaces insect with four limbs and 50 feet tall, enjoying it's meal on an open space of the forest.

Tatsumi swiftly leaps onto the Earth Dragon's back and swings his blade.


When his sword collided with the Earth Dragon's back, his sword is repelled instead of cutting through the Earth Dragon.

' Not good! ' Tatsumi thought as he distances himself from the Earth Dragon.

Enraged because it's meal has been interrupted, the Earth Dragon looks back and when it found the culprit that dares to interrupt it's meal, the Earth Dragon directly charges toward the culprit as it has decided to make the boy into it's meal instead.

Even though a huge beast is charging towards him, Tatsumi remains calm and collected, because this Earth Dragon poses no actual threat compared to Gilga whose speed and power are leagues above the Earth Dragon.

' Think Tatsumi! What'll you do against an armored enemy? ' Tatsumi keeps thinking as he dodges the Earth Dragon's strikes. As he dodges the Earth Dragon's attack, Tatsumi notices the gap between it's elbow and arm, so Tatsumi waits for the Earth Dragon's next attack.

When the Earth Dragon prepares to throw and over head slam using it's right hand, Tatsumi leaps in!

" Now! " Tatsumi yelled as he does a huge powerful swing on the Earth Dragon's armor gap, resulting it's decapitation.

Having it's right hand decapitated, the Earth Dragon hissed in pain as it used it's left hand to deliver a jab at Tatsumi. But to no avail, as Tatsumi used it's decapitated arm as footing and lands on it's left hand.

After landing on the Dragon's left hand, Tatsumi travel along it's left head and directly leaps to the gap that's located on it's neck area and stabbed it with superb speed, strength and precision. After stabbing the Dragon, Tatsumi leaps behind and observes from distance to avoid the Dragon's last struggle before it's death.

Blood gushes out as the Earth Dragon flounders in pain, crushing the trees in it's floundering. After 10 minutes, the Earth Dragon dies because of exhaustion and excessive blood loss.

" Now then, time for dismembering and disassembling. " Tatsumi said as he starts to disassemble the Earth Dragon and packs part of it's carapace, nails, bones, fangs and it's core before heading back to the entrance of the forest.

With Ieyasu

Ieyasu has been loitering around the forest for an hour, but he has yet to find a danger beast. But when he's heading to the river, he can hear roars of danger beasts.

" Oh? Looks like there's a conflict between the danger beasts? Better not miss it!" Ieyasu said while laughing as he heads to the source of the roar which is approximately 20 feet from where he is.

There, a winged lion danger beast and a snake tailed tiger are confronting each other. Ieyasu sits on the tree while spectating the beasts killing each other. Whichever won will be killed by him. But, when the lion and tiger are about to pounce on each other, they stop and look at where Ieyasu is.

Noticing their gaze, Ieyasu starts to profusely sweat as he forgets that those two beasts has a keen smelling and hearing. And currently, he's on a tree that's too close with the two beasts.

' Oh sh*t. ' Ieyasu cursed when he sees the two beasts nods at each other and faces Ieyasu. ' I'm not going to be a fodder for you beasts! I'm gonna make it big in the capital and enjoy my life there!... While helping my village! ' Ieyasu determined in his heart as he readies his axe.

" C'mere! Yer savage beasts! I'mma make ye myself a name before stepping into the capital " Ieyasu roared and caused the beasts to pounce towards Ieyasu.

The tiger is the one that strikes first as it's the one closest to Ieyasu. The tiger attempts to claw Ieyasu, but Ieyasu dodges by a small margin and attempts to counterattack, but the lion danger beast doesn't wait for Ieyasu to counterattack the tiger as it chooses to attack Ieyasu. Sensing the impending danger, Ieyasu decided to play the defensive while distancing himself from the danger beasts.

' To think that they decide to come to a truce and attack me together! ' Ieyasu spat at his heart.

' You are too straightforward with your attacks! ' a familiar voice reverberates inside Ieyasu's head.

' Why would I suddenly thought of that? Wait! They come to a truce, which is temporary. So if I manage to cause chaos between them, their truce will cease to exist and they'll attack each other! ' Ieyasu thought as he lowers his position as he wait for the beasts' assault.

The tiger and lion circles him in order to confuse Ieyasu, but Ieyasu remained collected as he realizes their tactics.

First Ieyasu runs to the tiger which makes the lion pounces to him, and right after the lion pounces towards him, Ieyasu forcefully stops his step as he spun backward and swing his axe to the lion. The tiger however, also pounces towards Ieyasu to attack his opened back.

" You think you can beat me on a battle of wits savage beasts? Crash to each other ye foolish beasts! " Ieyasu said as he does a sidestep, causing the beast to collide with each other. After standing up, they glares at each other before fighting among themselves.

" Heh! Yer looking down on me too much! To think you have time to quarrel amongst yourselves! My turn! " Ieyasu roared as he swings his axe horizontally, decapitating the beasts' limbs. The tiger got three of it's limb cut, while the lion got lucky to only get one of it's limbs decapitated. Not wanting to continue the fight, the lion attempts to run away, but to no avail, as when it lost one of it's limbs, it's speed immensely dropped, which greatly benefits Ieyasu as he doesn't need to exert more strength to chase the beasts.

Ieyasu then swings his axe, decapitating  lion with one clean swing, ending it's life. After that, Ieyasu heads to the tiger to decapitate him, but the snake on its tail retaliated, which Ieyasu doesn't find any trouble in as he directly but the tiger's tail, causing it to roar miserably before Ieyasu decapitate it, silencing it forever.

" Thank you for your sacrifices! " Ieyasu said as he prayed to them and disassemble the beasts. He packs up the core of the beasts, beasts' pelt, the skull of the two beasts, the bones of the beasts, the claws of the beasts, the lion's wing and the tiger's snake tail before getting to the rendezvous point.

" By the way, where's the entrance of the forest again? " Ieyasu said as he roamed the forest for one whole hours before rendezvousing with Gilga and the others.