First Retribution Served! (R-18)


I don't own Akame Ga Kill!!


This content contain torture, rape, and mind break. If you aren't comfortable with anything mentioned above, please skip this chapter!

On the field of Aria's family household, Gilga is pulling them using ropes, dragging them along the path to the shed.

" Ouch! Ngh... Why can't I move? Huh? Mum? Dad? " Aria woke up from the bump, and her eyes widen in shock as she can't move her limbs and realizes she herself and her parents had been tied up tightly.

" Finally awake? " Gilga said without looking at Aria while he's dragging them.

" Ouch! Hey! Why did you tie us? Ouch! Where are you taking us? " Aria asked in confusion and pain, as she's tied up and dragged on the uneven ground, damaging her butt cheeks, calfs, knees and thighs as those part of her body bumped on the uneven ground.

" I'm taking you to a special place for dishing out a dish called retribution for you guys. " Gilga said, sending shiver down to Aria's bone.

" R... Retribution? W... What are you talking about? " Aria asked. But Gilga doesn't mind her question and keep dragging them.

" Ouch! Is this the way you treat someone who takes you in their house? " Aria asked.

" To the assholes that attempt to poison us when we first met, kidnap my girls late at night and planning to rape them, why not? Besides, it's not like I don't notice this when I came. " Gilga said as he arrived at the shed. " This is your family's personal torture chamber right? " Gilga asked with a chilling smile.

" W... What? I... I don't know what you're saying. " Aria said.

Without saying anything, Gilga kicked the door, revealing the content of the room. Inside, there are a lot of people with their hands hung or their feet hung. There are also torture items such as iron maiden, spikes chair, spiked board, aquarium, guillotine, and so on. Groaning sounds can be heard, ad there are prison containing prisoners infected by Lubora virus.

" Well then let's arrange this place a little bit. " Gilga sneered as he arranged the torture devices to the side, creating an empty spot on the center of the torture chamber.

" W... What are you plotting? " Aria asked, terrified.

" You'll see. " Gilga smirked evilly, sending shivers down Aria's spine.

" Urgh.... " Aria's father groaned as he slowly wakes up.

" Unnnh..... " Aria's mother also groaned as she wakes up.

" W... What is this? Honey? Aria? Why are we here? " Aria's mother asked in surprise.

" You!! What do you plan to do!! " Aria's father demands for an explaination.

" Dishing out your retribution. " Gilga said as he positioned two spiked chairs facing the empty area.

" Wait! What are you! Ahhh!!!!! " Aria's father asked when Gilga lifts him, but then replaced by a horrifying scream as Gilga abruptly slams him to the spiked chair, impaling his flesh, and then ties his hand on the spiked handrest and his legs on the chair's leg tightly using ropes. " Argh!!! Let me goo!!! " Aria's father roared, and then Gilga takes out wire speculums and install it on Aria's father eyes, forcing it to be opened.

" Dear!! Noo!!! What are you doing!!! Let me... Ahh!!!! " Aria's mother called out for his husband, but then got lifted by Gilga  and then got forced to sit on the spiked chair beside her husband while getting her hands tied on the spiked hand rest, and her leg got tied on the spiked leg of the chair, but not as tight as her husband's. Gilga also doesn't forget to install the wire speculums on her eyes, completely exposing her light blue eyes.

" Noooo! Mom!!! Dad!!! " Aria cried. " Please. Let my mom and dad go. " Aria said as she sobbed.

" Doesn't the people you guys tortured also asked for the same thing? AND DO YOU GUYS COMPLY?!!! " Gilga roared, silencing Aria.

" WHY SHOULD WE COMPLY? THEY'RE JUST HICKS FROM THE COUNTRYSIDE! NO ONE WILL EVEN CRE IF THEY GOT LOST OR ANYTHING! THEY GOT NO STATUS WHATSOEVER, SO WHY THE HELL SHOULD WE COMPLY? UNLIKE THEM, WE POSSESSED STA... " Aria snapped, but before she finished her word, Gilga punched her face lightly, sending her flying and lands in front of her parents. Aria sobs as her face is swollen from Gilga's light punch.

" You see. I know you got status or wealth, but does it really matter when you're in death's presence? " Gilga spat as he heads to a prison containing three male inside.

They have red spots over their body, indicating they're infected with Lubora disease and they are pretty beat up.

" You guys. Mind listening to what I'm going to say? " Gilga asked, and then the three men look at him with fright and confusion.

" No need to be afraid. What I'm giving you is a chance for revenge. I know that y'all don't have much time left, so at least I can give you opportunity to leave this world with satisfaction. How bout that? " Gilga asked.

" We're all ears. " The three men said after looking at each other and discussing.

" You three can do whatever you want with that little son of a bitch which could satisfy yourself. But no killing, as I'm the one who'll do that. " Gilga stated, causing Aria and her parents to look at him with horror while the three prisoners look at him with frown.

" Why we don't get to kill her? " Prisoner A roared.

" Do you have any idea how much we suffered because of that little bitch and her bitchy mother? " Prisoner B continued.

" If we don't kill her by ourselves, we won't be satisfied! " Prisoner C added, sending terror even deeper into Aria and her parents.

* Clang! The sound of a sword piercing the sterl reverberates, silencing all that's present there.

" Looks like you don't understand. What I'm doing is giving you an opportunity. Not some shitty negotiations. " Gilga said and stares at the prisoners coldly as he still hold Black's Bane which he used to stab the steel, sending shivers down their spine before they nodded in agreement.

" Remember. No killing. But, near death is acceptable. " Gilga said as he lets the prisoners out of their cells and heads toward the empty area.

Gilga then approaches Aria who's sitting hopelessly on the floor. As Gilga approaches, Aria keeps moving backward till her back leans on the wall, thus stopping her movement.

Without warning, Gilga swings Black's Bane around her, causing Aria to scream in terror. But to her surprise, Aria doesn't feel any pain from being cut.

" Heh. Showoff. Just admit that you have no gall to kill me directly. " Aria snorted, but Gilga just tell her to look down, which she did and noticed that her clothes is gone!

" Kya!!! Noooo!! You!! You pervert! " Aria said as she turns back to hide her developing body.

" What are you planning to do with our daughter!!! " Aria's father roared!

" After what I did, and you has yet to understand where this is going. " Gilga said as he threw Aria, whose hands are still tied, into the empty area where the three prisoners are waiting. And as Aria is thrown, Gilga slashed Aria's sole using Black's Bane, resulting a light cut on her sole.

" Ahh! It hurts! " Aria cried out in pain as her soles are cut and bleeding a little.

" Enjoy yourselves. " Gilga said as he takes a chair to observe the brutal fate which will befall Aria.

A.N : We're getting into the gruesome and immoral part. My last warning. If you don't feel comfortable with this, then skip to the next chapter.


" What! No!!! G.... Get away from me!! " Aria screamed at the top of her lungs while desperately kicking the three prisoners, not letting them touching her.

" Noooo!! Aria!!! You country hicks!! Let stay away of my Aria!!!! " Aria's father shouted at the top of his lungs. His body is trembling in anger which caused the spike of the chair to sink deeper into his flesh.

" Aria! N... Noo... Please. I beg you. Let Aria go... She's still a child. Have mercy! " Aria's mother pleaded while sobbing.

" Child? Mercy? So, you even know that words. " Gilga said in an insulting tone. " But, do you still think that the one you tortured are still children? Do you show any mercy to them? " Gilga growled in anger causing Aria's mother to start sobbing. " Your fake tears won't work on me. " Gilga snorted.

" Noooo!!! Let go of me!!!! " Aria's scream brought their attention to Aria, whose legs had been caught by one of the prisoners. Seeing this, Aria's parents starts wriggling, sinking the spike even deeper inside their flesh, as they kept screaming.


" What I want is to drown you all into despair and break you down before finishing you off for good. " Gilga said coldly without looking at Aria's father. " Do whatever you want with her. " Gilga said, and then the prisoners take off their pants and show their erect penises which are covered in red spots.

' Eww! Wtf is that? Yuck! Looks like it will take a lot of time to forget that scene just now. ' Gilga thought as he holds the urge to vomit. ' And also. They are turned on by that little bitch... What a fxcked up world. ' Gilga added his thought.

" Hehehe. " Prisoner A who caught Aria's legs, laughed as he points his penis to Aria's pussy and rubs it across her slit.

" NOOOO!! KEEP THAT DISGUSTING THING AWAY FROM ME!!!! " Aria screamed hysterically as she wriggles, trying to break free from prisoner A's grasp. But to no avail as prisoner A is much stronger than her even though he is diseased.

" NOOOOO! ARIAAAA!!! PLEASE!! I BEG YOU. JUST KILL ME AND LET MY WIFE AND DAUGHTER GO. " Aria father pleaded with his body shaking. The spiked chair is bathed in blood already from his struggling. Gilga however not minding his word, keeps looking at the soon to be defiled Aria.

" No... Aria... " Aria's mother said weakly before she passed out. Noticing this, Gilga gets close to her. Aria's father however are too focused on attempting to breaking free from his restraint, thus him not noticing Gilga's movement.

" I won't let you sleep. Bear witness to your daughter turning into woman. " Gilga said as he unties Aria's mother and bandages her wounds before changing her seat to a normal chair with her limbs tied on the chair. And then Gilga takes out cold water and pours it on her face, waking her up.

" Please. If this is a nightmare, then let me wake up already. " Aria's mother sobbed.

" No. It's not a dream, and it's a reality. And this is the retribution for what you did to the poor souls you killed for fun. " Gilga said, and when he finished his word, a loud thumping voice can be heard and then followed by Aria's scream.

" AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOO!!!!!!! "  Aria screamed at the top of her lungs as she lost her virginity to an unknown country hick which she treated like an object which is also diseased because of her mother's habit. " It hurts!.... Huhuhuhuhuhu!! I don't want this!... Huhuhuhu!!!" Aria starts to cry miserably as her pussy is enveloping the penis of prisoner A. Seeing their daughter gets fxcked in front of them, Aria's parents are struck by shock, but unable to pass out because of Gilga's poison on the spiked chair that prevents an individual fainting from shock.

" Oooohhhh!!!! It's so damn tight!! " Prisoner A said in excitement as his spotted penis is currently inside Aria's tiny narrow pussy.

" NOOOOOOO!!!! YOU!!! YOU FXCKING COUNTRY BUMPKIN! I.... I WON'T FORGIVE YOU!!! " Aria's father roared in anger with his eyes bleeding because of the wire speculums and blood gushes out from his body, dyeing the spiked chair red, causing Gilga to grin evilly while saying " I'd like to see you try not forgiving me. "

" Aria... Just what have you brought into our house... " Aria's mother sobs while mumbling as she averts her eyes, not willing to witness the scene in front of her.

" A monster that devours the sinners. " Gilga answered chillingly to Aria's mother question.

" Please... Stop.... Don't move.... Huhuhuhu!!! " Aria cried as she pleaded while her pussy is repeatedly pounded by prisoner A. But instead of stopping, he hasten his pounding, causing Aria to cry even louder.

" No. Please take it... Umph!!! " Aria cried but before she finished her word, prisoner B shoved his spotted dick into Aria's mouth, silencing her.

" Ohhh!! Her throat pussy is not bad too! " Prisoner B said in delight as he moves his hips, causing Aria's cry becoming a muffled moan as tear is flowing from her eyes.

" Oi. Where do I put mine then? " Prisoner C asked as he keeps rubbing his fat member.

" Here you go. " Prisoner A said as he twisted and sleep on the ground while still pounding Aria's pussy.

" Then don't mind if I do. " Prisoner C said as he shove his dick into Aria's teeny tiny tight ass.

" Umphhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! " Aria groaned as her pussy, ass and mouth are occupied by cocks. Her holes being savagely pounded by three diseased penis caused her to cry even more miserably than before.

" Umph!!!! " Aria let out a loud muffled voice as she came. But the three prisoners not showing any desire to stop, keep pounding her pussy, mouth and ass.

After a few moments, the three prisoners are getting close to climaxing, causing them to hasten their pace, before shooting a lot of semen and fills Aria's holes. But her tiny holes aren't enough to accommodate their cums, causing some of their cums to flow from her pussy, ass, mouth and nostrils.

After that, the prisoner released her, dropping her to the floor. Aria

" Huhuhuhu!! *cough! *cough! Huhuhuhuhuuuuu!! " Aria is coughing and crying pitifully. Her sound is heartbreaking as her parents also cried when they saw their creampied daughter, however, when they thought their daughter's free from the prisoner, they're wrong. As prisoner B impales his dick into Aria.

" NOOOOOOO!!!!! " Aria screamed, but her scream only caused the prisoner to get excited even more.

" YOU MONSTERS! LET MY DAUGHTER GO ALREADY FOR FXCK SAKE. *sob *sob HASN'T YOU HAD ENOUGH? " Aria's father said with his teary bleeding eyes. His voice is weak and low which caused Gilga to bandage him and let him change to a normal seat with his limbs tied up, preventing him from dying because of blood loss.

" It's too early to die. So enjoy the rest of the show. " Gilga said as he pours cold water on Aria's father.


" You see. I haven't finished breaking you, your wife and your daughter yet. Unless I totally break you guys, I won't let you die. " Gilga said while sneering evilly. And then, he installed two wires that's dangling on the chair to hold Aria's father and mother's mouth, preventing them from doing a suicide by biting their tongue.


" It's no use. You made this place specially soundproofed. No need to waste your energy on attracting people's attention by screaming like that. Hahahaha! " Gilga laughed maniacally.

" AHHHH!!!!! " Aria's scream once again reverberates. She now is being sandwiched by two prisoners. Prisoner B and C is standing face to face while Aria is in the middle. Prisoner B and C impaled their penises on Aria's pussy, spreading it wide, and hurting her even more. " NOOO!!! P.... PLEASE... NO MORE..... I..... I'LL..... I'LL DIEEEEE!!! " Aria shouted and cried, but prisoner A silenced her by forcing his penis into her throat again.

" Fufufufu. Like hell you'll die from that. " Gilga chuckled as he looked at the pitiful situation Aria is in.

After that, Prisoner A, B and C moved their hips together, thrusting their dicks deeper inside Aria, pounding her mouth and pussy harder and harder. After Aria came 8 times in a row, the three prisoners came and shoot their cum inside Aria. After that, the three prisoners breathed their last breath and fall to the ground with smiling faces, seemingly satisfied.

' Rest in pieces. ' Gilga prayed.

"Hey sir... Why did you stop?? Let's continue... " Aria said while moving her hips above the deceased prisoners. Aria's father and mother who witnessed this scene gasps in disbelief at how broken their children has really become.

" One broken, two to go. " Gilga sneered as he gets close to Aria. And when he's near her, he kicked her, causing her to fall on the ground with disturbing smile full of lust plastered on her face.

" WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO TO HER? STAY AWAY FROM HER!!! " Aria's father roared as he regained his stamina again.

" Hmm. Looks like she's infected by Lubora. " Gilga said. This shocking news caused Aria's parents face to turn pale.

" What did you say? " Aria's mother asked in terror. Not wanting to believe what she had just heard.

" I said, your daughter is infected with Lubora. Look at her pussy. There's red spots spreading on it already. " Gilga said as she raised Aria and let her parents see her pussy, and indeed red spot which Lubora patient possessed can be seen near her pussy.

" No. It can't be! " Aria's father said in terror.

" Oh yes it does. And now, it's time for execution! " Gilga said as he takes out five envelopes. " These envelops are torture methods I will use before killing you. Each one of you, choose one of these envelopes. " Gilga said.

" Are you insane?! You're asking us to choose how we are going to be tortured before we die?? From a stupid lottery?! " Aria's father roared. " There's no way we'll choose it! " Aria's father said angrily.

" Then I'll choose one for you. And believe me. If I'm the one who choose it, I'll pick the most painful methods for each you. " Gilga said sadistically.

" M... Middle one. I'll take the middle one! " Aria's father said.

" Pick your choice miss. And don't think about not choosing. " Gilga said threateningly as he shows Aria's mother the six envelopes left.

" I'll... I'll... I'll pick the... the furthest left. " Aria's mother said.

" And you. Which one will you pick? " Gilga asked the broken Aria.

" I... I... " Aria keeps saying ' I ' word repeatedly with her tongue stretched out.

" Oh yeah. You're too broken to speak for yourself. So, I'll pick this for you. " Gilga said as he picks an envelope for her. "Well, let's administer your punishment shall we? " Gilga grinned as she grabs Aria's hand, which is tied on her back, and forcefully lifts it.

" Argh!!! Huhuhu..... It hurts.... My arms... I.. I can't feel them... " Aria cried weakly as her shoulder's joints are dislocated.

After that, Gilga tied her hand on the chains which is dangling above them. After that, Gilga heads towards Aria's father.

" W... What are you... " Before Aria's father finishes his word, Gilga knocks him out. And that, he felt cold water on his face causing him to wake up where he found himself hung with his wife on his left, while his daughter on his right.

" Now then, Let's start with your wife then " Gilga said as he pulls Aria's mother in front of him. And then he takes out an item which is like a scissor with four claws.

" Wait!! What the hell is that? " Aria's father asked in horror, looking at the strange device on Gilga's hand.

" It's something called a Breast Ripper. " Gilga said as he extends the Breast Ripper to Aria's mother's left breast. " And as it's name implies, it does this.... kind of thing. " Gilga said as he clenches the Breast Ripper and pulls it.

" AAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! " Aria's mother roared in pain as her breast is slowly being ripped apart. Blood gushes out from her left chest.

" Noo!!! Just kill us already! Don't you want us broken? Now that we've broken, you still won't kill us? " Aria's dad asked.

" I said I'll kill you, but I don't say I'll kill you instantly didn't I? " Gilga sneered, silencing Aria's dad.

" Please. Just let me die already... I... I... AAARRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! " Aria's mother sobbed and then roared in pain as Gilga ripped her right breast, causing blood to flow from her now flat chest.

" You chose Breast Ripper, thus ending your punishment here. " Gilga said as he points Black's Bane to her neck. " Now, you can die. " Gilga then stabs her neck and inject potent poison, dissolving her body, leaving only her head. " And then, it's your turn. " Gilga said as he heads towards Aria's father and he takes out a transparent glass pot after putting the lifeless head Aria's mother on the table.

" W... What are you going to do with that?!!! Just kill me already dammit! " Aria's father said hysterically but got knocked out by Gilga once again. When he came to, his limbs are tied and stretched in four direction. He could hear squeaking voices coming from his side.

" Now, enjoy yourself. " Gilga said as he put the transparent pot on Aria's father stomach. Inside the pot is two huge rodents. And then Gilga used torch to hear the pot, and sensing the increase in temperature, the rodents starts running around the pot, before finally deciding to create their way out by gnawing the flesh below them.

" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGHHHHH! " Aria's father roared and screamed in pain as his stomach is being gnawed and eaten. After a few minutes, a hole has been made in his gut. And then Gilga stabs his throat, again, dissolving his body, leaving only his lifeless head which Gilga arranged beside his wife.

" And the last one is you. " Gilga said as he heads to Aria who's crying while looking at the two heads in front of her.

" Mom? Dad? Why are you? GYAHHHHH!!!!!! " Aria said, but before she finished her word, excruciating pain caused her to scream louder and louder. The cause of the pain is Gilga, who's slowly slicing her abdomen to her chest, revealing her innards.

" AAAAAAAAAARRRRRGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! " Aria's roar becomes louder as Gilga sprinkles salt and lime on her open wounds. And then using scissors, Gilga cut her intestine and extract it, after her intestines are wiped out, Gilga continues with her kidney, then liver, pancreas, stomach, and then lungs.

" As I've said, no use screaming for... " Gilga said, but before he finished his sentence, he notices that Aria has ceased to live as her last breath left her and her heart stopped beating after Gilga extracted her lungs. " Dying without my permission... Well, at least I'm satisfied with their death. " Gilga smiled evilly before dissolving her body, and leaving only her head like what he did to her parents.

' I'm tired now. Let's head back to Sayo and Navia. ' Gilga thought and then he returns to the mansion, disposes of the guards and maids and wipes their blood trails before he takes a bath, heads back to the girls room, snuggles on their bed and hugs the two of them.